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Slingshot | Share and collaborate from anywhere Share your screen to anyone, anywhere, wirelessly. Share your phone, tablet or computer screen to anyone in a Slingshot session—regardless of how they're connected. Choose to share the entire screen or just a specific application. Document sharing made simple. Visual aids and documents are an important part of every meeting. Note Taking Made Easy. Meeting Minutes keep every session on track. App Sharing Mirror a specific application while continuing to use other applications. HD Video Chat Stream dynamic, high-definition video from anyone using a connected web cam. Host from Mobile Join or host any session from your tablet or phone.

The Big Notebook Compromise - - Expat Life In Budapest, Hungary - Technology By Notebookspecialista: When Mom has to choose the gamer notebook: When and how to compromise? It's never easy to select the notebook that sufficiently meets all your requirements. But if you have your priorities in order, you may not need to fork out half a million HUF for a portable device. It takes all sorts... of notebooks, as the saying goes. We all have different considerations when choosing our laptop computers. If the kids were to decide how much to splash out on a new notebook, no model besides the ROG GX700 would ever sell. Hardcore gamer laptops still cost a fortune, and with the technology in rapid motion, new hardware and more powerful solutions are always available and always costly. Following these ground rules will help you find the best value for money: Besides wider displays, larger notebooks also come with more space for internal parts, which is essential for the video card, the component responsible for graphics performance. Source:

Infomous CryptPad. Zero Knowledge, Collaborative Real Time Editing online text editor - WriteURL How To Keep Your Laptop Clean By Notebookspecialista - - Expat Life In Budapest, Hungary - Technology Besides making it look unattractive, the dust and dirt accumulating on your laptop may also radically affect its performance. Fortunately, you don't have to turn to a professional every time you want to clean your beloved device. Hopefully, it goes without saying that you should keep that cup of coffee as far away from your brand new notebook as humanly possible. Shiny surfaces attract dust and fingerprints anyway, making regular cleaning inevitable – add some greasy fingers, crumbs and sticky fluids to that, and you'll need a superhero to restore the original, pristine state. Desktop computers pose less of a challenge, since, ideally, their hardware is only exposed to dust, which should be no problem with a less densely packed computer chassis. This is particularly vexing if the graphics unit, the most notorious heater, is under a lot of strain (when playing games, enjoying HD videos or using editing software, for example). External cleaning Internal cleaning

15 outils de curation incontournables Que ce soit dans le cadre d’une veille ou pour organiser le flux incessant d’informations qui nous submerge tous, les outils de curation sont devenus des services indispensables. La curation est plus qu’une mode passagère, elle s’inscrit dans un mouvement de fond sur le web pour répondre à l’infobesité et au surf permanent. La curation est aussi un bon moyen pour promouvoir une marque , sa réputation en ligne ou encore pour générer du traffic vers son site en ligne. Ma liste personnelle des 15 outils incontournables pour votre curation de contenus. Incontestablement mon préféré dans cette liste d’outils de curation. C’est le concurrent direct de Pinterest Les épingles de Pinterest ont révolutionné la curation en ligne et donné naissance à une ribambelle de services et de sites qui se sont inspirés de son ergonomie et de sa simplicité d’utilisation. Pearltrees Encore une succès story dans l’univers des outils de curation.

Supernotes. The best collaborative note-taking app Literature and Latte - Scrivener Writing Software | Mac OS X | Windows “The biggest software advance for writers since the word processor.” —Michael Marshall Smith Grow your ideas in style Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. Your complete writing studio Writing a novel, research paper, script or any long-form text involves more than hammering away at the keys until you’re done. Write, structure, revise Scrivener puts everything you need for structuring, writing and editing long documents at your fingertips. With access to a powerful underlying text engine, you can add tables, bullet points, images and mark up your text with comments and footnotes. Create order from chaos Most word processors approach composing a long-form text the same as typing a letter or flyer—they expect you to start on page one and keep typing until you reach the end. Your research—always within reach Getting it out there * Requires KindleGen. What about writing on the go?

A Few Tricks To Help Your Laptop Last Longer - - Expat Life In Budapest, Hungary - Technology By We've all had our notebook's battery die on us at the worst possible moments. Yet, if you watch out for some details, you can add hours to your battery life. Notebook makers are as keen on extending battery life as they are on improving performance. It should also be noted that cell capacity will deteriorate over time, so if you don't want to be constantly hunting for wall outlets to plug in your device after just one or two years, you should follow some ground rules. Let's start with a few solutions for squeezing out some extra minutes of a battery on the brink of death. First and foremost, turn on the energy-saving mode. The easiest way to minimize consumption is to power off anything you're not using. One of the greatest consumers is evidently the display. Of course, besides hardware, the workload of running applications and processes also drains the battery. Keep your system tidy. Your laptop doesn't have SSD yet? Keep your computer clean.
