Contact Us New to Precision Nutrition and have questions? Or maybe looking for support? We're here to help. The fastest way to connect with our team is to email us at We'd love to hear from you. Note: Customers and clients, please use Nutrition Questions We get a lot of email, which is awesome. However, because of this, we can't always respond to requests for personal nutrition and exercise advice from folks who aren't clients. For guaranteed responses, you have two options. Second, you can sign up for personal coaching. Our Location Precision Nutrition Inc. currently operates out of Toronto, Canada. Our USA orders are shipped from Dallas, TX , USA and our Canadian and international orders are shipped from Toronto, ON, Canada. Hours of Operation Our sales and customer service departments are open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST, Monday to Friday – with the exception of national holidays. Shipping Information Typical Delivery Times Order Tracking
The 3 Fears Employee’s Have About Engagement — and How to Confront Them Employee engagement initiatives don’t have to be stressful. Too many times, we’ve seen organizations dragging their feet on engagement work. And we get it; change is hard, and a new engagement initiative can mean big changes in culture and operations at an organization. But, those changes result in very good things — like better retention, more satisfied employees, higher productivity and a healthier bottom line. In many cases, the source of your stress are actually unfounded fears. 1. If you’re considering an employee engagement initiative, it’s probably because you believe people are disengaged at your organization. But what if it’s even worse than you think it is? For many leaders, contemplating those questions are a fast track to stress. The reality: It’s impossible to manage engagement without knowing your baseline. 2. Some HR departments hold off on engagement initiatives because they may think that employee engagement is a passing fad or another box to check off. 3.
Logistic regression In statistics, logistic regression, or logit regression, or logit model[1] is a type of probabilistic statistical classification model.[2] It is also used to predict a binary response from a binary predictor, used for predicting the outcome of a categorical dependent variable (i.e., a class label) based on one or more predictor variables (features). That is, it is used in estimating the parameters of a qualitative response model. The probabilities describing the possible outcomes of a single trial are modeled, as a function of the explanatory (predictor) variables, using a logistic function. Frequently (and hereafter in this article) "logistic regression" is used to refer specifically to the problem in which the dependent variable is binary—that is, the number of available categories is two—while problems with more than two categories are referred to as multinomial logistic regression or, if the multiple categories are ordered, as ordered logistic regression. Basics[edit] Figure 1. If
Juha Siltala: Jos liian moni syrjäytyy arvoketjusta ja palkat painuvat liian alas, kulutus ei pyöritä taloutta ”Satasten ja muutamien tonnien maailmassa täytyy ansaita leipänsä otsa hiessä, kymppien korvausten tarkasta syynistä puhumattakaan. Mitä isompiin summiin edetään, sitä kauemmas vastuu loittonee ja rahan sidos raadanta-arvoon höltyy”, kirjoittaa Juha Siltala Kanava-lehden numerossa 8/2019. Suomen Kuvalehti julkaisee kirjoituksen kokonaisuudessaan. Nousukausi hiipuu Suomessa juuri kun se ehti alkaa. USA:ssa koko 2010-luvun jatkunut nousu ehti jo vetää osakearvot ennätyksellisen ylös, mutta kurssinousu ei sielläkään johtunut yhtiöiden lupaamista tuotoista vaan siitä, ettei sijoitusrahalle löytynyt turvallisempaa parkkipaikkaa. Euroopan talouskasvun todetaan suorastaan pysähtyneen. Tuottavuuskasvun hiipuminen on saanut sekä USA:n Business Forumin konsernijohtajat että Financial Timesin vaatimaan kapitalismin uudistamista sellaiseksi, että myös palkkatasosta, investoinneista, koulutuksesta ja ympäristönsuojelusta pidettäisiin huolta. Maailmantaloutta on elvytetty halvan koron dopingilla.
Berlin | Programme Startupbootcamp Berlin is the leading global startup accelerator with a focus on Smart Transportation & Energy - The Connected and Efficient Mobility of People and Goods. The Berlin program has pivoted to focus on Smart Transportation and Energy, and a new program is being built in San Francisco with a planned launch in the Fall of 2014. We are very proud to have the following major global brands as partners: Cisco, HERE, Castrol innoVentures, Bosch, EnBW and Mercedes-Benz. These global brands love the Smart Transportation & Energy and they are supporting us with awesome mentors, access to technology and distribution power. We like "smart" startups in: Mobility & Connected Vehicles, Energy, Monitoring & Management, Big Data, Location Services, Signaling & Sensing, Logistics & Supply... Apply now for the 2014 program Hangout With Us Thinking about applying, want to meet the team, or have a specific question? Hangout with Alex Want to know the secret weapon of Startupbootcamp Berlin?
The Differences Between Managers Who Motivate and Those Who Demoralize I’ve never met a manager who intended to demoralize their staff. Many do, but that’s not their intention. In talking with them or those who report to them, what surfaces are habits, attitudes, practices, and skill deficiencies that lead their employees to disrespect, disengage, and decide to leave them for more pleasant environments. When an executive at the top of the organization notices that a manager is struggling to keep good people and suggests that manager come to us for communication coaching, it doesn’t take long in our interviewing process before we observe troubling communication habits. Similar stories appear with regularity. The big contrast in management styles Personal stories (often from the perplexed managers themselves trying to pinpoint the reason for their ineffectiveness) present striking differences in two categories of people. Motivating managers communicate the big picture. Motivating managers explain the why behind decisions, projects, and tasks.
The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves: Dan Ariely I find Dan Ariely's books to be enjoyable, enlightening and mildly annoying, in equal measures. The mildly annoying bit is surely unfair (and unreasonable) of me. I do tend to find Ariely's determinedly jaunty tone a bit wearying: he writes as if his readers were a pleasant but especially dim-witted intake of undergraduates. Ariely, to be fair, sets out to write popular science, and he succeeds admirably, although - as ever with the genre - some of the science gets lost in amongst the popularisation. All that said, this is a jolly and informative romp through some genuinely interesting current psychological thinking, entertainingly and readably presented. I do, however, have a few gripes. I also wonder what Ariely is even thinking of when he says 'So where do we stand on self-deception? But I wouldn't be making these moans and gripes if Ariely's book hadn't set me off on a number of trains of thought.
Efektiivinen kysyntä ja rakenteelliset uudistukset – Raha ja talous Viime viikkoina suomalaisessa talouspoliittisessa keskustelussa rakenteelliset uudistukset on esitetty yleislääkkeenä lähes kaikkiin Suomen talouden ongelmiin. Julkisessa keskustelussa ei yleensä tarkemmin täsmennetä, mitä rakenteellisilla uudistuksilla tarkoitetaan, mutta niiden katsotaan kuitenkin ratkaisevan niin työttömyys-, työllisyys-, kestävyysvaje- kuin kilpailukykyongelmatkin. Rakenteelliset uudistukset esitetään usein ainoana uskottavana talouspolitiikan muotona, kun taas esimerkiksi kysynnän stimuloimista pidetään hyödyltään vain marginaalisena tai jopa kokonaan haitallisena. Kuten olemme monesti todenneet, vaatimukset rakenteellisista uudistuksista nojaavat uusklassiseen maktrotalousteoriaan. On hämmästyttävää, että talouspoliittisessa keskustelussa kuvitellaan kuvatunkaltaisten rakenteellisten uudistusten parantavan työllisyystilannetta. Efektiivisen kysynnän periaate Efektiivisen kysynnän periaate pohjautuu suoraan John Maynard Keynesin Yleiseen teoriaan. Kuvio 1.
NOOSBIT - Muchos bits de innovación | Laboratorio de soluciones digitales, apps móviles, web, arquitectura de software Cliente inteligente Infinitum móvil No sufras más por la ausencia de internet, sólo configura tu usuario y contraseña la primera vez y autoconéctate a nuestros + de 5000 puntos de infinitum movil en México, localiza los más cercanos, filtra por tipo de negocio, ahorras en tu plan de datos y navegas con velocidades hasta 3X mejores que el 3G.
Leaders Can Influence, But Every Employee Owns Their Own Engagement I’ve been asked a couple of times recently, “Do you think ‘employee engagement’ has become just another business buzzword?” It’s a valid question and one that often arises from a lack of understanding – what drives engagement and why should we care? Truly engaged employees have “bought in.” They are so passionate about solving the problem, delivering the service, or achieving the goal, they willingly invest more of their own time (discretionary effort) to get those results. Does this mean they work overtime? One truth about employee engagement, however, is that we all as individuals own our own engagement. In an article last month, Gallup explained: Engagement levels tend to fluctuate substantially from team to team and from person to person within the same team … Unless employees assume some measure of responsibility for their own engagement, the efforts of their organizations, leaders, managers and teams may have a limited effect on improving engagement.” Choosing to engage yourself
The Christian Science Monitor Martin Wolf: why rigged capitalism is damaging liberal democracy “While each of our individual companies serves its own corporate purpose, we share a fundamental commitment to all of our stakeholders.” With this sentence, the US Business Roundtable, which represents the chief executives of 181 of the world’s largest companies, abandoned their longstanding view that “corporations exist principally to serve their shareholders”. This is certainly a moment. But what does — and should — that moment mean? The answer needs to start with acknowledgment of the fact that something has gone very wrong. As Jason Furman of Harvard University and Peter Orszag of Lazard Frères noted in a paper last year: “From 1948 to 1973, real median family income in the US rose 3 per cent annually. So why is the economy not delivering? That does not explain every disappointment. If one listens to the political debates in many countries, notably the US and UK, one would conclude that the disappointment is mainly the fault of imports from China or low-wage immigrants, or both. – Andrew Montalenti's blog The 5 Things That Employees Hate to Hear From New Managers Leaders want to make their mark on operations, stamp their philosophical footprint on minds, leave their legacy on hearts and in hallways. They hope their leadership will be unique, profitable, and pleasant. These are understandable goals. All too often, however, they start out with similar comments — lines that set their employees up for disappointment and disengagement rather than the intended positive pat on the back and productivity boost: 1. While it’s admirable to ask for input, the problem here is phrasing. 2. Generally tossed out during strategic planning meetings or staff retreats, this comment meant to start a brainstorming exercise sounds like such a generous gesture. The problem with this goodwill line? Even if venture capitalists have just dropped $200 million in your pocket, you’ll have to justify why one project gets funded and another does not. 3. For all our complaining, most of us become attached to our work. Yes, we’re open to progress, change, improvements, growth. 4.