The Scale That Will Change Your Life
Adrian Galysh A number of years ago, I was teaching at a guitar workshop in Pittsburgh. I had taught at this annual workshop a number of times and always looked forward to my week there, not only because I was able to teach a class of students who really wanted to learn guitar, but also for more selfish reasons. I liked meeting and learning from some of the other instructors and clinicians. So during this week, jazz guitarist Henry Johnson and I were jamming on each other's guitars, and I took the opportunity to ask him, "Hey, how can I, as a rock guitarist, get that 'outside' jazzy/Alan Holdsworth-y sound?" His answer was so simple and astonishing.
45 ways to avoid using the word 'very'
Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing. Good writers avoid peppering their writing with qualifiers like ‘very’ and ‘really’.
Top 100 Best Acoustic Songs Ever -The Greatest of All Time
Here is a list of the best acoustic songs ever written. Acoustic music has come a long way over the years, so many are “oldies” and many are “newies.” We are basing this list off of historical album sales, the ever so objective factor of acoustic-ness, but mostly how easily they make us cry. They are mostly arranged in alphabetical order, by song – so make sure you check out the whole list!
Random Song Form Generator
Learn How to Write Songs Random Song Form Structure Generator Use this online tool to generate song structures. This will provide you with ideas for creating good song frameworks. To create a new song form just click on the refresh button.
Understanding the CAGED system - Printer friendly
Start by locating the Root Notes of each of these familiar chords: Each set of root notes forms a unique movable Octave Pattern : By laying these five patterns out so that they overlap each other in the order that spells the word 'CAGED' we are able to chart every occurrence of any given note on the fretboard: For a more detailed explanation of how to use the CAGED system to locate scales, chords and just about every other form that you need to learn to master the guitar, refer to our new ebook: 'Fifty Flexible Lesson Plans for Teaching Guitar'.
CALLIHOO Writing Helps
Character Feelings You can describe your character's feelings in more exact terms than just "happy" or "sad." Check these lists for the exact nuance to describe your character's intensity of feelings. SF Characters | SF Items | SF Descriptors | SF Places | SF EventsSF Jobs/Occupations | Random Emotions | Emotions List | Intensity of Feelings
Octave Equivalent Music Lattices
Octave Equivalent Music Lattices 5-Limit Triangular (Hexagonal) Lattices The 5-limit lattice, like 5-limit harmony, is defined around the triads:
I analyzed the chords to 1300 songs for patterns. This is what I found. (Part 3) Interactive Discovery
Last year, we discussed the first results of a long term effort to study the patterns found in the chords of popular songs. The reception that we got was incredibly positive, and we received a ton of great feedback. The two most common questions we’ve gotten from people have been: “I really like the sound of chords X Y Z together. What other songs use this same progression?
Know Every Note on the Guitar in 9 Days
Knowing every note on the guitar is a challenge unique to the instrument. A saxophone has only one way to finger each note, while a guitar usually has a few different strings and four fingers to choose from. String a few notes together and the permutations of how to play them will wreck your brain. Pianists have a similar problem with ten available digits, but you can memorize the notes on a keyboard in a matter of minutes; the same pattern of white and black keys repeats every octave. The challenge with navigating the guitar fretboard is its two-dimensional layout. It’s a matrix, while nearly every other instrument has a linear path of notes from the bottom to the top of its range.
Recovered The Chord Guide: Pt III – Chord Progressions
Chord progressions are the canvas on which musicians paint their masterpieces, and it’s a canvas which is a piece of art in itself. A chord progression can be subtle and in the background or it can be blatant and up front; it can be simple and catchy, or it can be technical and complex, it can stay in one key or it can change like the seasons. In any of these cases a chord progression is what drives the song as it literally shapes the music that accompanies it. Chord progressions are like a cozy home where melody and rhythm can kick their feet up. All the songwriting giants, like John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan, to name a few, have/had a tremendous knowledge of the art of the chord progression.
Harmony Explained: Progress Towards A Scientific Theory of Music
The Major Scale, The Standard Chord Dictionary, and The Difference of Feeling Between The Major and Minor Triads Explained from the First Principles of Physics and Computation; The Theory of Helmholtz Shown To Be Incomplete and The Theory of Terhardt and Some Others Considered Daniel Shawcross Wilkerson Begun 23 September 2006; this version 19 February 2012. Abstract and Introduction Most music theory books are like medieval medical textbooks: they contain unjustified superstition, non-reasoning, and funny symbols glorified by Latin phrases. How does music, in particular harmony, actually work, presented as a real, scientific theory of music? In particular we derive from first principles of Physics and Computation the following three fundamental phenomena of music:
Outline of basic music theory -
Professional music theory: an outline of basic music theory. Preface and Chapter 1 of the Outline of basic music theory – by Oscar van Dillen ©2011-2014 The beginner’s learning book can be found at Basic elements of music theory. Overview of chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Sound and hearing Chapter 3: Musical notation Chapter 4: Basic building blocks of melody and harmony Chapter 5: Consonance and dissonance Chapter 6: Circle of fifths and transposition Chapter 7: Concerning rhythm, melody, harmony and form Chapter 8: Further study
Music, Mind, and Meaning
This is a revised version of AI Memo No. 616, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. An earlier published version appeared in Music, Mind, and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music (Manfred Clynes, ed.) Plenum, New York, 1981 Why Do We Like Music?
agreed. its not that i believe it. i just found it entertaining that they were coming up with that stuff in 1806! by gr_store_feet May 17
Other than entertainment, like astrology, phrenology, etc.,j this kind of arbitrariness has no value at all and it is sad that people actually believe it. by lynzzr May 17