Patrimoine numérique, dossier - La Première guerre mondiale Le 12 mars 2008, s'éteignait le dernier combattant survivant de la guerre de 14-18, Lazare Ponticelli. L’effroyable bilan de la Grande Guerre a marqué durablement la France. Sa mémoire est conservée par diverses institutions (ministère de la Culture, ministère de la Défense, services d’archives, bibliothèques…) qui numérisent et diffusent reportages, photographies, films, journaux de tranchées, correspondances, cartes d‘état-major, archives sonores, fiches biographiques... Toutes les collections numérisées Mémoire des hommes Le ministère de la Défense (Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense - ECPAD) a numérisé ses archives audiovisuelles et photographiques. Films sur la Première Guerre mondiale Clichés de l’armée de 1915 à 1919 Site Internet Mémoire des Hommes Les autres théâtres de la guerre La guerre toucha aussi l'Europe orientale, les anciennes colonies d'Afrique, l'Extrême-Orient. La Guerre en Orient (1915-1918) La Grèce (Mont Athos...) La Tunisie
Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 13 Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 13 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH DAY Thursday, 9 May 1946 Morning Session [The Defendant Doenitz resumed the stand.] FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZBUEHLER: With the permission of the Tribunal, I will continue my examination of the witness. [Turning to the defendant.] DOENITZ: According to the Allied figures, 2,472. FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZBUHLER: How many combat actions, according to your estimate, were necessary to do this? DOENITZ: I believe the torpedoed ships are not included in this figure of 2,472 sunk ships; and, of course, not every attack leads to a success. FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZB1]HLER: In the course of all these actions did any of the U-boat commanders who were subordinate to you voice objections to the manner in which the U-boats operated? DOENITZ: No, never. FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZBUEHLER: What would you have done with a commander who refused to carry out the instructions for U-boat warfare? DOENITZ: Naturally. 9 May 46 DOENITZ: No, in no way. DOENITZ: Yes. DOENITZ: No.
Annuaire de sites The OECD as the cradle of the Club of Rome Matthias Schmelzer, University of Jena, based on a newly published article on the origins of the Club of Rome within the OECD. The Club of Rome’s first report, The limits to growth, appeared in 1972 and was ultimately published in thirty languages and sold over thirty million copies worldwide. It made many people aware for the first time that with continuing growth the world would eventually run out of resources. Today, 45 years later, its electrifying conclusions, which modelled the ‘overshoot and collapse’ of the global system by the mid twenty-first century, still provoke intense debates. The report also brought international fame to the newly founded Club of Rome, which has since become a key reference point in the public memory of the 1970s and environmental discourses more generally. This OECD–Club of Rome nexus needs explaining. The personal overlap between the OECD and the Club of Rome in its initial phase is remarkable. Useful links The OECD Interfutures project (1979)
Exposition virtuelle - Sur les chemins de la Grande Guerre Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe traducidos por Julio Cortázar en pdf (Obra de dominio público – Descarga gratuita) – ALEJANDRIA DIGITAL (Blog Enciclopédico – Biblioteca Universal – Casa Editorial) (Obra de dominio público – Descarga gratuita) Edgar Allan Poe – Cuentos completos traducidos por Cortázar Envíanos los títulos de tus libros favoritos. Nosotros los buscamos y los ponemos al alcance de un clic para ti. No solicitamos datos personales, cobros adicionales ni números de celular para descargar los archivos. Si encuentras algún enlace (link) roto o que no funciona, repórtalo inmediatamente a para solucionar el problema técnico a la brevedad. Recuerda que, en respeto de las leyes internacionales, solo difundimos gratuitamente obras de dominio público, es decir, aquellas que están libres de derechos de autor y que forman parte del patrimonio universal de la humanidad. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
1914-1918, 14-18, horizon14-18, Première Guerre mondiale, ww1, wwI, guerre mondiale Darwin Manuscripts Project Charles Darwin by George Richmond, pencil 1839 Cambridge University Library On this site, you will find the world's first & only large collection of full colour, high-resolution images of faithfully transcribed Darwin manuscripts. These manuscripts record Charles Darwin's work as a practicing scientist. In these documents, you can trace the development of Darwin as a thinker and you will meet Darwin as a keen-eyed collector, an inspired observer, and a determined experimenter. The AMNH Darwin Manuscripts Project is a historical and textual edition of Charles Darwin's scientific manuscripts, designed from its inception as an online project. Opening the Archive: The DMP edition mirrors the underlying structure of the Charles Darwin Papers in Cambridge University Library, as Darwin himself left his papers upon his death in April 1882. We will constantly be adding new material. David
Les cicatrices de la grande guerre On s'apprête à commémorer le centenaire de la Grande Guerre. Mais on n'en finirait pas de sonder les mystères de ce conflit qui a donné naissance au monde moderne. Et continue à fasciner la France de 2013, comme en témoigne l'attribution du prix Goncourt à « Au revoir là-haut », de Pierre Lemaitre. Source Le Figaro Magazine Un devoir de mémoire Le vendredi 8 novembre, à l'Elysée, une allocution du président de la République, prononcée devant des élus de tout le pays, doit présenter le programme officiel des commémorations de la Grande Guerre. Les aléas politiques ont d'ailleurs failli remettre en cause la Mission du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale qui avait été créée par arrêté du 5 avril 2012 - Nicolas Sarkozy étant à l'Elysée. Pourquoi un tel engouement pour la Grande Guerre? En un siècle, la mémoire de la Première Guerre mondiale a connu différentes phases. Artistes, écrivains et cinéastes, à l'époque, s'emparent de la Grande Guerre. La guerre de 14-18 sur le front des livres
Los apuntes de Darwin, a un click | Ciencia El Museo de Historia Natural de Nueva York (AMNH) celebra el Día Darwin con el lanzamiento del 'Proyecto de los Manuscritos Darwin'. Lo mejor de la noticia es que éste es una iniciativa totalmente digital y abierta, accesible a través de desde cualquier rincón del globo. En una masiva base de datos creada en colaboración con la Universidad de Cambridge, Reino Unido, el AMNH ha fotografiado digitalmente la totalidad de los manuscritos científicos de Darwin en alta resolución y, lo que hace al proyecto delicioso, han transcrito los millares de apuntes y notas que Darwin cifró en una caligrafía que ha frustrado a generaciones de aficionados e historiadores por igual. Los manuscritos retratan con fidelidad el trabajo de Darwin como científico y son una ventana a la concepción y maduración de una de las teorías más importantes de la historia de la humanidad.
Charles Darwin, el padre de la evolución | ESPECIALES | Ciencia - Charles Darwin, considerado como el padre de la evolución, murió hace 200 años. Repase con su vida, su obra, el viaje en el Beagle, las claves de su teoría e incluso la relación entre Ciencia y Religión. | Ciencia - © 2009 Unidad Editorial Internet S.L. » Coordinación: Sonia Aparicio y Pablo Jáuregui » Diseño: Eduardo Salvo Contáctenos Política de privacidad
42 maps that explain World War II by Timothy B. Lee on November 13, 2014 World War II was a great tragedy, claiming 60 million lives and throwing millions more into turmoil. Background World War II, animatedWorld War II was the biggest conflict in world history, with major battles on three continents and some of the largest naval engagements in history. The Axis (and the Soviet Union) attacks Japan and China were already at war in 1937People often describe World War II as beginning in September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. The Allies besieged Tens of thousands of British troops escape from DunkirkThe war in France didn't go well for the Allies. The USA and USSR are drawn into the conflict Hitler betrays Stalin and invades RussiaIn 1939, Hitler had signed a pact vowing not to attack the Soviet Union. The Allies retake Europe and Africa Britain goes to war in North AfricaAfter the fall of France, Britain didn't have the military strength required to mount an amphibious invasion of the Axis-held European continent.