PMO The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) established by the Project Management Institute (PMI) for training certified Project Management Professionals (PMP) discusses the structure of a projectized organization, a common management structure in organizations in which a major component of the value of the business is based upon the success of individual projects into which investments of resources are made based on their potential value.  The projectized organization structured around programs and portfolios is shown in the figure below. Projectized Organization The PMO at each level also assumes responsibility for the resources that are not allocated, and is also responsible for hiring, developing and evaluating resources within their hierarchy.  The PMO then takes on the responsibility for overhead costs associated with personnel development and costs of personnel time that are not billed to a project. Optimized Project Management Office Structure – I 1.
A UML Profile for Data Modeling Unfortunately data modeling is not yet covered by the Unified Modeling Language (UML), even though persistence-related issues are clearly an important aspect of object-oriented software project. For several years I have argued that the UML needs a data model (first in Building Object Applications that Work in 1997 and most recently in Refactoring Databases) and have vacillated between various ways that it should be done. Other methodologists have argued the same (Naiburg and Maksimchuk 2001, Muller 1999) because they too recognize the clear need to extend the UML. Unfortunately we have all come up with slightly different modeling notations, a problem that the UML is supposed to address if my memory serves me correctly. The good news is that the Object Management Group (OMG) issued an RFP for an official UML Data Modeling Profile in December 2005.
Scope (project management) In project management, the term scope has two distinct uses- Project Scope and Product Scope. Scope involves getting information required to start a project, and the features the product would have that would meet its stakeholders requirements. Project Scope Examples of Gliffy UML Diagrams Unified Modeling Language, or UML, is a standard language for visually representing the requirements, analysis, design, and implementation of a system. Bring it all together UML diagrams show structural (static), behavioral (dynamic) and implementation characteristics — and the shape and connector libraries in Gliffy make it easy. Since no single diagram can model a system completely, Gliffy's UML diagram editor makes it easy to add more diagrams as you need them. Just drag and drop from a library of shapes to show any of the nine UML diagrams needed to model a system: Use case diagram Class diagram Object diagram State diagram Activity diagram Sequence diagram Collaboration diagram Component diagram Deployment diagram
Use case A UMLUse Case Diagram for the interaction of a client (the actor) within a restaurant (the system) In systems engineering, use cases are used at a higher level than within software engineering, often representing missions or stakeholder goals. The detailed requirements may then be captured in Systems Modeling Language (SysML) or as contractual statements. Use Cases are an important requirement technique that have been widely used in modern software engineering since their formal introduction by Ivar Jacobson in 1992. Use case driven development is a key characteristic of process models and frameworks such as the Unified Process (UP), Rational Unified Process (RUP), and Oracle Unified Method (OUM). With its iterative and evolutionary nature, the use case is also a good fit for agile development.
Rational Unified Modeling Language - UML Resource Center The Unified Modeling Language™ UML is a visual language for specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software-intensive systems. Complex software designs difficult for you to describe with text alone can readily be conveyed through diagrams using UML. Modeling provides three key benefits: Scope Management Plan Template Introduction Scope Management is the collection of processes which ensure that the project includes all the work required to complete it while excluding all work which is not necessary to complete it. The Scope Management Plan details how the project scope will be defined, developed, and verified. It clearly defines who is responsible for managing the projects’ scope and acts as a guide for managing and controlling the scope. Project Scope Management follows a five step process; Collect Requirements, Define Scope, Create WBS, Verify Scope, and Control Scope.
Visual Paradigm for UML Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) is a UML CASE Tool supporting UML 2, SysML and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) from the Object Management Group (OMG). In addition to modeling support, it provides report generation and code engineering capabilities including code generation. It can reverse engineer diagrams from code, and provide round-trip engineering for various programming languages. Product Editions[edit] Higher-priced editions provide more features.[3] The following editions were available in November 2010: Requirements elicitation In requirements engineering, requirements elicitation is the practice of collecting the requirements of a system from users, customers and other stakeholders. [1] The practice is also sometimes referred to as requirements gathering. The term elicitation is used in books and research to raise the fact that good requirements can not just be collected from the customer, as would be indicated by the name requirements gathering. Requirements elicitation is non-trivial because you can never be sure you get all requirements from the user and customer by just asking them what the system should do. Requirements elicitation practices include interviews, questionnaires, user observation, workshops, brainstorming, use cases, role playing and prototyping. Before requirements can be analyzed, modeled, or specified they must be gathered through an elicitation process. Commonly used elicitation processes are the stakeholder meetings or interviews.
Visual Paradigm Company Overview Visual Paradigm International continuously strives to empower organizations to develop quality applications — faster, better and cheaper. We help our customers to understand their organizations and translate requirements into quality software with our tools that are both richly featured and simple to use. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. We do see visual modeling a great way to communicate efficiently, especially during project crunch times.
Project Charter Template Note: This is our One-Page Project Charter Template. We also have a longer version available if your organization requires a more detailed project charter. Paragraph 1: Formally authorize the project in this section of the Project Charter. This Charter formally authorizes the Payroll Project to develop and implement a new payroll system for use in Jones Consulting Company’s payroll group.
Developing a Project Charter The project charter is the planning team’s concise statement of core goals, values, and intent in order to provide the ultimate policy direction for everything that comes next. Designing a substantial web site is costly and time-consuming. When you’re up to your neck in the daily challenges of building the site, it can be easy to forget why you are doing what you are doing and to lose sight of your original priorities, not knowing whether the decisions you are making firmly support the overall objectives. A well-written project charter is a powerful daily tool for judging the effectiveness of a development effort. It becomes a compass to keep the team firmly pointed at the goals established when you started the journey. A good project charter becomes a daily reference point for settling disputes, avoiding “scope creep,” judging the potential utility of new ideas as they arise, measuring progress, and keeping the development team focused on the end-result.