Teaching like it's 2999
If you've been waiting to upgrade to the new Google Sheets, here's a big reason to take the plunge: Add-ons. These are just what they sound like - add on tools for a Google Sheet or Google Doc. Included in these add-ons are refreshed versions of some scripts we've come to know and love, such as Doctopus, Autocrat and Flubaroo. However, there are many more amazing automations found in the Add-ons docs gallery and Add-ons sheets gallery. You can either browse these by scrolling through or filter by topic - such as education, productivity, etc. Here are a few gems I've found already:
How to Plan Instruction Using the Video Game Model
Imagine you are placed in the following scenarios: You are dropped off at the top of a ski resort's steepest run when you've only had experience on the beginner slopes. You have to spend your day on the bunny hill when you're an expert skier.
How to Turn Your Classroom into an Idea Factory
Culture Design Thinking Teaching Strategies Brightworks School Students building a cafe at Brightworks School in San Francisco. By Suzie Boss
Philosophy Moving to digital files to enable the 21st Century learner to use native tools to produce school work requires new ways of completing and collecting class work. Collecting Digital Work 2. Create a form with the following fields: ClassFirst NameLast NameProject NameNotes/DescriptionURL 3.
Apps Status Dashboard
<div id="aad-nojs">Please enable javascript to see the table containing service performance information.</div> Apps
Game-Based Learning Units for the Everyday Teacher
Game-based learning (GBL) is getting a lot press. It is an innovative practice that is working to engage kids in learning important 21st century skills and content. Dr.
20 Little-Known Web Resources For Teachers
3 Tech Tips Your Grandma Could Teach You 2.08K Views 0 Likes Those who have been using technology, in some form, have a few tech tips you should know about. For example, your grandma could be of service.
39 Sites For Using iPads in the Classroom
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Keeping the Edge for Educational Technology Leaders
Links to Help You Keep Your Edge Keeping Up with Big Ideas: These ideas provide a larger context for your vision TED.com - Ideas Worth Sharing TED began as an exclusive $6000 per person conference in Monterey, California, to bring the best ideas in the world to its audience. Since their 700+ talks have been put online, there has been a global demand for regional TED conferences.
Immune Attack » Download!
By Hans M. Kristensen The United States appears to be moving toward early implementation of the New START treaty signed with Russian less than one month ago.
50 Must-See Teacher Blogs Chosen By You
100 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About 44.08K Views 0 Likes We're always trying to figure out the best tools for teachers, trends in the education technology industry, and generally doing our darnedest to bring you new and exciting ways to enhance the classroom.
Tech the Plunge
What was Your First Tweet March 22, 2014 Yesterday I celebrated Twitter’s eighth birthday.
14 Adult Learning Principles To Combat The Conference Learning Crisis
Leaving no conference attendee brain behind. It’s the new motto of the 21st century conference organizer…that is, if you want to get them back next year. It’s time for associations and corporations to address the root cause of the conference learning crisis: a limited understanding of successful adult learning.
NC Center for the Advancement of Teaching - Renewal Seminars
Click here to be taken to Summer 2013 seminar descriptions, listed below. Click here to be taken to Spring 2013 seminar descriptions, listed below. Registration began Tuesday, February 5. Keeping each teacher's passion for learning alive is integral to everything we do at NCCAT. Through our seminars, teachers experience the excitement and stimulation of learning through a broad range of fascinating and thought-provoking topics such as “Catching Up With Your Students: Navigating Technology for 21st Century Classrooms” and "The Landscape of Democracy: Our National Parks.” Each seminar includes immersion in hands-on study and learning with colleagues from across the state.