Related: Games and quizzes
- Games
Falling Clouds Falling Clouds In this game you have to move words around to make a sentence. You can practice English grammar by rearranging words to make a complete sentence. The sentences get more complicated as you progess. Edit – In response to numerous comments and emails, the game is now slower giving more time to move the clouds around.
ESL Classroom Jeopardy Verb Tenses, Past Simple, Future, Perfect ESL Interactive Fun Games Here we have the games carefully laid out for you. Follow the links to browse the variety of games offered. Grammar Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for Practising Grammar: Present simple/present progressive games, past tense games, present perfect games, comparative/Superlatives and more... Vocabulary Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for practising English vocabulary: Lots of games by topics and game types Pronunciation Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games to practice English pronunciation, phonetics and phonics. Reading/Spelling Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games and exercises to practice reading, spelling and lexis
Irregular Plural Nouns Games Games to learn English vocabulary online, learn spelling and grammar in use. All games have sound for vocabulary and conversation practice. so you can listen and check your understanding, practice conversation, listen and repeat. There are 10+ activities with each topic providing a lot of practice for students studying English as a foreign language or just use them as games for kids to learn spelling and vocabulary online. to learn the words, spelling of irregular plural nouns, practice vocabulary and English conversation. This game focuses on irregular plural nouns with four main sections. The questions and answers for this game are as follows. Other notes: This game has both the singular noun and plural form. For teaching materials to match this game check out the links below: More activities and games to learn English: There is a new page with a short explanation about the games and exercises included in each topic --> check out the games page for those details.
ESL Games and Game Board The ESL game boards found on this page are in the form of Microsoft Word documents. It may take a few second to open. Just click, print, and photocopy. A great motivating TEFL activity. Word Skills: Review synonyms, antonyms, beginning sounds, ending sounds, middle sounds, and rhymes. Guess What: Practise the word skill of saying what things are using relative clauses such as a person who, a place where, a time when, and a thing that. Super Quiz Games: Jeaopardy-style quiz games that teachers can customize with a click! Elementary School Science: Comprehension and vocabulary questions for grade 2-4 elementary school science. What Do You Want to Do: Teach concepts vocabulary about things that kids typically want like to do such as playing a game or doing a puzzle. Content Questions: Kids answer content questions like What do seeds need to grow? Opposites: A great vocabulary review for about 60 common opposite pairs. Categories Intermediate: Students name 3 examples of a category.
Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL Happy and you Know it - refresher I find that one of the most terrifying things is when you are completely done with the lesson and you still have 10 minutes to go, and reviewing the lesson would go over about as well as giving an inspirational talk on how marching on the Trail of Tears was great for the Native Americans quads, calves, and burning unwanted pounds... it wouldn't go well. So what I've found is, or remembered is the Happy and you Know it song... and it works great on young kids and self-conscious teen agers.You remember: If you happy and you know it clap your hands....blah blah. Well change it around. I've used: happy - pat your gutsad - cry boo hooscared - scream in terrortired - go to sleep (they go crazy when you fall asleep in mid-sentence)angry - growl out loudhungry - eat you handetc... you get the idea Good Luck Sean SeidellCurrently of Tainan, Taiwan
The Starr Spangled Planner: Kaboom! Possibly The Best Center Game Ever! Do you use Kaboom! in your classroom? It has been my go-to center for the past few years, whether I'm teaching Firsties, or now third graders. If Kaboom! is new to you, or it is something you haven't yet tried in your classroom, here are some great reasons to give it a try:1. When I was first introduced to this game by a dear, sweet teacher friend, I didn't believe it! Well, I was happily proved wrong! When I say that I find a way to use Kaboom! Number Identification & CountingCoins/MoneyTimeOne More/One Less and Ten More/Ten LessAddition/Subtraction (fact fluency, missing addends, combinations to ten…etc.)Greater Than/Less Than (with whole numbers and fractions)Identifying Fractions (including unit fractions & mixed fractions)Multiplication factsArea/PerimeterPlace ValueJumps on the Hundred ChartEstimation (estimating the sum of two 3-digit numbers)RoundingTranslating standard form into expanded form Well... 1. 2. 3. When I taught Firsties, I loved using Kaboom! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
10 More PowerPoint Games – tekhnologic In December 2016, I wrote a post called 10 PowerPoint Games. Due to its popularity, here are 10 more PowerPoint Games. The first bumper pack of 10 PowerPoint Games was put together to thank everyone who has been following tekhnologic. It was hugely successful and I knew straight away that I should be looking ahead to the future and thinking about producing 10 more PowerPoint Games. However, I wasn’t inspired just by the popularity of the previous post. I had been thinking about gradually replacing the downloads page with a series of collections instead. This is my second collections post. Contents Each game contains a brief description, a download link and a link to the original article. Number One: The Balloon Game Click on the image above or follow the link below to download the template Download The Balloon Game PowerPoint template ‘The Balloon Game‘ is an adaptation of a popular Japanese TV quiz segment. Before your class, download and open the template. Start the presentation. E.g.
Home Page | Bradley's English School ESL Warm-up Games and Activities Divide the students into 2 teams. Have 2 desks at the front of the class, facing each other, with an eraser in the middle of the 2 desks. One student from each team comes and sits in the hot seat. Rotate through so that all the students get a chance to play. You then ask a question of some sort. The first person that grabs the eraser can try to answer the question. This week in class, we're studying "When I _________, I ______/ I __________when I ________. So, I would say something like, "When I feel happy, I _________." And of course, to make it even more exciting or if one team is behind by a lot of points, have a "Bonus Round," where the teams pick their best 3 players and each question is worth 2 or 3 points, or something like that.
Game Word Generator - The Game Gal When I was putting together this site of games, I discovered that my printable word lists became very popular. I had word lists for pictionary, charades, and other games, and visitors seemed to really like them! So I got to thinking, what’s one step better than a printable list of words for playing pictionary? An online word generator! Here’s how it works: First, select a Game (the game menu also includes a Holiday option). My amazing husband also made an iPhone app with all the same content. Finally, I love feedback!
Tools for Educators Engelska spel Det engelska språket omger oss alltmer i vardagen. Spela dessa engelskaspel så att du kan, vågar och vill använda engelska i olika situationer. Här har vi samlat alla spel inom ämnet Engelska. Spelen passar förskolan, grundskolan och ändå upp till gymnasiet. Food Årskurs 1 0 av 3 nivåer klara Para ihop olika matord på engelska med rätt bild i detta spel. Am / is / are 0 av 2 nivåer klara • Verbet är - am/are/is Träna verbet "är" som på engelska heter antingen am, is, eller are. Wild animals Ett spel där eleven får lära sig vilda djur på engelska. Engelska glassmaker • Glassorter• Frukter• Sötsaker Glassmaker på engelska. Glosor från Minecraft 0 av 5 nivåer klara • Stavning• Engelska• Glosor• Minecraft Stava rätt på glosor från MInecraft. Oregelbundna verb • Verb• Oregelbundna Träna tio oregelbundna verb i de tre formerna. Practise Colours • Igenkänning• Engelska• Färger Öva färger med hjälp av bilder. Engelska julord 0 av 16 nivåer klara • Engelsk jul• Engelsk nyår• Stavning julord 0 av 20 nivåer klara