Anagrama | Brand Intelligence Group CHOOSE FOREVER Designed with the LEO BURNETT Department of Design Team: Alisa Wolfson, Peter Ty, Casey Martin, Kelly Dorsey, Andy Luce Retail Ticket — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Outfield — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD with DOD team Letterhead — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Bill Murray at bat — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD with DOD team Celebrity Tickets — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Booklet — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Fans — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Collateral — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Kerry Wood — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Pennant — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Bill Murray — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Designed at LB Department of Design, Alisa Wolfson Creative Director Cy's Tavern / co-op design with Matt George Materiel Magazine / co-op design with Michael Freimuth
Charles Gadeken Mitsuko Nagone Photography | Inspiration Now Article collected from Fubiz™. Visit source. Mitsuko Nagone, a Japanese photographer, tried with her series New Self, New to Self to ‘create herself artistically instead of finding an identity. Hiding her face in various situations, discover wacky and successful shots in the article. Cerith Wyn Evans Artists Cerith Wyn Evan’s artistic practice focuses on how ideas can be communicated through form. His conceptual work incorporates a diverse range of media including installation, sculpture, photography, film and text. Wyn Evans began his career as a filmmaker producing short, experimental films and collaborative works but since the 1990s has created artworks that focus on language and perception, with a precise clarity towards their manifestation in space. His poetic work has a highly refined aesthetic, deeply informed by film, music, literature and philosophy. Wyn Evans' work attempts to rupture existing systems of communication – either through the practice of subverting certain given material forms, disrupting spatial-temporal coordinates, or adopting a communal rather than singular authorial voice. Cerith Wyn Evans lives and works in London.
Top 100 des plus belles affiches de festivals français 2013 Né sur feu Fm-r en 2012, le Top 100 des plus belles affiches de festivals français revient en 2013 sur Konbini. Se basant sur trois critères (originalité, idée et sens, performance graphique), voici donc le classement de 265 affiches de l’année écoulée. Clairement, le niveau s’est élevé. Et c’est tant mieux ! Il est bien entendu question de dissocier illustration (art) et communication (stratégie). Illustrateurs, graphistes, peintres, photographes, dessinateurs : place aux artistes ! #1 : la claque de l’année. #4 : on avait oublié l’affiche 2012 (pourtant superbe) dans notre top l’an dernier. #7 : un homard qu’on croirait échappé de La Marche du Crabe. #14 : il y a comme une douce “rebellitude” qui émane de ce visuel : typo verticale, texture, sweat à capuche, tête baissée, yeux cachés, allumette au bec…#15 : Picasso période cubisme vs années 50. #17 : le corbeau & le rhino sur un arbre perché. #20 : là aussi, on était déjà passé à côté de l’affiche en 2012 : une perle.
Studio Roosegaarde — Profile Studio Roosegaarde is the social design lab of Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and engineers which grow ideas of future landscapes into reality. Roosegaarde creates interactive designs which explore the dynamic relation between people, technology and space through unique innovations. Internationally acclaimed projects include Dune, Waterlicht and Smog Free Project. Studio Roosegaarde has been exhibited at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Google Zeitgeist, Tate Modern, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the Tokyo National Museum, and the Victoria & Albert Museum. Roosegaarde has won numerous international innovation awards and his public artworks are commissioned across the world. Studio Roosegaarde is based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and has a pop-up studio in Shanghai, China.
1er syndicat du design : Alliance française des designers AFD, défendre et promouvoir tous les métiers du design