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Emerald City Comicon kicks off con season this weekend and the show is bigger this year than ever before. This is my favorite comic show of the year and I never miss it. This year I'll be at booth 1320 with Brad Guigar and Tavis Maiden. Brad will have all copies of his Webcomics Handbook on sale. The sequel to our co-authored How to Make Webcomics, the Webcomics Handbook is a wonderful tool to help you develop and launch your own webcomic. Tavis Maiden will be bringing some treasures from the recently released Tenko King, including pins, patches and prints.

What's New with Phil & Dixie Online Comics Welcome! The comics you'll find here were written and drawn in the 1980's and 1990's. They appeared in Dragon magazine: TSR's Dungeons & Dragons publication. So yes, they're all about RPGs and the gamers who love them. What's New collections on paper can be had from your local book or comic store, or our Studio Foglio Online Company Store.

throwing a banana cream pie in the face of technology. The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture, created by Nitrozac and Snaggy, and updated three times a week. We like to feature the people and events that are making today's tech and pop culture news. We've been making comics on the web since early 1999, starting off with After Y2K, and then The Joy of Tech, which is now in its whoa... 17th year! deep-dark-fears Hi folks! I made the cover for the second printing of the Over The Garden Wall comic book, issue no. 2! Ask for it at your local comic book store! SUBNORMALITY! All content copyright Winston Rowntree, 2015. Museum previously seen here and then here.

bird and moon Hey all, I’m seeing an awful lot of very cute pictures of songbirds sitting on the ground, often on pavement. These lovely guys are amazingly approachable, but it’s often for reasons unrelated to them having a super-chill day. So, here’s the story: Have you ever walked into a perfectly cleaned, nearly invisible glass door or window? Embarrassing, no? Now, try doing it at full speed, in the dark, immediately after taking a long (and self-powered!) Webcomics My first webcomic launched with this site in 1998. From 1998 to 2004, I regularly posted new comics in various experimental formats, occasionally getting into long online debates about whether this-or-that format was a step toward the future of comics or just a gimmicky dead-end. Most of the comics in this section play with the idea of treating the screen as a window rather than a page (the so-called "infinite canvas" style, most often associated with my book Reinventing Comics).

Tone Cartoons Well look where we are ? Half way through the project and it feels like I’ve done hundreds of Dalek cartoons hold on, I have done hundreds :O) I want to take this opportunity to thank a few people for their help and support, oh and by the way if I’ve forgotten anyone or missed you off the list. pull your finger out and do more and then you might get noticed. @BeardedDalek @HolyDalek @UnemployedDalek @StBeals @StiKtoonz @Brad_Joyc3 @bwitchdkitty @Doctor_No1 @LearnToSpeakCat @mrJimer @DalekThay @samurang87 @INKOUTBREAK @ObliviousDalek @paul_bowler @InPrint_Comic @gilbertandgrim @CaliforniaDalek @TheCultDen @therapytales @DoctorWhoHub @LisaRFM @NobbyNobody @Pogo01 THANK YOU and see you all tomorrow at ten :OP

Wayward Sons: Legends - Sci-Fi Full Page Webcomic - Updates Daily New Adventures WithOccasional Updates Written, Lettered & Createdby Benny R. PowellPencil Artwork by Weilin YangFinishes by Youjun YangColors by Kun Song <a href=" the discussion thread.

I feel so awesome To wet your appetite with the bonus story found in our new EC book, here's a sample page of the 8 page print-exclusive bonus story. We're pretty happy with the story, so we hope you'll like it! Also, the crossover between Magick Chicks and Eerie Cuties is in full swing.

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