Designers Guide to Web Performance Optimization – Jon Yablonski Why Performance Is Important Web performance optimization is important because it directly impacts user experience and page metrics. You can pack as many micro-interactions, animations and beautiful images you want into a page — if the page is slow, the user will likely never see them. This is exacerbated by connection speeds on mobile devices, which is now the predominant method people all around the world are accessing the internet. “The road towards better performance doesn’t start with developers or technology stacks (though I’m certainly not suggesting those things are unimportant). Process & Workflow By prioritizing performance and making it part of our workflow and process, designers can help to make performance an essential design feature. Shift Your Perspective It is pretty common for designers to jump right into designing for ‘desktop’ and then work their way down to ‘mobile’ when exploring design concepts in high-fidelity. Collaborate Sticking to a Budget Avoid One-Off Solutions
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50 Sketching Resources for User Experience Designers Sketching is a critical part of the User Experience Design process. Sketching allows us to explore ideas and iterate on concepts quickly and easily before creating detailed mockups. Below is a roundup of many different sketching articles, tools, templates, presentations, videos, books, and examples to help User Experience Designers learn more about sketching and how it benefits UX design. Articles about Sketching Sketching Tools Sketching Templates Presentations about Sketching Sketchboards: Good Design Faster: (PDF) Brandon Schauer shares his sketchboarding presentation from the CanUX 2008 conferenceSee -> Sort -> Sketch: Pen & Paper Tools to get from Research to Design: Kate Rutter’s workshop slides from the 2010 IA Summit.Talking About Sketching About Interacting: Christopher Fahey discusses the sketch “resolution spectrum” and how sketches can communicate your thinking. Videos about Sketching Books about Sketching Sketching Examples Catriona Cornett View My Portfolio Follow Me:
A Collection of Printable Sketch Templates and Sketch Books for Wireframing At the beginning of a web (or application) development project I always create the sketches first. While sketching can be done on a blank paper, it’s much better to use a sketch template. For me that is the best and most productive way to work on and improve my ideas before application development begins (and things get more complicated :-)). This way I won’t pay too much attention to some details that should be taken care of later, but stay focused on general layout and functionality. Below you will find more than 20 resources that you can use in sketching phase of application development. And, of course, don’t forget to share your wireframes on I ♥ wireframes :-) Printable sketch templates for websites These are some pretty good, printable sketch templates for website design. Browser Sketch Pad (PDF) Browser Sketch Pad by Design Commission — see original source 960 grid template 960 grid template by Nathan Smith — see original source 960 Sketch PDF template Graph paper Paper browser Notepod
7 Tipps für großartiges Mobile-App-Design Beim Gestalten für kleinere Bildschirme muss dein UI-Design in Gedankenschnelle funktionieren. Idealerweise sollte das Interface einfach genug für Erstnutzer sein, ohne erfahrene Nutzer zu langweilen. 1. Die Regeln für interaktives Design gelten überall und immer Nur weil du weniger Bildschirmfläche zur Verfügung hast, heißt das nicht, dass die Regeln für gutes Interaction-Design hier keine Gültigkeit haben. Lasst uns nochmal einen Blick auf die fünf Pfeiler des Interaktions-Designs werfen, bevor wir zu den Tipps übergehen, wie man benutzbare native App-Interfaces gestaltet: Zielgerichtetes Design: Du sollstet für den richtigen Nutzer designen. Wie Andrew Maier in seinem großartigen UX-Booth-Artikel herausstellt, sind diese fünf Regeln das Fundament, das du beachten solltest, bevor du anfängst, irgendeine Art von Interaktion zu designen, egal ob es für eine App ist oder nicht. 2. Bildschirmgöße ist nicht die einzige Beschränkung bei mobilem Design. 3. 4.
A Practical Guide To Convert Your Sketches To Working Prototypes Hi Yaroslav! What’s your toolkit to design, prototype, etc.? Even though occasionally I still use photoshop and illustrator, my main tool set includes: Balsamiq Mockups — For very rough wireframes. Sketch — my main tool, that’s where I store all my mockups and most of the work is done.Principle — really fast and intuitive for animating wireframes and mockups, even though relatively restricted in functionality, it’s totally paid off by its speed. After Effects — comes in when more complicated animation needs to be designed. InVision — Where static mockups come together in a clickable prototype;Adobe Photoshop — Recently just for saving and tweaking gifs.Illustrator — for its very purpose, illustrations. Ezgif — Nice tool for reducing the gif size. Do you use any plugins? I have a bunch of plugins installed and tested by time in my Sketch. Awesome, we might start using Runner too! In the company I work for, there is “Design Thinking” or “Design First” approach we apply to our projects. 1.
A Beginner's Guide To Progressive Web Apps How To Make Your Not-So-Great Visual Design Better — Facebook Design How do I get better at visual design? Having answers to these posed questions is an excellent place to start. Being a good designer—being a good visual designer — requires intentionality. The next thing to work on as you answer these questions with intentionality, is to ensure that intentionality is based on solid design principles and research and attention to detail, and yes, sometimes things like style and preference. Ira Glass has fantastic perspective on this: “Nobody tells people who are beginners — and I really wish somebody had told this to me — is that all of us who do creative work … we get into it because we have good taste. If you have taste, and that taste tells you that you have room for improvement, you can improve your visual design. You observe design in the world and form opinions on what’s good and what’s not good. You look at established design systems like material design and Human Interface Guidelines. You practice. And you practice.
Checkliste: Bevor deine Website live geht | DR. WEB Die Entwicklung von Websites kann ein langwieriger und mühsamer Prozess sein. Besonders, wenn du einen Klienten erwischt, der keine klare Vorstellung vom Projekt hat. Du könntest jetzt in die Versuchung geraten, die Website so schnell wie nur möglich online zu bringen. Das ist jedoch nicht gerade vorteilhaft für dich. Wenn du denkst, dass du die Website schnell online stellen und die letzten Fehler im Live-Betrieb ausmerzen kannst, dann kann dich diese Einstellung durchaus in Schwierigkeiten bringen. Auch wenn dein Klient schwierig ist, so hat er ein Anrecht auf Qualität und sollte zu jeder Zeit in den Prozess eingebunden sein. Dir als Webentwickler muss klar sein, dass deine Reputation unter Umständen unter einer Harakiri-Aktion durchaus leiden kann. Um dir dieses und andere Probleme zu ersparen, habe ich eine Checkliste zusammengestellt, die dir dabei helfen soll, nur noch »fertige« Websites zu veröffentlichen. 1 – Checke den vereinbarten Arbeitsumfang Anzeige 3 – Teste den Content Fazit
How to Optimize Website Images for Better Design & SEO Whether you have a blog, online store, or a regular website that you want to look amazing, it pays to take a few moments to optimize each image you upload. When we talk about “optimizing” an image for the web, you can think about this in two ways: 1) making sure your images can be indexed by search engines, and 2) making sure they just look good. Most posts just go over one aspect or the other, but in this post I’ll cover both. Even better is that all of these steps can be done with free, easy-to-use tools—no Photoshop required. (In this post I'll mostly be demonstrating with the free web version of Pixlr, which is a great tool for basic photo editing.) 1. You don’t have to be a professional photographer to use great photographs on your website. Note: Aim to have at least one image on every page of your website. 2. With images, you’re most likely to encounter a JPEG (or JPG) or a PNG. What if you are using a photograph with text over it (like the feature images we use on this blog)? 3.