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Teaching English online

Teaching English online
Ever thought about teaching English online? Sylvia Guinan , online English teacher and current winner of the British Council TeachingEnglish blog award , walks us through the opportunities and pitfalls. There are many different things to consider when it comes to online teaching. The good news is that online teaching opens up new levels of creativity and opportunity for you as a teacher. Technology basics Many freelance teachers teach through Skype. Resources and content creation As for resources, the following sites have wonderful materials if you don’t feel like re-inventing the wheel. Beyond that you may wish to supplement your basic course offerings, specialise for specific purposes or simply follow your own instincts and inspiration. The importance of personal learning networks I can’t stress strongly enough how important my personal learning network has been to me. Motivating students online This depends on the context of your online teaching model. Building rapport Pitfalls to avoid Related:  Flipped 2english

Trading Card Creator The Trading Card tool gives students an alternative way to demonstrate their literacy knowledge and skill when writing about popular culture texts or real world examples. This interactive allows students to create their own trading card about a real or fictional person, place, object, event, or abstract concept. These cards are can be used with any type of book students are reading or subjects that they are studying, and make for an excellent prewriting exercise for students who are writing narrative stories and need to consider characters, setting, and plot. Specific prompts guide student through the various types of cards, expanding students' thinking from the basic information and description of the topic to making personal connections to the subject. The save capability gives students a way to work on a draft of their card and come back to it to rework and revise as necessary, and to save their finished product to share with friends and family. back to top

Learn English Free Archives | CultureAlley's Blog 1. Watch English movies/serials: Watching English movies or cartoons with subtitles (dialogues are shown in English) can help us in learning English. We can start with watching cartoons like, ‘Tom & Jerry’, ‘Tin Tin’, ‘Looney Tunes’ or T.V. serials like, ‘Koffee with Karan’ or follow YouTube channels like, look who’s talking with Niranjan Iyenger. Watching English movies or serials is an engaging way to learn because the content is interesting, however they give limited exposure to grammar. 2. 3. 4. However, CultureAlley’s English App is built specifically for Hindi speakers – with grammar explanations in Hindi. 5.

English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials From teacher networked learning to transformation in your classroom 10 Sites pour réaliser des collages en ligne Faire des collages en ligne, sous forme de grille ou de pêle-mêle est une option très répandue sur internet, il existe aussi de très nombreux freewares qui permettent de réaliser des collages, je pense par exemple au freeware collagerator. Bien sûr, photoscape qui est assez bien fait, (même s’il plante de temps en temps). En tout cas, avant de vous lancer dans des tests logiciels, vous devriez tester déjà toutes les solutions gratuites qui existent sur internet. En voilà donc une sélection du plus top ou plus simple que vous allez, bien entendu, mettre dans vos favoris. Si vous voulez faire du collage , c’est sur que ça se passe. Il faudra autoriser l’outil à accéder à votre disque dur (pas bien méchant) pour faire du chargement de plusieurs photos à la fois. Cet outil est aussi un véritable couteau suisse du montage et de l’édition photo : avec l’option grille ou collage. Il existe d’autres options de collage (avec des ronds ou des coeurs…)

Skapa din dröm-app utan programmering I den här artikeln går jag igenom hur du skapar appar till Iphone och Android utan att du behöver kunna programmeringsspråken till de mobila operativsystemen. Jag kommer börja med att ta en titt på Android och längre ner hittar du en guide till Iphone. Igår nåddes vi dock av den tråkiga nyheten att App-inventor, sajten som används för att skapa Android-appar, inte längre kommer drivas vidare av Google efter årsskiftet. Verktyget kommer bli öppen källkod men det kommer också påverka funktionaliteten en del. Därför bör du, om du tänkt skapa en Android-app via den här guiden, se till att du slutför projektet före årsskiftet så att du inte springer på några problem i slutfasen. App-inventor är Googles egna utvecklarverktyg för de som inte kan programmera Pris: Gratis Kompatibilitet dator: Windows, Mac, Linux Hur funkar det: Du bygger appen genom att lägga till bilder och pussla ihop koder Vad behövs: Du behöver en dator med Java installerat och ett Google-medlemskap. Så fungerar App Inventor 1.

Phonetics Sounds As you know, the English alphabet is far from being a regular and consistent system of representing all the sounds in English. For instance, think of the letter group ough. How many different way can it sound like: And as you can see, "ough" can produce a myriad of sounds seemingly randomly. Unfortunately concensus is the last thing linguists have between them and consequently several systems exist. The following are some of the signs of the American phonetic system. Formally, /t/ becomes [t] after [s], and becomes [th] everywhere else. Consonants: Some important points: V+ denoted "voiced", and V- is "voiceless". Vowels: Even though they look like English, don't be tempted to pronounce the symbols as if they were English letters. When you say a vowel, you unconsciously change your tongue and lip into an unique configuration characterized by three attributes: Unrounded vs rounded.

How to Learn English: 15 Steps wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 195 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 2,932,066 times. Co-authors: 195 Updated: September 14, 2021 Views: 2,932,066 Article SummaryX To learn English, try taking a class to learn the foundational skills from a trained professional that speaks your native language. Did this summary help you? Modern Learning Skills for the Networked Age (Workshop) Next public online workshop runs: 4 August - 5 September 2014 About the Workshop The Networked Age demands a new set of learning skills and tools. In this fast moving age, it is no longer just about acquiring existing knowledge and skills in formal courses but acquiring set of modern learning skills that includes “learning the new” – constantly discovering new ideas, new thinking, new resources in your industry or profession. Why are these modern learning skills important? For individuals The half life of a piece of knowledge is 5 years. For organisations: Today’s workplace requires that successful employees keep pace and continually learn new procedures, strategies and technologies to stay abreast of developments in their fields. For education Workshop Agenda Each week of this 5-week online workshop focuses on a different set of skills and tools (as shown in the diagram on the right and explained briefly below) How the workshop runs This workshop is suitable for To book a place on this Workshop

Tâches actionnelles autour des séquences Un article de Wiki Agreg-Ink. Définition d'une tâche en didactique des langues Activité définie par un objectif, un dispositif et des modes d'évaluation. (C. « Est définie comme tâche toute visée actionnelle que l'acteur se représente comme devant parvenir à un résultat donné en fonction d'un problème à résoudre, d'une obligation à remplir, d'un but qu'on s'est fixé » CECR, p. 16. « Il n’y a tâche que si l’action est motivée par un objectif ou un besoin, personnel ou suscité par la situation d’apprentissage, si les élèves perçoivent clairement l’objectif poursuivi et si cette action donne lieu à un résultat identifiable » « Les tâches communicatives sont le levier mis à notre disposition pour développer les compétences chez nos élèves.[...] Ressources toutes classes Le programme de CAP, BEP, bac pro de 2009 propose des listes de tâches actionnelles de niveau A2 à B1 qui peuvent servir d'inspiration (pages 4 à 14). Collège Be going to - Parler de ses projets pour les vacances prochaines. Modaux

10 Awesome Web Tools Teachers should Be Using Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is back to you with another list of some great educational websites. We have meticulously handpicked this compilation and we want those of you who, because of their time constraints or any other reasons, could not keep up with the sweeping influx of the web tools to have a chance to get to know some useful tools to use both for their professional development and with their students as well. You can also check our archive for other compilations. Have a look at the list below and share with us your feedback 1- Stykz Stykz is a stickfigure animation program that was inspired by the popular Pivot Stickfigure Animator software. 2- Pic4Learning Pics4Learning is a safe, free image library for education. 3- PowerPoint Games As its name indicates, this website provides a wide range of games created by PowerPoint You can download the games and modify the template to suit your learning needs. 4- SuperKids 5-4Teachers 6- Badge Maker 8- Bubblesnaps 9- Fun Photo Box

English Pronunciation We use Cisco wireless in all our buildings for convenient and immediate online access. You will need the following for the files below: English Pronunciation/Listening We use the popular Can8 VirtuaLab for all our digital language lab programs. Unit One: TH, as in THINK, BATHROOM, and TEETH. Watch this QuickTime movie on the word 'Thought' to see how to correctly make the 'TH' sound (894k). Unit Two: TH, as in THOSE, MOTHER and SOOTHE. Watch this QuickTime movie on the word 'Thy' to see how to correctly make the 'TH' sound (725k). Unit Three: L and R, as in COLLECT, CORRECT, LAMB, and RAM. Minimal Pairs (228k) In this exercise, you will hear pairs of words that are the same except for one sound. Unit FOUR :i and I, as in SEEN and SIN. Minimal Pairs (228k) In this exercise, you will hear pairs of words that are the same except for one sound. Unit FIVE: s, sh, and ch. Minimal Pairs In this exercise, you will hear pairs of words that are the same except for one sound. Unit SEVEN Our Address at OUC:
