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Conversations in the cloud Ken Tothero · University of Texas at Austin VoiceThread conversations are media-centric, which keeps the discussions focused. They also provide an opportunity to reflect, resulting in higher quality input. And finally, the system just plain works. Ken Tothero from the University of Texas at Austin shares his experience using VoiceThread (3:04 Min) Cole Complese · Penn State

DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms Classrooms should be fundamentally thoughtful places, environments where students are taught a wide range of higher order conceptual skills to complement the traditional basics of reading, writing, and computation. ~ Terry Roberts, Director of the National Paideia Center Learning is the Adventure of What Can Be How do you think your students would take to becoming an animation movie producer and director? Can you think of ways in which your students could use the animation creator to focus on their ideas? What kind of “higher order conceptual skills” will the students use to show they understand what you want them to learn?

5 Best Prezi Alternatives - Business Presentation software by PowToon! In the last couple of years many people have been searching for innovative ways to create executive, unique, and memorable presentations. PowerPoint was exciting in the early days of its launch, but too many boring presentations led to the creation of new softwares like Prezi. Prezi presentations helped to prevent us from falling asleep during presentations, but the zooming in and out effects of their software, and limited manipulation capabilities, called for more options and new players in the presentation market. 1. PowToon – Best Prezi Alternative Recipes to Good Writing Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could teach students how to be good writers by simply following a recipe? While I certainly do not profess that teaching writing is as easy as following a recipe, I do hope the writing resources I have developed and found will help you and your students. As you explore the various writing recipe pages included on this site, please feel free to print out and use the worksheets, recipe

Two Great Google Story Telling Tools for Teachers Looking for some digital storytelling tools for your students ? Google has got two wonderful applications which I have already reviewed here in two separate posts. Check them out below : 1- Google Story Builder Story Builder allows you to create mini-movies or video stories with the feel of Google Docs. You can also personalize the videos you create using the characters, story, and even music of your choosing and when you finish you can share your final product with others.

Storytelling with Scratch <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> 3 Powerful Web Tools to Create Whiteboard Animation Videos for Your Class October 23, 2014 Whiteboard animation videos are videos that draw themselves. They involve an animated use of images, shapes, characters, sounds and voice-overs to create a clip. This form of video production has been very popular recently and is widely used by some leading educational YouTube channels such as TED Ed and RSA Animate. Creating a whiteboard animation video is no longer a graphic designer's job. There are actually several web tools that allow you to easily put together an animated video with as simple tools as drag and drop. As a teacher, you can use these animations to create and share tutorials, presentations, step by tsp guides, and many more.

Teaching Writing with a Peer Editing Co-op — Jimmie's Collage At my local homeschool group’s October meeting, we divided up into grade levels with the middle school moms (6th – 8th) all meeting together. Our topic was writing, and some common trouble spots emerged as we shared our children’s situation with writing: weak editing skillsnot applying the writing skills they knowlack of proofreading skillslack of motivation for the tough steps of editing and revisingultra sensitivity to mom’s criticism during the writing process I don’t know who came up with the idea first, but many of us agreed that a peer editing session might do our middle school writers a world of good for all of these problems. And thus the peer editing coop was born. I took the initiative to organize it, and we have met once already.

PULP-O-MIZER: the custom pulp magazine cover generator When you purchase your custom pulp magazine cover on a printed product, the reliable Pulp-O-Mizer cranks it up to high gear and - after a few seconds of groaning and sputtering - it spits out a high resolution image at (or even over) 300 pixels to the inch. The image is immediately transmitted across the sub aetheric waves, and, well! That's when things really get interesting. We entrust your orders to well trained, electrically motivated henchmen and henchwomen.

It is a digital storytelling tool that allows the teacher to create his or her own 3D books using augmented reality technology. by rsande Nov 25

Challenging site for young students to use, but great for creating fun and exciting books. Could easily be a grade bridging project for older kids to make books for younger kids to enjoy! by kristiweber5 Oct 26

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