Pétillant® - Le site expert de la carte heuristique Technology & Assessment This web page provides links to publications, presentations, and support materials developed and maintained by Dr. Helen Barrett, School of Education, University of Alaska Anchorage (retired). Listserv devoted to issues related to Electronic and Digital Portfolios, beginning July 15, 1998. References & Links Online Video and Podcasts Webinar on mPortfolios based on my new poster for the 2012 ISTE conference. Dr. Refereed Publications Blurring the Boundaries: Social Networking and E-Portfolios. Dr. Digital Stories of Deep Learning: Add Voice and Higher Order Thinking to ePortfolios with Digital Storytelling (with Eileen Brennan) AAEEBL ePortfolio World Summit 2011, Boston, July 25-29, 2011. Dr. Create ePortfolios using GoogleApps, Northwest Council of Computer Education - Portland, March 2, 2011. Copyright © 1996 - 2012, Helen C. Helen Barrett's Home Page
Carneades Home Education 2.0 : Educazione Didattica e Scuola Room3-FPS - E Portfolios CORE Breakfast Seminar on ePortfolios ePortfolio presentation given at a CORE Education Breakfast Seminar. Some of the main points from the presentation:clarify your purpose (pedagogy) before your technology (eportfolio tool)the eportfolio becomes the vehicle for drawing in the components of effective pedagogy and assessmentengage all stakeholders in discussion about the purpose and expectations surrounding eportfoliosthe eportfolio learning process is complex and cyclic, mirroring our expectation of teachers engaging in teaching as inquiryquality feedback, reflection and next steps are integral for eportfolios to support learning and attainment of goals ePortfolios #14: 3-Way Interviews and Priorities ePortfolios #13: A Reflection on my Classroom’s PROCESS from Jamin Starting eportfolios Info from Chris Harbeck ePortfolios #11: Some Gold Nuggets from Jamin Lietze Tumblr for ePortfolio From Nick Rate, NZ The Role of e-Portfolios in Formative and Summative Assessment eportfolios and Google Dr.
Debategraph DebateGraph is an award-winning, web-platform for visualizing and sharing networks of thought – and opening reasoning and action to collaborative learning and iterative improvement.Create your own maps and explore and contribute to maps created by amongst others: CNN, the White House, the UK Prime Minister's Office, The Independent, and the Foreign Office. DebateGraph is being used in over 100 countries and helping people reason and learn together more effectively in many different fields, including: education, health, governance, media, publishing, environment, conflict resolution, conferences, group facilitation, and public consultation and planning.There's no limit to the number of people who can collaborate on maps, and you are welcome to start building and sharing public and private maps on any topic now. Copyright © 2014 Thoughtgraph Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Understanding Formal Analysis The elements of art are components or parts of a work of art that can be isolated and defined. They are the building blocks used to create a work of art. The list below describes each element of art. Learn about the principles of design here. Download a student handout containing a list of the elements of art and their definitions. (PDF, 168KB) Line A line is an identifiable path created by a point moving in space. Horizontal lines suggest a feeling of rest or repose because objects parallel to the earth are at rest. Vertical lines often communicate a sense of height because they are perpendicular to the earth, extending upwards toward the sky. Horizontal and vertical lines used in combination communicate stability and solidity. Diagonal lines convey a feeling of movement. The curve of a line can convey energy. Shape and form Shape and form define objects in space. Shape has only height and width. Form has depth as well as width and height. Space Real space is three-dimensional. Color Texture
Larapedia | Alessandra Chiaretta in Canalescuola Larapedia Il sito del sapere libero per tutti: appunti, riassunti, testi e tanto altro.Un vero portale della conoscenza, con tantissime sezioni per soddisfare ogni necessità e con tantissimo materiale didattico. Vai al sito Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento... Informazioni su Alessandra Chiaretta Formatrice Canalescuola Soc.Coop e Operatrice del Centro tecnologico didattico "Aiutami a fare da solo" per la dislessia in Finale Ligure. Questa voce è stata pubblicata in Dislessia, FILOSOFIA, FISICA, GEOGRAFIA, LATINO, MATEMATICA, MUSICA, RELIGIONE, SCIENZE, Scuola e formazione, Scuola Secondaria 2°, STORIA e contrassegnata con Primaria, secondaria, università.
15 Sites That Show You The World in Real Time What if you could see the whole world as it is right this moment? It would certainly put things in perspective. Once you see the world through the lenses of these web sites you’ll realize just how vibrant and alive it is every single nanosecond. The statistics of it are amazing, and seeing them actually happen is even more amazing. The following 15 web sites allow you to experience the entire world as it happens, through multiple perspectives. What happens on the internet in just one measly second? It counts how many reddit votes are cast, instagram photos uploaded, tumblr posts posted, skype calls made, tweets tweeted, dropbox files uploaded, google searches made, youtube videos viewed, and Facebook likes. Lastly you can click to load the most humongous visualization of all.. emails sent this second.
Open-Source Argument Mapping The latest version of Argunet features new tools that make it easier to organize the debates and to search through debates located on the Argunet-server or on your computer. To help you organize your work you can label the debates using private and non private tags and search for existing debates using a search-engine. The label-feature [...] The latest version of Argunet fastens Client-Server communication. The Argunet Server is up again. The Argunet Server at the FU Berlin is temporarily down for maintenance and updates. After more than a year of work, we proudly present you Argunet 1.0.0!
Intro : Imagination: Creating the Future of Education & Work The creative adult is the child who has survived - Ursula Le Guin RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms In February 2011, every teacher in Providence, Rhode Island was pink slipped. Not all 1,926 of them will get fired, of course, but with the district facing a $40 million deficit, anything is possible. The district says it needs flexibility, just in case, but to some, the move invokes the terrible surprise of Pearl Harbor. “This is beyond insane,” Providence Teachers Union President Steve Smith told the Providence Journal. Every school district in the United States faces its own version of what’s happening in Providence. Americans are currently faced with a shortage of jobs, but by 2018 the nation will be faced with a shortage of educated workers. Can that be prevented, and if so, how? Since 2007, the directors of this project have been collaborating on the development of imagination as the driving force behind this shift. Yes. This project is dedicated to Dr. Follow Rita J.
La didattica inclusiva: strategie nella comorbilità tra ADHD & DSA by Susanna Giannetti on Prezi