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PLTS Wall Posters Draft Version 1

PLTS Wall Posters Draft Version 1
Have spent this morning compiling these draft A3 versions of student speak generic PLTS posters. Wondering if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks in advance :0) Related:  ICT

ICTmagic - home 10 Best Free Educational Games: Online Learning That's Fun and Interactive Part 1 of Online Learning Games for Families These educational games are some of the best learning experiences that can be found on the Internet, but who knew they could also be so much fun! A recent study showed that of our 53 million K–12 students, 51 million of them (or 93%) play video games.1 Wouldn't it be better if a higher percentage of these games were educational? Well, parents and educators looking for the best free educational games online need look no further than the ten great sites on this list. Each site has an educational foundation that makes learning fun for students of all ages, and every teacher will tell you that children learn best when they are having fun. Online Learning Games for Families This series of articles rounds up some of the best online games that will educate everyone in your family.

Twenty Ideas for Engaging Projects The start of the school year offers an ideal time to introduce students to project-based learning. By starting with engaging projects, you'll grab their interest while establishing a solid foundation of important skills, such as knowing how to conduct research, engage experts, and collaborate with peers. In honor of Edutopia's 20th anniversary, here are 20 project ideas to get learning off to a good start. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Please tell us about the projects you are planning for this school year.

TLO - The Learning Organisation Overview PrimarySecondary Series 2 of our At a Glance Cards deals with five (one per card) of the most influential learning behaviours QuestioningCollaboratingPlanningListeningImagining And will assist teachers to help students grow as successful learners. 5 cards per set, made from substantial card, A3 folded (4 x A4 sides) The learning behaviours described on these cards underpin the Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills which run through the secondary curriculum. Use of these cards will: Enables teachers to: Recognise what well formed learning habits consist ofAdapt their orchestration of learning to develop effective learning behavioursEngage students in reflecting on their use of learning behavioursAssist students to recognise their progress in learning behaviours Encourage students to The aim is to engage teachers in orchestrating their teaching to foster the growth of such learning habits. Each card has the same sections and layout. At a Glance cards series one are also available

social networking with students After being in full time tech integration for nearly seven years, I’ve had the privilege to return to the classroom at such a pivotal time in education. With the use of wonderful Web 2.0 tools and the ability to easily collaborate across the globe, students have opportunities today that weren’t even envisioned three years ago. One of those opportunities involves creating a professional learning community through Edmodo, a teacher moderated social network where students can share ideas, publish their work, and learn how to communicate effectively online. What better place to build on our 21st Century Skills? What can Edmodo do? Let’s take a look at some of the features: Accessing My Personal Library- A new feature that I recently discovered is the teacher personal library. Building a Student/Teacher PLC – The best feature of Edmodo is having the ability to build an online community with my students. Embedding Just About Anything - Can I just say this out loud?

Storming the castle: free courses & college credit Although the sound of the assault is barely perceptible through the thick walls of academia, the besiegers are steady and tireless as ants. How long before they break through? Colorado State University’s Global Campus will now accept credit from Udacity, an online startup whose founders believe that a “university-level education can be both high quality and low cost”. We in public higher education need to begin repositioning ourselves as providers of academic services (mentoring, advising, coaching, etc.) because there is no way we can compete with free content delivery coupled with low-cost assessment. Like this: Like Loading... Khan Academy Leskaarten - Building Learning Power Deze kaarten kunt u bestellen via het bestelformulier. Leskaarten met vijf (een per kaart) van de meest invloedrijke leergedragingen: vragen stellen samenwerken plannen luisteren verbeelden Deze leskaarten helpen om leerlingen te helpen groeien als succesvol lerenden. Het leergedrag dat beschreven wordt op deze kaarten, ondersteunen de persoonlijke, leer- en denkvaardigheden die nodig zijn in het curriculum van het voortgezet onderwijs. Het gebruik van deze kaarten zal: docenten de mogelijkheid geven om: te herkennen waaruit goed gevormd leergewoonten bestaan; hun lesmethodes aan te passen om effectief leergedrag te ontwikkelen; leerlingen te betrekken bij het ​​nadenken over hun gebruik van leergedragingen; leerlingen helpen om hun voortgang te herkennen in het leren van het gedrag. Elk van de vijf kaarten in de set gaat over een van de belangrijke gewoonten van succesvolle lerenden: Vragen stellen, samenwerken, plannen, luisteren en verbeelden. Luisteren Plannen Samenwerken
