Frédéric GAUTHIER Réalisateur audiovisuel freelance à Lyon. PORTFOLIO - NONOTAK studio. NONOTAK / Noemi Schipfer & Takami Nakamoto _______________________________________ AUDIOVISUAL LIVE PERFORMANCE / Visuals & Music by NONOTAK _________________________________________________________ SHIRO / Live performance / 2016 _________________________________________________________ LATE SPECULATION / Live performance / 2013.
Home. Dbo. Paramedia. Encor. Www.ratsi.com - Olivier Ratsi, visual artist. Ubupopland Factory Psychedelic Light shows French story Mandala - Openlight - Vasco 15000 - wheels Projectors Oil dias LSD psychedlique. Après quelques années à produire light-show et nombre de spectacles, le groupe va se rapprocher de plus en plus de la télévision afin de trouver une meilleure source de revenus.
Ils illustrent donc quelques émissions comme entre autre " Grand Ampli ". … " Nous n'en avons peut-être pas les ennuis financiers, car nous travaillons pour les grandes firmes. Si nous avions dû vivre avec ce que nous rapportaient les concerts pop, nous serions morts de faim depuis longtemps. Il faut songer qu'un " audio-visuel " nous rapporte 10 fois plus qu'un concert pop. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous avons souvent dû jouer à perte… Black Sabbath, à l'Olympia, nous l'avons fait gratuitement. Nicolas Schöffer Paris. A - ...a found exhibition B - Like a found object A - Yes but without placing it in a gallery.
This is a real space unmediated. B - So like drawing people through the terrain of art and visual culture to certain places or sites? Jon Rafman. Anthony McCall. Martin messier [performance, sound, visual, dance+music] Guillaume.marmin. Collectif COIN. Janet Echelman Portfolio - Janet Echelman. Dan flavin. Karen van creveld. Eric Michel - Accueil. Cerith Wyn Evans Artists. Cerith Wyn Evan’s artistic practice focuses on how ideas can be communicated through form.
His conceptual work incorporates a diverse range of media including installation, sculpture, photography, film and text. Wyn Evans began his career as a filmmaker producing short, experimental films and collaborative works but since the 1990s has created artworks that focus on language and perception, with a precise clarity towards their manifestation in space. Antivj is a visual label. Charles Gadeken. Laddie John Dill. Joris Strijbos. Björn Dahlem at Sies + Höke. JAVIER PÉREZ. Www.fabienleaustic.fr. SGP Architects. Page1. Charlotte Beaufort. Maurice fouilhe eclairagiste. Studio Roosegaarde — Profile.
Studio Roosegaarde is the social design lab of Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and engineers which grow ideas of future landscapes into reality.
Roosegaarde creates interactive designs which explore the dynamic relation between people, technology and space through unique innovations. Internationally acclaimed projects include Dune, Waterlicht and Smog Free Project. Miriam prantl works - Home. LARA ELBAZ lighting design - Home. Vanvincent. Lighting design. Ai Weiwei. CCI1. Zumtobel Group - Annual Reports. Under the heading of “Extraordinary Ideas – Realized” the Zumtobel Group’s 24th artistic annual report has now been published.
Designed by James Turrell, the report features key installations by the artist from all periods of his oeuvre, accompanied by essays and dialogues by and with some of Turrell’s prominent contemporaries and companions. Together with an extensive photographic documentation of James Turrell’s installations, contributions from experts in the fields of astronomy, physics, art history and medicine underline the diversity and depth of the artist’s work.
The Zumtobel Group annual report is the first to feature images of Turrell’s latest Skyspaces in Japan and Tasmania, as well as including previously unpublished material on his earlier works. Sarah Beck. The Light is a sculpture that honours the final days of the tungsten light bulb.
As of 2015 the light bulb as we know it, also called the Edison bulb, will no longer be produced in North America. While this marks an advance in environmental responsibility, it also marks the death of a technology that changed the world. The light bulb ushered in a new era with an impact was so great that it came to symbolize a bright idea. As this technology fades into the past, The Light is an epitaph that invites contemplation of change, hope, passage and death. “Rage, rage against the dying of the light” is a line from a poem by Dylan Thomas titled “Do not go gentle into that good night”. The Light is currently on display at Jubilee Plaza in Fort McMurray Alberta until all 360 tungsten bulbs die near the end of 2015. Hildendiaz. WHITEvoid interactive art and design.
TOKUJIN YOSHIOKA INC. Keith Sonnier - New Official Studio SIte. Miguel Chevalier. Www.ratsi.com - Olivier Ratsi, visual artist. Accueil. Fluorescent Umwelt, UGM | Maribor Art Gallery - Maribor (2014)Fluorescent Umwelt, galerie Hladilnica, centre culturel Pekarna - Maribor (2013)Nichoir, nichoir, en collaboration avec Lina Jabbour.The Shining PixelSoap BotAvancer Reculer Tracer, collaboration avec Marie Reinert.HarmonieEclipseMoto JukeboxOXORouge champagneForêt, collaboration avec Julien Hô Kim.PapillonsLaputaL'homme machine bonjour Plotsème, le système de publication Plot.www.happycodefarm.net, le site de la ferme du code heureux.objet(s)d'échange, un projet collectif.
150922 invitation exhibition paris en fr. 2015 expo vers une architecture de lumiere. Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves. Elias Crespin. Exo: Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves, la tête dans les étoiles. Tomek jarolim : Accueil - Light ZOOM Lumière. Jim Campbell. Yann Kersalé. Le Signal / Marée du siècle - Olivier Crouzel. Bocci Design, Manufacturing, Wholesale. AA13 – blog – Inspiration – Design – Architecture – Photographie – Art. Mad Rhizome. Adrien Rovero Studio. The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. Christophe Dabi / Stockholm. Evi keller I selected works. Hiram Butler Gallery. James Turrell Selected Press Artist Videos Hide Videos Online Exhibition Catalog.
Ryoji ikeda Ken + julia yonetani. Intro : pablo valbuena. The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. Gonzalez-Torres’ bio is updated monthly with new exhibitions, publications and press materials.
The most current version of the bio can be downloaded here; information on current and upcoming exhibitions can be found below: Current Exhibitions On the Road. Gelmirez Palace, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 27 Jun. – 30 Nov. 2014. Welcome to Cai Guo-Qiang. Noua viaţă a obiectelor aruncate.