Iowa ASCD :: Teacher Guides for Technology Over the last couple of months, Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has been working diligently on a variety of educational technology guides for teachers and educators. The majority of them have been posted here and, thankfully, have received a huge and unprecedented interaction from their readers. These guides come in very handy for every teacher looking to better integrate technology into his/her teaching. They are very simple,developed in a step-by-step process, illustrated by pictures, diagrams, video tutorials, and examples, and concluded with a webliography containing links to a variety of other websites relevant to the topic under discussion. Pedagogical implications are included in the review of the web tools featured in the guides. These guides are completely free for you to use and all that is asked by Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is that you pay credit to Educational Technology and Mobile Learning if you want to reuse them somewhere else.
Technology Tools for Teachers Every year, so many new technology tools for teachers are launched into the market that it can be nearly impossible to keep up with them all. In order to keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest educational tech tools, our team of edtech specialists has put together this list of the best edtech resources and technology tools for teachers. Clicking on the links below will take you to hundreds of apps, websites, extensions, and more. Whether you're looking for a specific tech tool or just trying to find something new and interesting for your class, we encourage you to browse around all of the different categories to see how many wonderful resources are available for your students. Also, if you have a tool that you'd like to see added to the list, please feel free to contact us at The following technology tools for teachers have been organized by academic subjects, topics, and learning activity.
My 35 Favorite Free Apps for Teaching Schools around the country are undergoing a digital transformation. With iPads and tablets showing up in classrooms with greater frequency, trying to figure out which apps to use can leave a teacher’s head spinning. Last year, when my school debuted an iPad lab, I was thrilled, but as it turned out, I barely used it. I shied away from this new technology (which is definitely not like me!) because I honestly had no idea how to make the most of the iPads in my daily lessons. Oh, what a difference a year makes! Over the past year, I have found several great educational apps that I integrate into my teaching on a regular basis. Please note that since the publication of this blog post, two of the apps, Shake-a-Phrase and Stack the States, are no longer free, but are low cost and still useful tools. With nearly a million apps available, I know there are other great ones out there.
theclassroomblog - Examples of Classroom Blogs Here is a great list of classroom blogs organized by grade level and subject area: Examples of Educational Blogs: District Blogs: TechDossier- Middle and High School blog written by Patrick Higgins, Angela Davis, Brad Davis, Mike Gregory, Erica Hartman, Patrick Chodkiewicz, and Cathy WilleHyPE 2.0: Physical Education and Health blog written by Cathy Wille.The ITClassroom: Erica Hartman's blog about her classroom and her use of technology within it. David Gorecki's Blog: Where Dave writes about what is happening with his teachersMaryAnn Hyland's Poetry Blog Elementary Kindergarten Vestavia Hills East Elementary, AL Wilson's Whiskers 3rd Grade Arbor Heights Elementary, WA Mighty Writers Computer Class List of Blog 4th Grade Hedden Elementary, WA Mr. Middle/High School 7th Grade, Maungatapere School, New Zealand. Blogging Resources:
3 Great Google Drive Tools for Grading Assignments November 3, 2015 Below are three great tools to help you with creating, grading and distributing class assignments. While Chalkup is directly integrated with Drive, Flubaroo and Super Quiz are add-ons that you need to install on Google Sheets. 1- Flubaroo Flubaroo is a free add-on to Google Forms/Sheets which lets you quickly grade and analyze student performance on multiple choice and fill-in assignments. Within a minute you'll be able to: Get scores for each student, and identify students in need of extra help. View average score, and a histogram of scores. Super Quiz is an excellent Google Sheets add-on that allows teachers to add some amazing functionalities to the quizzes they create through Google Forms. 3- Chalkup Chalkup is a great web tool that allows teachers to create classes and share different study materials on a message board that students can access in real-time. Some things that are unique to the Chalkup Google integration are:
Blended Learning Toolkit 6 strumenti per creare libri interattivi L'utilizzo e la creazione di libri interattivi FAVORISCONO un approccio all'apprendimento più stimolante e coinvolgente, grazie al prezioso supporto grafico che allevia, almeno in parte, la fatica di leggere i testi. Analogamente, l'ampia accettazione da parte dei tablet e di altri dispositivi mobili di queste tipologie di contenuti prefigurano un futuro in cui molti testi saranno letti attraverso connessioni mobili e l'editoria dovrà adeguarsi a questa situazione. Intanto eccovi ben 6 strumenti per creare libri interattivi MoglueBuilder Moglue propone due soluzioni: MoglueBooks per cercare, scaricare e condividere libri interattivi (gratuiti o a pagamento) anche attraverso dispositivi mobili, e MoglueBuilder, la piattaforma che consente di creare libri interattivi. Baker ebook Framework Un Framework basato su standard libero, che consente di realizzare libri interattivi in HTML5, compatibile con dispositivi iOS (in particolare l'iPad). Neobook Playfic Myebook
UX to LX: The Rise of Learner Experience Design The term “user experience” or “UX” wasn’t always an overused Silicon Valley buzzword. Coined in the mid ‘90s by Don Norman, while he was vice president of advanced technology at Apple, it refers to an abstract way to describe the relationship between a product and a human. Back then, Norman argued that technology must evolve to put user needs first—the opposite of how things were done at the time. It wasn’t until 2005 that UX gained mainstream relevance: 42 million iPods were sold that year and the mass market experienced great design at scale. Not long after, run-of-the-mill software engineers—once in high demand—weren’t as competitive in the job market. Instructional design is now approaching a similar transition. Parse higher-education job postings and descriptions, and it’s evident that LX design is, as a discipline, among the fastest growing fields in education. Greater Than the Sum of Its (Many) Parts What’s Next?
Usi di Google Drive in classe: eccone uno! - GRIMPO! Innanzitutto partiamo dal capire, esattamente, che cos’è Google Drive. Ecco la definizione di Wikipedia: Google Drive è un servizio, in ambiente cloud computing, di memorizzazione e sincronizzazione online introdotto da Google il 24 aprile 2012. Google Drive, per cui è disponibile anche una Google App, comprende una serie di strumenti per la produttività e la collaborazione. Lo spazio che è disponibile con l’account di base – che è totalmente gratuito – è di 15 GigaByte: vi assicuro che, per quanto riguarda l’uso scolastico, questa misura vi basterà – almeno – per i prossimi 5 anni! Google Drive è uno strumento formidabile che può essere di enorme aiuto e potenziamento nelle attività didattiche. Per questo inizieremo uno breve serie di articoli per illustrare alcuni usi di Google Drive in classe. Una volta registratisi è possibile iniziare subito ad usare Google Drive. Google Drive per la condivisione di documenti A breve, sempre sul blog di Grimpo! Noi di Grimpo! Vuoi un corso?
Learning Experience Design: An Overview and 11 of the Best Resources Human beings respond to experiences and learn from them. As eLearning designers, we need to think beyond modules and training sessions and instead create “experiences” for the learners. We have to get used to the idea that this is the era of the user, and we have to meet their needs. We have to STOP creating lessons that feel right to us. We have to STOP creating courses that are convenient for us to build. Definition: Learning Experience Design Before you delve into the LXD resources we have put together for you, here’s the gist of the concept. Note the following salient features of LXD to understand this unique design philosophy: It is a holistic, interdisciplinary approach.Built around principles and practices that expressly ensure that the learning journey is enjoyable, engaging, relevant, and informative.It focuses on both content (ID approach) and user experience (UX approach).Experiential learning is at the heart of LXD.It takes a human-centered approach. Read article here.
Cloudschooling Learning Experience Design: A Better Title Than Instructional Design? How many times have you told people, “I’m an instructional designer,” only to be met with a blank stare? How many people are thoroughly confused about what we do for a living? Last month, Connie Malamed proposed a new name for the field of instructional design: Learning Experience Design or LX Design. This moves the focus away from “instruction” and more to learning. Instead of focusing on the instruction or the materials, our starting point is thinking about the learners and how they will experience what we design. Connie argues this may help us focus more on learning science as well as being deliberate about designing valuable experiences. Calling ourselves Learning Experience Designers acknowledges that we design, enable or facilitate experiences rather than courses. This isn’t an entirely new idea. What does an instructional designer do? This is still the most popular post on my blog, averaging about 100 views a day. Change Is Hard Your Thoughts? Like this: Like Loading... Related
Free Technology for Teachers