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Is a blog still important in 2011? Last week I was speaking with a ‘social media pro’ who informed me that I shouldn’t bother with blogs as its all Quora nowadays. At first hand it’s not such a silly statement – may people instinctively believe that the volume of blogging has fallen massively since 2007 at the expense of the shiny toys of Twitter, Quora, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. If all the conversations are happening in other channels why should we bother to blog at all? This view is short sighted. In fact, blogging for marketing purposes has increased:

Online Drum Machine Drumbot is the next best thing to a real drummer. Full song loops and tons of grooves. Designed specifically for non-drummers for use as backing tracks during song composition. We've partnered with real drummers, (can you think of a better beat maker?) who've created entire songs, from intro to outro, then organized everything to help you discover that perfect groove.

Laver House by Kennedy Nolan Previous Entry Next Entry Buoy Lamps by PostlerFerguson Tailored Wood Bench TWB by Raw Edges for Cappellini 5 Ways Banks Are Using Social Media Lon S. Cohen is a freelance writer and is @obilon on Twitter. He's also the Director of Communications at @ALSofGNY. Many banks have started using social websites to help them with everything from healing the financial industry to promoting their latest credit cards. By embracing the most popular tools available, the industry has also been embracing the best of what social media culture has to offer, and smaller, community banks seem to be leading the charge when it comes to social media innovation. This post profiles some U.S. banks that have used social media in their marketing and communications plans in some interesting and successful ways.

Fractal Takes you through the world of discovery. Each level offers new possibilities of play, while continually expanding on challenges. This is NOT a “more of the same game” scenario; we spent a lot of time crafting a lush campaign that expands, bends, twists, and creates new elements of gameplay that will completely alter the way you view the game. Sometimes, it’s just nice to have a controlled environment. Kirk Originals Eyewear - London Flagship Kirk Originals eyewear company opened its London flagship store on Conduit Street in the West End this week with a swanky launch party. London-based Campaign designed the pared-down, dramatic retail environment of the 66 square-meter boutique. The black-and-white color palette, only one eyewear wall with 187 “heads” for frames, and practically no furnishings ensure that customers will focus on the eyewear, not the trappings. Eye examinations and fitting take place in the basement, away from the main display space. Large graphics of winking eyes in the window speak the same, clear language leaving no doubt about what they sell. Established more than two decades ago, Kirk Originals is still run by Jason and Karen Kirk from their home near Bordeaux, France.

Social Media Time Management: Selecting Tools This post is the third in a multi-part series on Social Media Time Management, intended to supplement the content of the presentation I gave at BlogWorld Expo 2009. Click here to see the collection of posts in the series. When you’ve planned and are ready to actually start engaging in social media, selecting the right tools can go a long way to helping you manage your time. Remember, the tools you select should reflect what you’ve learned through your listening efforts, and help you accomplish the goals you’ve set. When it comes to social networks or types of social media, select two or three. Musique Interactive Plaid a choisi une manière originale de promouvoir son single Tether et l’album qui va avec, via une web app interactive et intuitive pour jouer avec le titre. Le code source de l’appli est disponible sur github. Incredibox et ses beatbox interactives sont de retour! Nouveaux look, nouveaux sons et nouveaux bonus, mais une application assez proche de la première version.

Le Journal des Vitrines — les plus belles vitrines des plus beaux magasins, par Stéphanie Moisan La boite à outils pour surveiller votre e-reputation sur les médias sociaux Cet article a été posté par Kheir Ismael le 28 janvier 2010 à 17:32 De plus en plus d’entreprises actuellement se rendent compte de la puissance des médias sociaux et y développent de vraies stratégies afin de garantir leur développement. Chaque entreprise présente sur le net a (en principe) envisagé une stratégie de visibilité et de présence sur certains canaux. Certaines matraquent parfois l’internaute et abusent de techniques de seeding et d’undercover Marketing , tandis que d’autres ne se soucient pas de ce qu’il se dis sur leur marque que cela soit en bien ou en mal. Oublions ces extrêmes et concentrons nous plutôt sur une méthode de veille efficace qui nous permet de vérifier en temps réel ce qu’il se dit sur un produit, une marque, une entreprise, ou même un nom.

Boîte à musique Niveau INITIATION Voici des fichiers-sons pour vous aider à travailler seul ; servez-vous en autant que vous en aurez besoin / Fin d’année … Schéma Maj-min1353146414641353113531 en DO / en RÉ / en LA Greensleeves BRITTEN SCHUMANN Lied der Braut KHATCHATURIAN Andantino Glyphish – Great icons for great iPhone & iPad applications Médias sociaux > Le Community Manager que vous recherchez se tro Je me suis posé la question avant de publier cet article et d’enfoncer le clou par rapport à un article récent sur le community management qui avait largement fait réagir : Réflexions autour du community management : pourquoi le community manager doit faire partie de l’entreprise. J’estimais effectivement que le community manager devait faire partie de l’entreprise. Suite aux échanges, je vais même plus loin : le community manager se trouve déjà dans votre entreprise…
