Related: Good pages to practice • eadrelihan2 • Teaching • Engelska • ACTIVITIESPair Activity: 10 Years of Facebook Facebook is 10 Years Old! Let’s Chat! Do your students use Facebook? Do you use Facebook with your students? Does your school have its own Facebook page? The history of the European Union EU Pioneers The following visionary leaders inspired the creation of the European Union we live in today. Without their energy and motivation, we would not be living in the sphere of peace and stability that we take for granted. From resistance fighters to lawyers and parliamentarians, the EU pioneers were a diverse group of people who held the same ideals: a peaceful, united and prosperous Europe. Beyond the pioneers described below, many others have worked tirelessly towards and inspired the European project.
English for Everyone "Your reading comprehension materials are the best I've found on the web. They are so thorough and comprehensive! My students and I have learned a lot from them. Thanks so much!" -- Susan B., Carter, KY. 03/21/12 Like these materials? texts - The Jordans never spoke of the exam, not until their son, Dick, was 12 years old. It was on his birthday that Mrs. Jordan first mentioned the subject in his presence, and the anxious manner of her speech caused her husband to answer sharply. The Comprehensive Google Drive Guide for Teachers and Students January 26, 2014 Google Drive is one of the fundamental tools in our digital toolkits as teachers and educators. Whether you want to compose a document, create a presentation, design a sheet, or share a beautiful drawing you made, Google Drive provides you with the tools to do that on any device and anywhere you are with an internet connection . Given this huge importance of Google Drive for teachers, I have created an entire section here packed full of tips, tricks, ideas, and third party tools to enable you to better tap into the full educational potential of this platform. Today, I am sharing with you a treasure trove of practical guides on how to use each tool in Google Drive. This is the same list I have been using to create guides I share with you here in this blog.
Differentiation: setting learning objectives and outcomes Schools will use different systems for setting objectives, but it's expected that pupils will know – by being told or by seeing these displayed on the board – what the learning objectives are. I would strongly advise that pupils copy down these learning objectives, or stick them into their books so that they can refer to them both during and after the lesson. When setting your learning objectives you need to be clear about what you expect the learning outcomes to be. Having said this, it will have already become pretty evident to you that not all pupils will be able to access the knowledge/skills/understanding you are trying to impart in your lessons to the same level, and because of this your outcomes need to be differentiated. What is differentiation? So what is actually meant by the term ‘differentiation’?
Nature of Science Teaching Activities / Nature of science The Nature of Science strand is described in the science learning area as the overarching and unifying strand. How might this influence our teaching and our choice of teaching activities? What teaching activities will help us teach the nature of science? The teaching activities in this section provide examples for how we might adapt other activities to meet the aims of the Nature of Science strand. The Nature of Science strand has four achievement aims which are summarised as: Understanding about science, Investigating in science, Communicating in science, Participating and contributing.
Building Literacy Every Day By Pearson Early Learning Every time you read a book, write a note, sort the laundry, check the TV listings, or recount the day’s happenings, you are using skills young children need to have to be ready to learn to read and write. Here are some simple activities you and your child can do together. Chalkup- A Wonderful Google Drive Tool for Teachers February 6, 2015 I just learned through an email from Justin Chando about this interesting update to Chalkup. The folks in Chalkup have finally made the move to Google Drive and created a seamless integration of Chalkup with Google Drive. Chalkup is a great web tool that allows teachers to create classes and share different study materials on a message board that students can access in real-time.
EFL ESL Teaching Activities, Lessons, Games, Worksheets, Ideas We hope you enjoy using this free resource site for English teachers. Whether you are looking for teaching activities, worksheets, lessons, games, ideas or articles, you've certainly come to the right place. The pages at are designed to direct you quickly and easily to the ESL/EFL teaching resource you are looking for. You will find lots of new teaching ideas and activities to keep your classes imaginative and interesting. The teaching pages within this site are filled with quality resources and exciting teaching ideas. There are activities for teaching listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as vocabulary, conversation and grammar.
Number Games for Kids Online - SplashLearn Frequently Asked Questions: Q1: How do I teach my kindergartener to recognize numbers? Ans: You can use objects, pictures, counters or abacus to make your kindergarten learn and recognise numbers. These objects can be kept in a group and child can identify how many are they using numbers. Fountas & Pinnell - RESOURCE REPOSITORY We are excited about the new Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ (FPC) products added to this site! Improvements to the site will continue over the coming months. Keep in mind, if you run into any issues while using this site, you can "Live Chat" with us by clicking the button in the corner. New design and navigation!
A Very Useful Tool to Create Educational Animated Videos on Google Drive December 21, 2014 PowToon is a very powerful web app which you can use on Google Drive to create beautiful animated videos and presentations. PowToon provides you with all the necessary animation tools you’ll need to immediately begin creating your own professional-looking animated explainer videos and animated presentations. It has an easy to use interface with pre-designed templates and a variety of style libraries to choose from. The videos you create in PowToon can also be easily converted into animated presentations with each slide representing a scene in the storyline of your presentation. To create your videos, simply drag and drop characters and props then assign them animations. Using the the export button, you will be able download your animated videos to your computer or share them on popular social media outlets like YouTube and Facebook.
This website recommends 10 interactive and highly engaging technology resources to transform teaching and learning. by katherineking2 Mar 19