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Cloudron - Complete solution for self-hosting web apps Richard WM Jones | Virtualization, tools and tips than hosting A polyglot, multicloud PaaS, with continuous deployment built in. At we believe your code should just run. Monoliths? Microservices? Build in almost any language or framework, including PHP, Java, Node.js, Python, Golang, Ruby, Drupal, WordPress, Symfony, Django, React, and Angular. © 2020 Terms and conditions | Privacy policy Free trial Scales and secures your whole web app fleet 10 sites or 10,000? Create your project on Platform for freeBACK TO TOP Get started for free Enable your team to manage everything—databases, queues, workflows—as easily as they manage code. Every idea can be fully tested and merged flawlessly into production and deployed across multiple cloud providers. Manage your production app—or your fleet—at scale: high-volume traffic, tons of apps, big teams. Overall, customers have reported some incredible results. More than 5,000 customers and 65,000 developers rely on Empower your dev team Test your ideas Build

xxHash - Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm Benchmarks The benchmark uses the Open-Source SMHasher program by Austin Appleby compiled with Visual C on Windows Seven 32-bits in single-thread mode. The reference system uses a Core 2 Duo @3.0GHz. Q.Score is a measure of quality of the hash function. It depends on successfully passing SMHasher test set. 10 is a perfect score. Algorithms with a score < 5 are not listed on this table. A new version, XXH64, has been created thanks to Mathias Westerdahl's contribution, which offers superior speed and dispersion for 64-bits systems. SMHasher speed test, compiled using GCC 4.8.2, on Linux Mint 64-bits. Multiple languages The following versions produce xxHash-compatible results in different languages. xxHash is used by Databases Security Games Filters Other Special Thanks to Takayuki Matsuoka who created the canvas for this webpage (based on lz4)

Dokku : créez votre propre Cloud NodeJS (PaaS) Aujourd’hui, je vais vous présenter un outil open source qui vous permettra de mettre en place un PaaS (Platform as a Service, Plateforme en tant que Service) à la manière Heroku. Le but de ce système est de faciliter le déploiement d’application tels que NodeJS, Ruby on Rails sur vos serveurs en une seule commande (git push dokku master). Installer NodeJS : un jeu d’enfant Il y a quelque temps, nous vous proposions de créer un bot pour Twitter [ avec la technologie NodeJS. Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons de découvrir en détail cette technologie émergente au fur et à mesure des articles. Vous développez une application NodeJS, vous terminez le projet, et vous souhaitez déployer l’application, il suffira alors d’ajouter les fichiers que vous voulez « commiter » avec GIT, puis de les envoyer sur le dépôt distant créé par Dokku. Dokku se compose de plusieurs modules : Prérequis Dokku fonctionne très bien sur ces autres OS :

ReFS Maybe later Thank you! We will send you a reminder email. Dear readers in Canada, time is running out in 2016 to help Wikipedia. To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. Close Resilient File System (ReFS),[2] codenamed "Protogon",[3] is a Microsoft proprietary file system introduced with Windows Server 2012 with the intent of becoming the "next generation" file system after NTFS. These requirements arose from two major changes in storage systems and usage — the size of storage in use (large or massive arrays of multi-terabyte drives now being fairly common), and the need for continual reliability. ReFS was initially added to Windows Server 2012 only, with the aim of gradual migration to consumer systems in future versions (although modifications were quickly developed by enthusiasts for the latter). Feature changes compared to NTFS[edit] Major new features[edit] Improved reliability for on-disk structures Built-in resilience Compatibility with existing APIs and technologies

Configuring and Understanding Zsh There are many boring tasks we repeat day after day: creating, copying, moving or searching files, launching again and again the same tools, docker containers, and whatnot. For a developer, the shell is a precious asset which can increase your efficiency over time. It will bring powerful tools at your fingertips, and, more importantly, it will allow you to automate many parts of your workflow. To leverage these functionalities, you’ll need a powerful and flexible shell. Today, I would like to present your next best friend: the Z shell, or Zsh. If you look at the documentation (around 450 pages for the PDF version), Zsh can feel daunting. We’ll build, in this article, a basic Zsh config. Are your keyboard ready? Brief Unix Shell Overview A shell interpret command lines. The shell run just after you logged in with your user. When you use a graphical interface (or GUI), you click around with your mouse to perform tasks. The shell gives you access to many powerful programs. Why Zsh? Aliases

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