Just Books Read Aloud
Related: Early Education
SD State Library: Programming Resources
Children's & Youth Services | Programming Calendars RIF Monthly Activity Calendars Download Activity Calendars with lots of fun reading activities to do every day of the month from Reading is Fundamental, Inc.
Kid Zone Programs & Links
Kid Zone Programs & Links FALL STORY TIMES Begin the Week of September 12th STEPPING UP CLASSES: 3 Year Olds Tuesdays at 10am
Best Free Audio Books Online
April 2, 2009 LearnOutLoud invites you jump in and listen to 100 of the best free audiobook downloads available online. For many years now we've featured a Free Audio Book every Friday as part of our Free Resource of the Day Emails.
Reading Graphic Organizers - Reading A-Z
Why Use Graphic Organizers The human brain naturally looks for connections between old and new information. Additionally, studies have shown that the brain processes information most efficiently in chunks. Graphic organizers complement both of these processes by helping students:
SD State Library: Braille & Talking Book Library
Braille & Talking Book Library | Children The South Dakota Braille & Talking Book Library (B&TB) has both fiction and nonfiction books for children in print/braille (twin vision), braille, and talking book formats. Materials in the collection begin at the preschool level. Latest Books Listed are the most recent Children's books acquired for the South Dakota Braille & Talking Book Library. Read on for more information.
Fun Math Games for Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st to 6th Grade Maths Practice
Math Worksheets & Printables These worksheets are printable PDF exercises of the highest quality. Writing reinforces Maths learnt.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Teaching Ideas and Resources: Read the first paragraph where Christopher discovers the dead dog. Can you complete the story from that point? The book is a murder mystery novel.
Flocabulary - Error Loading Assets
You're seeing this message because something's preventing Flocabulary from loading correctly. If that doesn't work, please try the following steps below to troubleshoot the problem. If you try each, and are still having issues, please shoot us an email at info@flocabulary.com. 1. Do you have any firewalls or security policies in place that may be affecting usage? It is possible that your school's firewall is blocking the site where we host our images and media, basically rendering our site as raw HTML.
PreK-Elementary Databases from SDSL
Library Outreach/ LSTA | Electronic Resources | Elementary School Resources Elementary School | Middle School | High School BookFlix® Talking books for early readers. It pairs approximately 135 animated stories with a nonfiction talking book on a similar subject. Category: Educators & Librarians, Elementary School
Dolch Word Games
Free online Dolch word games to help you learn those all-important sight words. There are games where you match the spoken word to text, word searches and spelling practice games. The games are divided into sets for Pre-Primer, Primer, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade. The most frequently used words in the English language are in the Pre-Primer section, so that's the best section to start with. Just click Get & Share below and copy the code for a mini version of one of my Dolch word games. Scroll down to access the main game pages.
ESL Reading Worksheets - Short Stories - Free
Arbor Day - Marla and Tio plant a tree in the yard. Breakfast - Jack has high cholesterol and has to stop eating donuts. Bus Driver - Adan wants to retire next year when he turns sixty-two. Camping - Bears take over a campsite! Car Accident - Oh, no!