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Climate Change Reconsidered – Climate Change Reconsidered

Climate Change Reconsidered – Climate Change Reconsidered
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Susan Crockford fired after finding polar bears thriving despite climate change Nobody has done more to sink the claim that climate change is endangering polar bears than zoologist Susan Crockford — and she may have paid for it with her job. After 15 years as an adjunct assistant professor, Ms. Crockford said the University of Victoria rejected without explanation in May her renewal application, despite her high profile as a speaker and author stemming from her widely cited research on polar bears and dog domestication. Ms. Crockford accused officials at the Canadian university of bowing to “outside pressure,” the result of her research showing that polar bear populations are stable and even thriving, not plummeting as a result of shrinking Arctic sea ice, defying claims of the climate change movement. Her dismissal, which she announced Wednesday in a post on her Polar Bear Science blog, has spurred alarm over the implications for academic freedom and the rise of the “cancel culture” for professors and scientists who challenge climate catastrophe predictions. Ms. Ms.

Swedish child climate activist reportedly a tool of Al Gore–linked corporate green hucksters Kids are great tools for big money and major powers lurking in the shadows, attempting to enact a political agenda. The latest instance, and it's a doozy, is young Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child climate activist who's coming to the states (with a big carbon footprint, according to today's piece by Thomas Lifson) to persuade us all to jump in on the global warming cavalcade of green laws to restrict our own freedoms — which, as it happens, will just coincidentally make the green elites even richer. No wonder they're the shadowy forces bankrolling her peregrinations. [T]he Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics and a think tank founded by a wealthy former minister in Sweden's Social Democratic government with links to the country's energy companies. Someone's looking for a payday, and sure enough, that someone found exactly the useful fool he wanted for a get-rich-quick scheme to line his own pockets. As The Times concludes:

How GW could benefit agriculture central Chad and western Sudan. If sustained, the increasing rains could revitalize drought-ravaged regions, reclaiming them for farming. The United Nations’ Africa Report of 2008 confirmed that the greening of the Sahel was now well established and that increases in rainfall are the main driver of the change in vegetation cover. The report noted that there was a 50% increase in vegetation in parts of Mali, Mauritania and Chad during 1982-2003. The southern border of the Sahara has been retreating, making farming viable again in what were some of the most arid parts of Africa. There has been a spectacular regenera-tion of vegetation in northern Burkina Faso, which was devastated by drought and the advancing desert 20 years ago. In Burkina Faso and Mali, production of millet rose by 55 percent and 35 percent, respectively, since 1980. There is of course no guarantee that the increased precipitation would be distributed even-ly worldwide. Higher carbon dioxide concentration

Les meilleurs climatologues disent qu’ils ont reçu l’ordre de «dissimuler» la vérité selon laquelle la température de la Terre n’a pas augmenté depuis 15 ans par Ethan Huff Au cours des six dernières années, le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) des Nations unies (ONU) a compilé avec diligence un rapport faisant autorité sur l’ampleur du réchauffement climatique d’origine humaine. Et selon une fuite, cela montre apparemment que les températures mondiales n’ont pas augmenté depuis 15 ans. Les centaines de scientifiques estimés qui ont travaillé sur le rapport ont confirmé que 1998 est toujours l’année la plus chaude jamais enregistrée. Depuis lors, les températures sont généralement restées les mêmes ou ont diminué , creusant des trous majeurs dans le discours du gouvernement sur le réchauffement climatique. Les politiciens qui ont obtenu une copie divulguée du rapport tentent maintenant de dissimuler le fait que, sur la base de ses conclusions, le changement climatique d’origine humaine est un canular. Le changement climatique provoqué par l’homme est un canular . source : Newstarget via Profession Gendarme

A Policy Maker's Guide to Climate Change View Full Document as PDF Thanks to the ingenuity of U.S. businesses, but also to the Republican rollback of the prior administration’s anti-energy policies, America is positioned to be a world energy leader for many years to come. The energy sector is making substantial contributions to GDP growth, job creation, consumer savings, manufacturing competitiveness, and geopolitical influence. The stakes are high, and with corporate welfare lobbyists courting the new Democratic majority in the House, you will be tested as never before. Here are five things you need to know: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This memo provides supporting evidence for those conclusions. Models vs. A reasonable explanation for the models’ lack of realism is that they overestimate climate sensitivity—the long-term change in average global temperature after a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. National Assessment’s Bogus Headline Grabber. Official Climate Assessments Need a Reset. Improving State of the World. Notes

La truffa dell’IPCC “Io, scienziato, svelo la truffa dell’IPCC” Chris Landsea Quello che segue è il testo integrale della lettera inviata dal professor Chris Landsea, uno dei massimi esperti mondiali in materia di uragani, ai suoi colleghi il 17 gennaio 2005 per spiegare le sue dimissioni dall’IPCC in seguito alla grave manipolazione dei dati scientifici da lui elaborati. Cari colleghi, dopo alcune prolungate riflessioni, ho deciso di ritirare la mia partecipazione al IV Rapporto di Valutazione dell’Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Ho deciso di ritirarmi perché mi sono reso conto che la parte dell’IPCC che si avvale della mia esperienza è diventata politicizzata. Con questa lettera aperta alla comunità, desidero spiegare i fondamenti della mia decisione e mettere in luce cio che io vedo come un problema nel procedimento dell’IPCC. È certamente vero che “i singoli scienziati hanno il diritto di fare ciò che desiderano”, come ha detto uno dei responsabili dell’IPCC. Cordialmente, Chris Landsea

Julia Ratsey - J.D. Waterhouse 2 years ago (edited) Here's... A Sceptical Mind — having doubts about global warming Quebec man pleads guilty to starting 14 forest fires  - The Counter Signal Menu Login Subscribe 38-year-old Brian Paré told the Chibougamau courthouse that he was guilty of the 13 counts of arson against him and one count of arson with disregard for human life. Mike Campbell January 15, 2024 Add to Bookmarks Click here A Quebec man has pleaded guilty to numerous charges against him in relation to starting 14 forest fires near the Chibougamau area last summer. Paré’s arson attacks took place between May 29 and September 5, 2023. Chibougamau is a small town that was deeply affected by last summer’s fires. The fires in the region led to deteriorating air quality, temporarily displacing all 7,500 residents from their homes. Paré had made numerous posts on his Facebook page about the very forest fires he started, as first reported by the Globe and Mail. Arson carnage worsened by climate change, Gerald Butts says Last year, Trudeau’s former advisor and long time pal Gerald Butts blamed climate change for the forest fires that were started by arsonists across Canada. Donate

Ocean Temperature Changes Are Uneven And Uncertain A new paper from the Global Warming Policy Foundation looks at how scientists monitor changes in ocean temperature and finds a story of huge uncertainties and surprising findings. For example, while warming might be expected to be fairly uniform, measurements suggest that it is regionalised, with parts of the South Pacific, in particular, warming more than elsewhere. As the report’s author, Dr David Whitehouse, says, it is hard to draw firm conclusions about what is happening in the seas: “The oceans can absorb far more heat than the atmosphere, so temperatures changes are extremely small and therefore hard to measure reliably.” “The energy that would raise the temperature of the atmosphere by 4 degrees C would only raise the ocean temperature by a thousands of a degree, barely detectable.” “Measuring changes in the ocean heat content are at the limits of our current capability and are made with significant uncertainties and unknowns.” Cold Water? 142 Shares Share Tweet Pin

Intervista a Luigi Mariani Molti nostri lettori avranno già avuto modo di leggere l’intervista che l’amico Luigi mariani ha rilasciato alla testata Meteoweb perché l’ho rilanciata su Twitter appena è stata pubblicata. So però che a molti altri potrebbe essere sfuggita, per cui con il loro permesso la riporto integralmente qui di seguito. Buona lettura e buona giornata. Il meteo-climatologo Luigi Mariani a MeteoWeb: “Non c’è alcuna crisi climatica, vari effetti positivi dal riscaldamento globale” Il clima è il “sistema più complesso presente sul nostro pianeta e rispetto al quale il nostro attuale livello di ignoranza è rilevante”, sostiene Luigi Mariani. L’intervista Luigi Mariani, agrometeorologo e meteoclimatologo che insegna all’Università di Milano, in un’intervista ai microfoni di MeteoWeb ha parlato di clima e riscaldamento globale in un momento in cui l’allarmismo sul tema ha raggiunto livelli molto alti. Quali aree del pianeta stanno avvertendo di più gli effetti del riscaldamento e con quali conseguenze?

wrongkindofgreen Wrong Kind of Green Oct 28, 2019 Research & Investigative Reports on NGOs, Social Engineering Ghion Journal September 18, 2019 By Stephen Boni About 43% of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were lawyers. Additionally, it isn’t much of a secret how important legal expertise is to modern corporations and how many lawyers exist among their executive ranks. The way lawyers have been trained to think, the skills they possess, the way they maneuver, and what they maneuver for casts a massive shadow over what kinds of decisions get made for our society—and what kind of loose consensus (or acquiescence) gets achieved in order for those decisions to stick. What I’m talking about is how those decisions are sold to us. It’s interesting to me that it was this aspect of Morningstar’s piece that jumped out. But a marketing campaign is about storytelling—and storytelling is, in large part, about the use of language. This tricky use of language as a sales technique is remarkably precise. Act I
