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INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE. NEWS, COMMENTARY & INSIGHT 'Most Palestinians want ceasefire' A poll of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, released Wednesday, showed that most Palestinians do not want a renewal of violence. Arab World for Research and Development, an institute located in Ramallah polled 1,2000 Palestinians - men and women, refugees and non-refugees - in 16 towns at the end of June. Joint poll shows doubts over Palestinian state Barak: There is a good chance for direct talks Two-thirds of those surveyed believe Hamas should renew its ceasefire with Israel after it expires in September, and it should not resume use of missiles against targets in Israel. However, nearly half oppose direct talks with Israel. Half of those polled would vote for Salam Fayyad as Palestinian prime minister, with only 22 percent favoring Hamas's Ismail Haniyeh. The vast majority of Palestinians think creating jobs and fighting poverty is the most important issue facing Palestinians, with 75% saying the Palestinian economy is deteriorating.

Hjerneforskningen er kun lige begyndt Giver det mening at stille kriminelle til ansvar for deres handlinger, når nu hjerneforskningen har vist, at vi ikke har fri vilje? Dette spørgsmål stiller Nikolaj Theil i kommentaren ’Amagermanden hinsides skyld’, bragt i Information d. 23.11. Årsagerne til kriminelle handlinger har oprindelse i hjernen og er ikke et udtryk for ’jegets’ frie vilje. Det giver derfor ikke mening at snakke om skyld og straf. Dette gælder ikke kun kriminelle, men alle mennesker og alle handlinger. Men her er en fundamental fejl: Selv om hjernen beskrives som årsag til alle handlinger, glemmer forfatteren at fortælle, hvad der menes med ’Jeget’. Denne idé spores tilbage til de antikke filosoffer, men er især forbundet med den franske filosof René Descartes. Problemet er, at for at Jeget kan opleve, hvad hjernen præsenterer i kontrolrummet, må Jeget naturligvis selv have kropslige sanseorganer, som samles i et nyt kontrolrum osv., i et uendeligt loop. Har vi fri vilje?

TomDispatch Media Lens Death by Remote: But Is It Legal? NEW YORK, Jul 4, 2010 (IPS) - As the Barack Obama administration continues to roll out justifications for its policy of targeting U.S. citizens and others thought to be attacking U.S. troops, legal and national security experts are pondering a central question: What if there's a mistake and the wrong person gets killed? There are no do-overs. It is a death sentence. That, in fact, has already happened. Al-Awlaki, 39, was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and is an Islamic lecturer who is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Yemen. Michael Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, does not say whether al-Awlaki is on a U.S. target list, but a senior U.S. counterterrorism official has previously confirmed that the cleric is among terror targets sought to be captured or killed. What does the law say about targeting and killing people? Much of the discussion thus far has been about the constitutionality of such killings. Except for those who do not believe the U.S. is at war. Prof.

Conspiracy Theorist conspiracy theorist » Bush and His Aides Made 935 False Statements about Iraq In the 2 Years After 9/11 Given the Republican obsession with Benghazi talking points, it’s time for a very specific flashback. In 2008, two non partisan groups released a study that determined that President Bush and his top aides made Read More » Something Is Wrong – Do You Feel It? There is something "in the air" these days and many people are feeling it. Report: U.S. Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has been deemed credible by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators (free subscription required), and a coalition of prominent conservative and liberal groups George W Bush Practically Admits 9/11 was a ‘Conspiracy’ Plot Interesting recent interview: George almost slips - 9/11 was a cons plot!!! 100 Critical Points About 9/11 It's time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. The 9/11 Truth vs.The BBC Court Case British Man Wins Small Victory For 9/11 Truthers

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