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300+ Mind Expanding Documentaries

300+ Mind Expanding Documentaries
Source: | Original Post Date: January 12, 2014 – I watch a lot of documentaries. I think they are incredible tools for learning and increasing our awareness of important issues. The power of an interesting documentary is that it can open our minds to new possibilities and deepen our understanding of the world. On this list of mind expanding documentaries you will find different viewpoints, controversial opinions and even contradictory ideas. Critical thinking is recommended. Watching documentaries is one of my favorite methods of self-education. I hope you find these documentaries as enlightening as I did! [1] Life In The Biosphere Explore the wonder and interconnectedness of the biosphere through the magic of technology. 1. [2] Creativity and Design: Learn about all the amazing things that people create with their imaginations. 1. [3] The Education Industrial Complex: The modern school where young minds are moulded into standardized citizens by the state. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

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Finding Focus By Leo Babauta Do you ever have one of those days when you just can’t seem to find focus? When you fritter away your time on nothingnesses, distractions, wandering without really doing something important? Or one of those weeks? I have those days regularly. I can find myself “working” for several hours, but at the end of those several hours have nothing to show for it. Why Creative People Sometimes Make No Sense Photo by Sophia. I’ve been having an insightful shuffle through Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book Creativity: The Work and Lives of 91 Eminent People. Mihaly is a seminal professor of Psychology and Management, and is the Founding Co-Director of the Quality of Life Research Center at Claremont.
