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Discover Magazine dark matter

Discover Magazine dark matter
Your hands are, roughly speaking, 360 million years old. Before then, they were fins, which your fishy ancestors used to swim through oceans and rivers. Once those fins sprouted digits, they could propel your salamander-like ancestors across dry land. Fast forward 300 million years, and your hands had become fine-tuned for manipulations: your lemur-like ancestors used them to grab leaves and open up fruits. Within the past few million years, your hominin ancestors had fairly human hands, which they used to fashion tools for digging up tubers, butchering carcasses, and laying the groundwork for our global dominance today. We know a fair amount about the transition from fins to hands thanks to the moderately mad obsession of paleontologists, who venture to inhospitable places around the Arctic where the best fossils from that period of our evolution are buried. A team of Spanish scientists has provided us with a glimpse of that story. Both fins and hands get their start in embryos.

7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics The universe is full of weird substances like liquid metal and whatever preservative keeps Larry King alive. But mankind isn't happy to accept the weirdness of nature when we can create our own abominations of science that, due to the miracle of technology, spit in nature's face and call it retarded. That's why we came up with... NeuroLogica Blog Jan 13 2017 Cognitive Biases in Health Care Decision Making This was an unexpected pleasant find in an unusual place. The Gerontological Society of America recently put out a free publication designed to educate patients about cognitive biases and heuristics and how they can adversely affect decision making about health care. The publication is aimed at older health care consumers, but the information it contains is applicable to all people and situations. It is a well written excellent summary of common cognitive biases with a thorough list of references.

AP Biology Investigative Labs Supplement to the first printing: This Supplement to the First Printing of the lab manual includes updated URLs, corrections, clarifications, sample data tables for Investigation 7, and an updated version of the AP Biology Equations and Formulas appendix. The second printing of the Teacher Manual, available for download below, incorporates these changes. Hablando de Ciencia Durante la organización de Desgranando Ciencia, mis compañeros me pidieron que me encargara de moderar la sesión titulada Medicina del Futuro. Inicialmente pensé en rechazar el encargo pues no me gusta nada ser el centro de atención. Creo que lo conseguí, me refiero a lo de no destacar, pues debo salir en tres de las “cienes y cienes” (póngase acento granadino) de fotos que se hicieron durante el evento. Luego lo pensé mejor y accedí, se trataba de arrimar el hombro y, además, el centro de la atención serían los ponentes. Esta sesión incluía 4 charlas breves, de 10 minutos cada una, más un debate posterior de 20 minutos:

Matrix mechanics Matrix mechanics is a formulation of quantum mechanics created by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan in 1925. Matrix mechanics was the first conceptually autonomous and logically consistent formulation of quantum mechanics. It extended the Bohr Model by describing how the quantum jumps occur. Bad Astronomy Well now, this is an interesting discovery: astronomers have found what looks like a "super-Earth" – a planet more massive than Earth but still smaller than a gas giant – orbiting a nearby star at the right distance to have liquid water on it! Given that, it might – might – be Earthlike. This is pretty cool news.

MOLO - Proteins: From Sequence to Structure Overview By working their way through a series of models of polymers of increasing complexity, students can recognize forces responsible for protein's 3D shape. They compare folding of the same chain of amino acids in water and lipids, experiment with different sequences of amino acids and learn how charges, polar and non-polar amino acids affect the shape of a protein. Then students apply this knowledge to the case of Sickle Cell Anemia, in which a single point mutation causes the replacement of charged amino acid to a non-polar one, resulting in a misshaped protein.

Electric Weather The following excerpts come from a report that appeared in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) magazine, SPECTRUM, for April. The report demonstrates that when science has lost its way, engineers must use their intuition to make progress. Electric Rainmaking Technology Gets Mexico’s BlessingBut for now, doubters prevail north of the border.From at least the early 1940′s to the end of the 20th century, it always rained more in the state of Jalisco, in central Mexico, than in its neighbor Aguascalientes. But in 2000, on a patch of parched pasture in Aguascalientes, workers from Mexico City-based Electrificación Local de la Atmósfera Terrestre SA (ELAT) erected a peculiar field of interconnected metal poles and wires somewhat resembling the skeleton of a carnival tent. Comment: This is the common phenomenon of cognitive dissonance in science. The Russians are performing a weather experiment which should fail according to accepted theory.

Pharyngula Probably not. But the New York Times reports: A review of studies has found that the health benefits of infant male circumcision vastly outweigh the risks involved in the procedure. Actually, it doesn’t. Not at all. AP Biology Labs and Handouts « School Without Walls Biology Here you will find the labs and handouts for AP biology. Many of the links will be to external sites. Credit is given to original authors when possible. Online lab resources LabBench hosts online labs with prelabs. Before each lab, please go through the prelab and note any questions you have about concepts, lab techniques or data analysis.UC Open Access has a complete AP biology course.

paleoanthropology, genetics and evolution I have a review of Marlene Zuk's new book, Paleofantasy , in this week's Nature : "Evolutionary biology: Twisting the tale of human evolution" [1] . I can't replicate my review here, but for people who have access to Nature I thought I'd bring attention to it. And if you don't have access, I wanted to share a couple of my reactions. It was a fun book for me to read. Zuk brings a light-hearted skepticism to a broad array of topics in human evolution. AP Biology Teaching & Learning Resources Welcome! Here you will find links to my lecture presentations. These are posted just before or right after the class lecture.Students: I have linked directly to the Powerpoint files so you can download them and view them at home. Teachers: I have linked directly to the Powerpoint files so you can download them and use them in your classroom.

Science Stories tagged with “Science” This 32-Year-Old Florida Woman Is Dead Because Her State Refused To Expand Medicaid One English Town’s Innovative Response To Sea Level Rise Women From Koch-Funded Conservative Groups Lambaste Equal Pay Measure Timeline: The evolution of life - life - 14 July 2009 Read full article Continue reading page |1|2|3|4 There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though.
