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Sun Moon Scope

Sun Moon Scope

Engineering a Bridge This lesson will involve your students in geometry and measurement as they work as civil engineers to design and build their own bridge. OBJECTIVE Students will be able to: Identify how geometry affects bridge design and function and apply that knowledge to the design and construction of a bridge. MATERIALS Elmer's Foam board, Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, bendable rods, Elmer's Glue All, paper, pushpins, weightsEngineering a Bridge PDF SET UP AND PREPAREContent Introduction When engineers design a bridge, they must consider how the bridge will be used, how long and wide it should be, and how much weight it has to hold. Beam bridges are made of horizontal beams supported by piers at each end.Truss bridges are a combination of triangles made of steel. Essential Questions Use these essential questions to help guide students' thinking: How does geometry help engineers build bridges? Craft Component: Bridge Engineering (20 minutes) Whiteboard Component Activities

WELCOME TO GO-LAB SUMMER SCHOOL 2013 | GoLab Summer School 2013 The Solar system Source: [accessed 2009] You may have wondered if there was a tenth planet out there. Wonder no longer; the astronomers have changed the meaning of the word planet so such pondering is no longer valid! Source: KBO's [accessed 2009] Our solar system is now filled with interesting things and I hope to go into many of them here. Our solar system of course has a structure just like our galaxy has. The wikipedia has more details on the solar systems structure , but here is a list of the basic structure of our solar system: Sun Inner Solar System Inner Planets: Mercury; Venus, Earth and Mars. Asteroid Belt: contains Vesta and Hygieia--may be classed as dwarf planets Ceres which is classified as a dwarf planet. Outer Solar System Outer Planets: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter Comets Trans-Neptune Region Kuiper Belt : has debris similar to the asteroid belt and also contains: Haumea (egg shaped, with two moons) and Makemake.

Animated PowerPoint Templates at ID#18407 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE A Timeline Toolkit ID#18323 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Ribbon Arrows Compare ID#18229 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Circle Cycles ID#17766 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Meter Toolkit ID#17660 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Business Doodles Timeline ID#17386 STANDARD TEMPLATE Feature Presentation ID#17613 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Organize It! ID#19841 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Pdca Designs Toolkit ID#16488 STANDARD TEMPLATE Navigate Timeline ID#19840 STANDARD TEMPLATE Pdca Designs Toolkit ID#19381 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Hr Slide Designs ID#18406 STANDARD TEMPLATE A Timeline Toolkit ID#19534 STANDARD TEMPLATE Design Your Words ID#13025 STANDARD TEMPLATE Connect This Piece ID#19519 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE PESTLE Toolkit ID#19938 STANDARD TEMPLATE Sliding Info Panels ID#19252 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Gears Infographic Toolkit ID#18828 STANDARD TEMPLATE Process Connections ID#14663 STANDARD TEMPLATE Board Game Display ID#20170 STANDARD TEMPLATE Light Box Simple ID#20186 WIDESCREEN TEMPLATE Dominoes Cause Effect

WELCOME TO DISCOVER THE COSMOS SUMMERSCHOOL 2013 | Discover the Cosmos Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky sans titre A mesure que les élèves grandissent leur possibilités sont décuplées…Et naturellement le programme en tient compte. 1- Lumière et Astronomie NOUVEAU : Réaliser une maquette permettant de mieux comprendre le phénomène des saisons C’est le domaine où la formation est la plus nécessaire : en effet contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait croire a priori, il est tout à fait possible d’enseigner l’astronomie en classe en rendant les élèves actifs et en étant assez peu dépendants des manuels scolaires. Dans quel état d’esprit faut-il travailler ? comment-enseigner-lastronomie.pdf – A- OMBRE et LUMIÈRE ombre-du-gnomon-vue-de-cote.pdf 1 – Le soleil ne se lève pas toujours à l’Est : lever-de-soleil-a-hyeres-version-2008.pdf 2 – Comment de manière pragmatique étudier les saisons : le-mouvement-apparent-du-soleil-et-les-saisons.pdf J’explique ici l’usage du mot pragmatique. – C- LE JOUR et la NUIT – Un coup d’œil en une page : simuler-facilement-lalternance-jour-nuit.pdf – Deux DIAPORAMAS : Le globe au Soleil ?

Les @stropacks Les @stropacks sont des activités qui se veulent "spécifiques" aux saisons. Toutefois, avant de commencer de telles animations, il est bon de savoir que quelques "classiques" des activités astros existent... C'est pour cela qu'en complément nous vous proposons deux dossiers complémentaires : - Un dossier "les bases" qui regroupe des activités ou des notions "classiques" de l'animation en astronomie qui peuvent être nécessaires avant toute activité... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sommaire : Les bases de l’orientation SE REPERER (Jour) - Les points cardinaux FABRIQUER (Jour) - La boussole SE REPERER (Jour) - Comment s’orienter avec sa montre ? L’observation nocturne OBSERVER (Nuit) - Différencier les objets qui brillent dans le ciel OBSERVER (Nuit) - Observations nocturnes La Lune OBSERVER / COMPRENDRE – Autour de la Lune EXPERIMENTER (Jour) - Les phases de la Lune MODELISER (Jour) - La Lune et la Terre amoureuses…

Ancient Egypt | Ancient Egyptian Resource Center | Includes Pyramids, Pharaohs, Queens, and More! Science Party: Bubble Slime Here is Slime #2: Bubble Slime. A different recipe than the Regular Borax Slime, but this one again has just two ingredients: liquid starch (we bought ours at Walmart for about $2) and glue. Like regular slime, you can use either clear or white glue. This slime was a little more tricky to get right; you'd be able to blow a bubble regardless, but too much starch would make it too plasticky to support the bubble long enough to enjoy it and too much glue would make the slime too sticky and soft to handle.Here are our proportions:1/2 cup of clear glueAbout 2/3 cup of liquid starch (straight from the jug) Embellish the clear glue before adding any starch - we used glitter and food coloring and swirled it to make a lovely emulsion of pixie dust. Start adding the liquid starch, bit by bit. Then it gets sticky and stretchy, and stretches indefinitely when you pull on it. which you can handle and squeeze and stretch slowly, but which breaks cleanly when you tug it quickly apart.

Category Archive | Contes et légendes Au printemps, quelle plus belle constellation que celle du roi des animaux célestes, Le Lion, l’une des rarissimes figures du ciel qui ressemble vraiment à la créature qu’elle est censée incarner et l’une des plus anciennes. Pour le retrouver, partons de la Grande Ourse qui nous servira de point de départ. Prenez les deux dernières étoiles de la Casserole (tel que vous le feriez pour rejoindre l’Etoile Polaire) et prolongez-les dans l’autre sens, vers le sud, vous filerez droit vers le Lion. Un peu d’histoire : Le Lion n’est autre que le Lion de Némée vaincu par Hercule (ou Héraclès), lors de ses 12 travaux. La mère d’Hercule (nommé Alcide à sa naissance) était une des nombreuses maîtresses de Zeus, Alcmène, petite fille de Persée. Attendrie par l’enfant, mi-homme mi-dieu, elle décida de le venger en demandant à Héra (qui n’avait pas reconnu ce « bâtard ») de le nourrir et de lui donner le sein. Le premier de ces exploits concerna donc le Lion de Némée dont il avait la charge de tuer.

Science Party: Fiber Optic Lamp What's a Science Party without Physics, right? To balance out all those other Chemistry experiments, Emily and I decided it would be fun to do a little electric circuitry. We also wanted to stage a fake dissection as a token Biology offering, but fabric frog innards were too time-consuming to sew, so we filed away that idea into the Maybe Another Party category of my brain. Before we settled on classic from-scratch circuitry, we considered the more trendy electric playthings now circulating the internet. Like electric playdough, for instance. Just for info, electric circuitry is not the same is electronics. I like both, but I like electric circuitry more because I can see what's happening in the circuit. Over the summer, Emily, with all that sunshiney time on her hands, started to dabble in electronics and simple computer programming. Fancy on the outside but, at heart, a simple, basic electric circuit with a battery, wires and a thing that lights up. 2 Light Device Ta-da! Observe:

The Astrolabe
