Stop the Net Grab Stop the Net Grab To voting members of the World Conference on International Telecommunications: I strongly oppose any attempt to undermine the fundamental freedoms of citizens online. I urge you to use your voting power to reject the proposal that would change forever the rules that govern the internet. I value my access to the internet as information source, a vital mode of communication... I value my access to the internet as information source, a vital mode of communication and a source of connection and global exchange. - Charge users for services such as email and Skype;- Allow governments greater powers to restrict access to the internet;- Increase government ability to monitor and constrain internet usage; and- Hurt internet users in the poorest countries most of all. This is a direct threat to my right to access the internet that has implications for freedom of association and freedom of speech.
French Court Rules It Unconstitutional To Cut Anybody Off From Water! It is now illegal for companies to shut off residents' water even if they cannot afford to pay their bill. France is on a roll. First it passed legislation banning stores from wasting food, then news surfaced of the instigator behind that movement aspiring to take it global, and now the county’s court has just ruled that it is unconstitutional to cut anybody off from water even if they are unable to pay for it. What this ruling means is that companies will have no choice but to continue serving water to households even if they cannot afford to pay their bill. As reports: The Constitutional Council has validated Friday a total ban on water cuts introduced into French law in 2013 but contested by the Saur distributor. As water is a basic necessity for life, should access always be offered to those in need – regardless if they can pay for it ? This article (French Court Rules It Unconstitutional To Cut Anybody Off From Water) is free and open source.
Mise en perspective comparée du développement de l’irrigation aux États-Unis et en France 1L’irrigation agricole est un facteur d’augmentation et de diversification des cultures. C’est pourquoi son développement a longtemps été encouragé en France au travers des politiques agricoles nationale et communautaire. Les agriculteurs qui ont su négocier au cours des années 1960 et 1970 le virage du productivisme ont vite rentabilisé l’achat d’équipements coûteux mais partiellement subventionnés. 2Face à ces problèmes, les gouvernements successifs ont jusqu’à maintenant cherché à durcir le droit de l’eau tout en ménageant les intérêts des irrigants. 3Aux États-Unis, l’irrigation constitue le socle du développement agricole de l’Ouest depuis le XIXe s. 4Cet article opère un retour sur le développement de l’irrigation aux États-Unis et en France. Le développement de l’irrigation agricole en France 5L’irrigation a connu en France métropolitaine un fort développement entre 1965 et 1995. 1 source : Source : Ministère de l’agriculture
Trans-Pacific Partnership undermines health system - Opinion The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a deal that is being secretly negotiated by the White House, with the help of more than 600 corporate advisers and Pacific Rim nations, including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. While the TPP is being called a trade agreement, the US already has trade agreements covering 90 percent of the GDP of the countries involved in the talks. Instead, the TPP is a major power grab by large corporations. The text of the TPP includes 29 chapters, only five of which are about trade. The remaining chapters are focused on changes that multinational corporations have not been able to pass in Congress such as restrictions on internet privacy, increased patent protections, greater access to litigation and further financial deregulation. So far, all that is known about the contents of the TPP is from documents that have been leaked and reports from NGOs and industry meetings. Patents keep prices high
Water Liberty: How Innovation Trumps Privatization Rady AnandaActivist Post The World Bank joins Nestlé in wanting to privatize water, deeming it “extremist” to suggest that those born on this planet have a natural right to clean, potable water. Meanwhile, RT’s Abby Martin reports that the watchdog group Corporate Accountability International recently released a new analysis showing that: Investing in private water does not extend access and is also counterproductive for economic development. Also commenting on the World Bank’s push for water privatization, Al Jazeera reports: Its project database for private participation in infrastructure documents a 34 percent failure rate for all private water and sewerage contracts entered into between 2000 and 2010, compared with a failure rate of just 6 percent for energy, 3 percent for telecommunications and 7 percent for transportation, during the same period. Whether public or private, water supplies are dwindling. Even better is the $500 system developed in Ethiopa. Recently by Rady Ananda:
A Manifesto for Economic Sense World Water Day: one in four children will live with water scarcity by 2040 | Global development One in four of the world’s children will be living in areas with extremely limited water resources by 2040 as a result of climate change, the UN has warned. Within two decades, 600 million children will be in regions enduring extreme water stress, with a great deal of competition for the available supply. The poorest and most disadvantaged will suffer most, according to research published by the children’s agency, Unicef, to mark World Water Day on Wednesday. Drought conditions and conflict are driving deadly water scarcity in parts of Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. Unicef anticipates that more than 9 million people will be without safe drinking water this year in Ethiopia alone. Nearly 1.4 million children face imminent risk of death from acute malnutrition in South Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen. “Iran is facing a water crisis that is unparallelled in its modern history. “We want to reduce child deaths.
BürgerEnergie Berlin – KommunalWiki Die BürgerEnergie Berlin eG i.G. ist eine 2012 gegründete Genossenschaft in Berlin mit dem Ziel, 2014 das Berliner Stromnetz zu erwerben und in Bürgerhand zu bringen. [Bearbeiten] Hintergrund Derzeit wird das 35.508 km lange Berliner Stromnetz, das rund 2,3 Mio. KundInnen versorgt[1], von Vattenfall betrieben. Der zugrundeliegende Konzessionsvertrag läuft 2014 aus und wird ab 2012 neu verhandelt. [Bearbeiten] Ziele Die Genossenschaft verbindet damit energiepolitische, aber auch regionalwirtschaftliche Ziele: Erneuerbare Energien sollen ebenso gefördert werden wie die Wertschöpfung in der Region. Die Genossenschaft strebt den vollständigen Erwerb des Berliner Stromnetzes an. [Bearbeiten] Genossenschaft Bürgerinnen und Bürger (auch solche, die nicht in Berlin wohnen) können mit einer Mindesteinlage von 500 €, im Ausnahmefall auch weniger, Mitglied der Genossenschaft werden. [Bearbeiten] Fußnoten ↑ Tagesspiegel: Stromnetz soll in öffentliche Hand, 26. [Bearbeiten] Weblinks
European Water Movement · Protecting Water as a Commons Schluss mit der Nahrungsmittel-Spekulation! Wahrscheinliche Ursachen: Die Adresse enthält einen Tippfehler Der Link, auf den Sie geklickt haben, ist eventuell nicht mehr aktuell. Hier geht's zurück: foodwatch Startseite {*style:<b> Sie werden in 5 Sekunden auf die Startseite von weitergeleitet. Weitere Informationen zum Thema Spekulieren auf Kosten der Ärmsten Die Spekulation mit Agrar-Rohstoffen treibt Nahrungsmittelpreise in die Höhe. Nachrichten zum Thema Lebensmittel-Spekulation mehr » Den Einfluss von Finanzanlegern zurückdrängen foodwatch fordert, die Spekulation mit Agrar-Rohstoffen wirksam zu begrenzen. 84 Prozent lehnen Spekulation mit Lebensmitteln ab Dass Deutsche Bank und Co. mit Agrar-Rohstoffen spekulieren, halten 84 Prozent der Bundesbürger für „nicht akzeptabel“. 66 Prozent erwarten, dass Banken aus diesen Geschäften aussteigen. Instrumente gegen Rohstoff-Spekulation Wie Spekulationsgeschäfte den Hunger befördern Gegen die unmoralische Nahrungsmittelspekulation!
Wall Street Mega-Banks Are Buying Up The World's Water A disturbing trend in the water sector is accelerating worldwide. The new “water barons” — the Wall Street banks and elitist multibillionaires — are buying up water all over the world at unprecedented pace. Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank, the Blackstone Group, Allianz, and HSBC Bank, among others, are consolidating their control over water. Wealthy tycoons such as T. The second disturbing trend is that while the new water barons are buying up water all over the world, governments are moving fast to limit citizens’ ability to become water self-sufficient (as evidenced by the well-publicized Gary Harrington’s case in Oregon, in which the state criminalized the collection of rainwater in three ponds located on his private land, by convicting him on nine counts and sentencing him for 30 days in jail). Billionaire T. “Water is the oil of the 21st century.” 1. 1.
Petition gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung - zeichne mit! How Nestle Nigeria contaminates water supply of its host community in Abuja | The ICIR ON April 14, 2016, Nestle Nigeria assembled a team of geological experts, businessmen and politicians to witness the commissioning of a N5.6 billion water factory in Manderegi, an agrarian community in Abaji local government area of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The factory is celebrated as the most modern water plant in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the event, Nestle Nigeria promised to provide free access to potable water for not fewer than 1,000 residents of the community and improve technical competencies locally by establishing a technical training centre for the youths in Abaji. Broken Promises, Deferred Hope Two years after the water plant started full-scale operations, residents of Manderegi and its environs continue to struggle with chronic water shortages as the stream that serves as an alternative source of water supply is contaminated with wastewater directly pumped from the Nestle’s water factory. Time has proved Garba wrong. Burden bearers of Manderegi Another Threat Related
15.10.11 | Echte Demokratie Jetzt! Filmtipp: Damals, am 15. Oktober 2011 _bitte beteiligen: 15. Oktober: Teilnehmerzahlen und Infos eintragen/lesen _ Berichterstattung 15.10. Die 15M-Bewegung in Spanien initiierte (gemeinsam mit Attac) den 15. “Wenn Dich jemand fragt, wer hinter diesem Aufruf steht, weißt du was du antworten kannst: “Ich” – Weil es das ist, was wir brauchen, Menschen, die sich die Welt selbst wieder zu eigen machen, ohne Parteien, Gewerkschaften oder Gruppen, die ihnen sagen, was sie tun sollen, die sich einfach versammeln und ihre kollektive Intelligenz nutzen und beginnen darüber nachzudenken, was mit diesem Planeten zu machen. Infos und Orte eintragen und finden unter Termine Deutschland / | wo überall auf der Welt ? _ weitere Infos zu Deutschland / aktuelles auf facebook: Echte Demokratie jetzt 48 Stunden: chat [1], audio-chat [2] and video chat [3], open collaborative document [4] Democracia Real Ya: Aufruf zu internationalen gewaltlosen Protesten am 15.