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Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work

Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work
Related:  Autour de culture numérique et éducation

Penser l'école avec Gilbert Simondon, par Jean-Hugues Barthélémy Il est devenu trivial de souligner l’état de crise dans lequel se trouve l’école aujourd’hui. Ce qui l’est moins, c’est de faire le lien entre d’une part l’influence négative des industries culturelles sur le désir d’apprendre de nos élèves, d’autre part la nécessité et l’urgence d’une réforme complète des programmes et non pas seulement des parcours (et ce sont essentiellement les parcours que veut modifier la réforme prévue par l’actuel ministre de l’Education). Or, ce lien peut aujourd’hui être fait, parce que nous disposons désormais en France de deux œuvres décisives et tout à fait complémentaires, dont l’une prolonge d’ailleurs à certains égards explicitement l’autre : les œuvres des philosophes Gilbert Simondon et Bernard Stiegler. Puisque nous avons dit ailleurs, en collaboration avec Julien Gautier, les mérites de l’éclairage apporté par Stiegler dans son livre Prendre soin. Le cadre général de ces Réflexions est posé par Simondon dans les termes suivants :

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Leadership and Team Building for Executives, Managers, and Teams Dossier Penser l'école à l'ère du numérique Nous rassemblons ici des éléments de réflexion et des propositions concernant les transformations des systèmes d'enseignement à l'ère du numérique, de l'Internet et du "multimedia". Nous pensons, comme d'autres, que l'école est profondément affectée par la nouvelle "époque numérique" dans laquelle nous sommes entrés de manière irréversible, et qu'il faut donc que l'institution scolaire s'intéresse de près aux implications - cognitives, épistémologiques, culturelles et sociales - de cette transformation et puisse ainsi se saisir activement de ce nouveau contexte au lieu de le subir. Cela suppose selon nous une approche théorique sérieuse et des propositions pratiques ambitieuses, qui doivent aller bien plus loin que les timides et naïves tentatives d'"introduction des TICE" à l'école menées jusqu'ici, tout en se tenant à distance des positions échevelées en faveur du "tout numérique" à l'école. • Signalons par ailleurs l'intéressant article de David R. - le rapport de C.

What is the legal position concerning the embedding of YouTube videos in a password protected VLE? > JISC Legal > ManageContent The answer is that it depends on what is permitted by the owner of the rights in the work being copied and made available to learners. The law of copyright applies to content that would be embedded in the VLE. Strictly making available to the public an infringing work (here to learners via the VLE - password protected or not) is further infringement. So if the content to be embedded in the VLE is an infringing copy, the institution is likely to be considered to be making an infringing copy available to the public. This is “Infringement by communication to the public", section 20 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA) as amended. Although embedding may or may not be copying, it is nevertheless likely to be considered communication to the public for the purposes of the legislation. Consequently, the onus remains on the lecturer to clear the rights of any content that they make available to learners via the VLE - including content sourced from YouTube.

Leadership Welcome to the Art and Science of Leadership, a comprehensive collection of articles and activities for developing leadership skills and knowledge. Becoming a good leader is not easy, but by learning the correct leadership skills and knowledge, putting them into practice through quality learning activities, and then adapting them to different situations, will put you well on your way to becoming a leader. Leadership Manual This guide is divided into five sections: You can also use the Leadership Mind Map to select an article, or use the search bar at the top of the page. For a list of learning activities that help to develop leadership skills, see the Leadership Development Outline. Basics of Leadership Click image for a larger diagram Leadership Philosophies Team Leadership Advanced Leadership Skills Supporting Skills There is no such thing as a perfect leader, either in the past or present, in China or elsewhere. Learning Activities Let's work together to solve this. . . Related Pages

Dossier séminaire PRECIP - Enseigner l'écriture numérique Jean-Michel Meurice - Cugat 2 (2002) Enseigner le numérique ? Ce séminaire, qui s'est tenu les 4 et 5 Avril 2012 à l'UTC de Compiègne, pose une question à laquelle il ne répond que partiellement, car cette question, lapidaire dans sa formulation, mais si complexe dans sa résolution, n’est pas prête de s’éteindre. Le chantier soulevé par cette question est très loin d’être fini, mais notre contribution, dont ce séminaire donne quelques idées, montre, et c’est là le principal, qu’enseigner les spécificités de l’écriture numérique est possible et souhaitable. L'expression « écriture numérique » a été choisie, faute de mieux, pour sa simplicité. Ce séminaire, mené dans le cadre du projet PRECIP (Pratiques d'écriture interactive en Picardie), avait une vocation pédagogique et scientifique, mais il a soulevé des questions philosophiques. Victor Petit Vous trouverez ci-dessous les enregistrements video de l'ensemble des interventions du séminaire.

YouTube Makes Some Changes To Improve User Experience [News] The worlds most popular way to share and watch videos has received a small update that brings a few improvements. YouTube has quietly rolled out these new features, and while they won’t necessarily revolutionize the way you watch and create videos on YouTube, they are some very nice changes that keep them ahead of the pack in terms of creating and watching videos on the web. The first change this new update brings is with the screen that comes up when you finish watching a video. The new end of video screen is more like a mosaic, making it easier to find exactly what you want to watch next. The next change comes in the playlist bar. YouTube also improved their charts feature. They also added localization for more countries such as Kenya, Singapore and the Philippines, bringing their total to 35 countries. The last change is a partnership with cloud-based video editing service WeVideo for creators. Source: YouTube Official Blog

Kotter International - Change Leadership Management is about coping with complexity. Its practices and procedures are largely responses to one of the most significant developments of the twentieth century: the emergence of large organizations. Without good management, complex enterprises tend to become chaotic in ways that threaten their very existence. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change. Faster technological change, greater international competition, the deregulation of markets, overcapacity in capital-intensive industries, an unstable oil cartel, raiders with junk bonds, and the changing demographics of the work-force are among the many factors that have contributed to this shift. The net result is that doing what was done yesterday, or doing it 5% better, is no longer a formula for success. What happens when organizations have different amounts of management and leadership? When organizations have high competencies in management and leadership, they’re able to meet challenges today as well as tomorrow.

Our Blog Our school’s interest in utilizing physical activity to improve academic performance began in 2010. Ron Andrews, Head of the Physical Education Department, and Peter Kalbfleisch, Head of the Co Curricular Program, introduced our staff to the book SPARK: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, by Dr. John Ratey M.D. (Ratey, 2008). Our staff became convinced that the positive associations between physical activity and academic performance that had happened in other schools could happen in ours. We felt compelled to act. The problem, of course, was how would we integrate daily physical activity, for all students, into a regular school day, in a busy high school.

Are FE and HE institutions required to purchase the MPLC Umbrella Licence to view pre-recorded films in public? > JISC Legal > ManageContent The Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC) Umbrella licence (available at is not required when showing DVDs or pre-recorded films for educational purposes, for the following reasons: S.34 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 deals with performing or showing copyright works before an educational audience. S.34(2) deals with the showing of a DVD, and states: “(2) The playing or showing of a sound recording, film or broadcast before [an audience consisting of teachers and pupils at an educational establishment and other persons directly connected with the activities of the establishment] at an educational establishment for the purposes of instruction is not a playing or showing of the work in public for the purposes of infringement of copyright.” (the section in square brackets is from s.34(1)). However, the licence on the DVD itself needs to be considered. Filmbank operates the Public Video Screening Licence (PVSL).

Styles of Leadership Table of Contents > Chapter 13. Orienting Ideas in Leadership > Section 3. Styles of Leadership > What is leadership style? Why pay attention to leadership style? What are some conceptions and methods of leadership? What are some ways of looking at leadership style and what are their effects on an organization? How do you determine what is an appropriate style? How do you choose and develop a leadership style? A couple of true stories: The director of a community coalition understood her role clearly: to bring people and organizations together to work on common issues; to facilitate the work of the groups that formed; and to support those who took on responsibility for the work. Both of these stories are about styles of leadership - the ways in which leaders see leadership and carry it out. Much of the material in this section looks at individual leaders, but leadership can be invested in a team, or in several teams, or in different people at different times. Conceptions of leadership 1. 2. 3.

Professional Development for Educators What is the Arizona Technology Integration Matrix? The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal directed (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. What is in each cell? Within each cell of the Matrix one will find two lessons plans with a short video of the lesson. Download PDF of the Technology Integration Matrix Print this page Characteristics fo the Learning Environment ← → Levels of Technology Integration Into the Curriculum How should the Technology Integration Matrix be used? Use this TIM tutorial to get more information on how to use it in your classroom practice.
