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15 ejemplos de diseños web con imágenes grandes Ya que nos atrevimos a augurar cómo sería el 2015 en cuanto a diseño web, ahora os traemos ejemplos que dan fe de que no nos equivocábamos. Comenzamos con la tendencia de utilizar imágenes grandes. Os mostramos nuestra mejor recopilación. Visual Tools To Aid Your Daily Inspirational Process Today we have gathered together a small but interesting toolkit which is going to help you find and harness the inspiration you need on a daily basis. The creative process for web designers is unrelenting, we all need a little help from time to time to unearth the visual inspiration, new ways to interact, content architecture, and other ideas. This toolkit doesn't center on content but rather provides tools which we can use to curate and organize content. It goes without saying that there are hundreds of tools and utilities which do this job, but we have gathered a concise selection of visual bookmarklets, chrome extensions, and other bits and bobs which the team here at Awwwards couldn't live without - you won't be able to either once you give them a try! PinBoards and Visual Inspiration Tools Niice - A search engine with taste Niice is a search engine for inspiration whose results are curated resources from sites such as Behance, Dribbble and Designspiration.

10 claves para rediseñar tu web 1. Elimina los recursos molestos En primer lugar, piensa en qué tipos de recursos molestarán a tus usuarios. A continuación, estudia a tus competidores y el feedback dado por los propios navegantes. Y, por último, analiza y comprueba si la tasa de rebote de tu webLa tasa de rebote es una métrica que nos muestra el porcentaje de abandono de visitantes cuando entran en nuestra página web...

website dimensions - exact pixels - live check The New Rules for Scrolling in Web Design What was once taboo in website design has made a complete resurgence as one of the most popular techniques in recent years as users are finding a new love and appreciation for sites where scrolling is a necessity. Shedding its old stigmas, scrolling is reinventing itself as a core interaction design element – that also means designers need to learn the new rules. Photo credit: Fitbit In this piece, we’ll explore the rebirth of scrolling, discuss some pros and cons, and list out some quick tips for the technique. Why Scrolling is Reborn

13 Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design Skills Designing your company website can be a challenging proposition. You’ve got to juggle the expectations of many stakeholders, and you can often hit obstacles that prevent new ideas from emerging. I was the design manager for a large company website for nearly six years, and during that time, I found myself losing perspective of what our target audiences really needed. Call it “tunnel vision.” 15 Great Examples of Calls-to-Action for Lead Generation Ever tried so hard NOT to click on a graphical link or button on a website only to be thwarted by the tantalizing message and promise of what would be on the other side? Well my friends…you've just witnessed examples of calls-to-action working effectively. It gave

Design Trend: Using Watercolor Patterns in Web Design Design Trend: Using Watercolor Patterns in Web Design Add a little art to your web design with the watercolor trend. Watercolor techniques are a popular design option because they are fun, easy to use and work with a variety of different types of content.
