Take Sambucol-Coronovirus Self-Assistance – Part 1 | PSI, Inc. Published on March 21, 2020 Written by Geraint Hughes As a good starting point, I would suggest Sambucol. Many studies have been conducted on it and found it to be beneficial against many different types of flu viruses, none have been conducted on Coronavirus of course, but seeing as Coronavirus is a flu type virus, it seems perfectly reasonable that a cheap, easily available product which assists against one type may also be of benefit against another type. What is Sambucol? If the link is to believed, and I have no valid reason to doubt it, it helps against the flu. Let’s look at some specific research as well. “Elderberry compounds could help minimize flu symptoms, study suggests” This is what they concluded. “What our study has shown is that the common elderberry has a potent direct antiviral effect against the flu virus,” said Dr Golnoosh Torabian.
Structure - Structural Basis of the PNRC2-Mediated Link between mRNA Surveillance and Decapping To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription. Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. Figure 1 Comparison of Dcp1aEVH1 with EVH1 Domains from ScDcp1, Mena, Homer, and N-Wasp (A) Schematic diagrams of domain organization of PNRC2 and hDcp1a. (B) Structure of Dcp1aEVH1 (pale green) in complex with PNRC2 (pink) with secondary elements labeled and the N-terminal helix colored in blue. (C) Structure of ScDcp1 (pale green) with the N-terminal region and the insertion helices shown in blue and orange, respectively. (D) Structure of Mena EVH1 domain (lemon) in complex with the FPPPP peptide from ActA (magenta). (E) Structure of the Homer EVH1 domain (lemon) in complex with TPPSPF peptide from mGluR (magenta). (F) NMR structure of N-Wasp EVH1 (lemon) in complex with WIP peptide (magenta). Figure 2 Surface Views of the Interfaces between the EVH1 Domains and Their PRS Ligands Residues involved in the interfaces are labeled and shown as stick models.
Biology Teaching & Learning Resources. Educational articles, drawings, experiments & PowerPoint presentations by D G Mackean An Experiment to Teach Sparrows New Songs Proved a Wild Success You can’t teach an adult bird a new tune. Or can you? New research proves that wild Savannah Sparrows can learn to sing different melodies at two ages, shedding light on critical learning periods for songbirds. Previously only seen in laboratory settings, this is the first experimental study to show the behavior in wild subjects. Savannah Sparrows, which are found in grasslands and coastal habitats across North America, sing slightly varied tunes depending on their location. Mennill’s team took songs recorded on the West Coast and broadcast them to Kent Island birds on the East Coast. Three male Savannah Sparrows singing the typical Kent Island song: Three male Savannah Sparrows singing West Coast songs: Vocal learning occurs when animals echo fresh sounds or modify existing ones based on what they hear in their environment. Trying a new tune didn't seem to affect these sparrows' chances at romance, however. Using the right sound system proved to be a key element.
Elsevier Remaining calm in adversity: What Stoicism can teach us during the coronavirus pandemic People around the world are feeling rudderless and adrift. There’s conflicting information about the pandemic – but it’s not just about health. People losing work, feeling frightened, being isolated at home, worried about their loved ones and wondering about getting basic supplies. We all must make ethical decisions in this pandemic. Should I take that second pack of toilet paper for my family, or leave it for the next? Should essential workers stay home to protect themselves? Responses are varied. The more we read, the more anxious we become. Stoicism is an ancient tool for remaining calm in adversity. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that was founded by Zeno of Citium, in Athens, in the early 3rd century BC. Stoics welcomed hard times – they saw their life as training for moments such as the one we are in now, where character, resilience and courage are tested. Keeping calm In times like this it’s easy to spiral into anxiety. Ethics We are all connected Negative visualisation
A Role for H2B Ubiquitylation in DNA Replication To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription. Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. Figure 1 H2Bub1 Is Maintained on Replicating DNA ChIP analysis of H2Bub1 and Flag-Bre1 at selected replication origins in log phase cells. (A) H2Bub1 (left) and Flag-Bre1 (right) levels in G2/M and G1 arrested cells. (B–E) G1 cells arrested with α factor were released into 0.2 M hydroxyurea (HU). Error bars indicate the standard deviation from two to three independent experiments (A, C, D, and E) or three technical replicates (B). Figure 2 htb-K123R Cells Are Sensitive to Hydroxyurea and Show a Delay in S Phase Entry (A) Wild-type (WT) and htb-K123R cells were serially diluted and spotted onto YPD plates containing HU and were photographed after 3 days. (B) Rad53 phosphorylation was analyzed by western blot analysis of TCA extracts with a polyclonal Rad53 antibody. See also Figures S2 and S3 . Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 See also Figures S8 and S9 . Figure 7
Rhesus Monkeys Can Assess The Visual Perspective Of Others When Competing For Food -- ScienceDaily Researchers Jonathan Flombaum and Dr. Laurie Santos, both from Yale University, have found that rhesus monkeys consider whether a competitor can or cannot see them when trying to steal food. Working with semi-free-ranging rhesus monkeys on the island of Cayo Santiago in Puerto Rico, Flombaum and Santos set up a food competition game: Lone monkeys were approached by two human "competitors." Each competitor had a grape affixed to a platform by his feet. In each experiment, one of the competitors could see the monkey in front of them, but the other could not. For example, in Experiment 1, one of the competitors stood with his back to the monkey subject, while the other stood facing the subject. In previous studies, rhesus monkeys (and other primates) were thought to do no more than merely follow the gaze of others. Jonathan I. The other members of the research team include Jonathan I.
Résumé traduit : Les taux élevés de réplication et de mutation des virus à ARN peuvent entraîner l'émergence de nouvelles variantes épidémiques. Ainsi, la capacité de suivre les trajectoires évolutives des virus spécifiques à l'hôte est essentielle pour prévoir et prévenir les épidémies. En étudiant l'évolution spatiale et temporelle du virus chikungunya lors de la transmission naturelle entre les moustiques et les mammifères, nous avons identifié des intermédiaires évolutifs viraux avant l'émergence. Ainsi, les trajectoires évolutives du virus peuvent être prédites et étudiées à court terme avant que de nouvelles variantes ne déplacent les souches actuellement en circulation. by guatemalt Jul 4
Site à revoir en terme d'accessibilité et de traitement de données 🙂 by paullebreton Feb 8