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FILE Magazine - Unexpected Photography.

FILE Magazine - Unexpected Photography.
Missing Persons. Every once in a while, due to the vagaries of Gmail or our own sheer incompetence (usually the latter), we lose track of the artist behind a photo that we want to publish. Fortunately, this is a rare occurance, but we still have a few lonely strays that we would like like to match up with their owners. Check out our "Anonymous" contributions and help us give the photographers the credit they deserve. Let us know if you figure one out, and if you are right, we will give you an exciting prize. Unsolicited Advice.

Conscientious Articles Contemporary Photographers Diane Meyer Photographer Rigs An iPhone 4 To Helium Balloons To Take HD Videos Here is a nice concept to compete with Kite Arieal Photography, Helicopter rigged cameras and very long pole photography. A bunch of curious DIYers at Los Angeles rigged an iPhone 4 to a set of helium balloons that helped it rise about 1000 feet and take 720p videos of Los Angeles. The footage is displayed below, while it is not perfect, and kinda shaky, there is also a valuable BTS. Hit the Just for some behind the scenes and my notes of the video here is the behind the scenes video that they took (probably to have some memory in case that iPhone would never be seen again). There are lots of good pointers in the BTS.

HMAb — HeatherMortonArt buyer One of my favourite things about this show is that it includes so much variety. Subject matter, technique and of course style- the show is a lovely mixture. Plus, it represents photographers in very different places in their careers. Droit à l'image et droit de l'image L’utilisation croissante de l’informatique et de l’internet implique une utilisation croissante d'images confectionnées par les établissements ou captées par scanner ou réseau. Introduction Le cadre juridique touchant l’image est complexe, car il fait intervenir plusieurs corpus juridiques : droit pénal, droit civil, droit de la propriété intellectuelle, droit administratif. New Photographers: Feature Shoot SALLY MANN: “Sally Mann’s Immediate Family – The Unflinching and Unafraid Childhood” (2006 Sally Mann’s Immediate Family: The Unflinching and Unafraid Childhood By Valerie Osbourn, October 27, 2006 In the fall of 1992, a traveling exhibit opened at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia. The collection was called “Immediate Family”, and it was by a young and lesser known photographer by the name of Sally Mann. The images, taken from 1984 to 1991 detailed the complex childhoods of her three children; Emmet, Jessie and the youngest, Virginia.

Flak Photo La photo de rue en péril ? Mme Reda proposait la possibilité pour tous d'exploiter sur Internet des photos ou des films montrant des œuvres d'art ou architecturales, situés dans l'espace public, en se passant de l'autorisation de leurs ayants-droit. Opposés à cette conception, les membres de la commission ont proposé, à l’initiative du député français Jean-Marie Cavada, un amendement au rapport Reda, qui vise à réduire la liberté de panorama. Selon l'amendement 421, photographes et vidéastes pourront, dans le cas d’une utilisation commerciale, exploiter et partager leurs images sur les réseaux sociaux uniquement avec l’autorisation des titulaires des droits des œuvres, principalement architecturales.

Fraction Magazine Des livres et des photos Expiration Notice
