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Thin controllers and models. Let's make Tetris with DragonRuby Game Toolkit! (Part 1) Ruby on Rails digest: 26 most popular repositories in July and August 2020. Ruby on Rails digest: 26 most popular repositories in July and August 2020. 14 meilleurs cadres CSS pour les développeurs front-end. J'ai entendu une fois une blague de développeur front-end, "La NASA a atterri des robots sur Mars, et ici nous avons encore du mal à aligner nos divs au centre!

14 meilleurs cadres CSS pour les développeurs front-end

" Et je me sens mal que cette blague contienne beaucoup de vérité. Faire quelque chose qui semble aussi simple et logique que de centrer une boîte dans une boîte est incroyablement difficile à travailler en CSS. Sauf si vous l'avez déjà rencontré. Et enregistré l'extrait de code quelque part. Et même si vous parvenez à le retirer, il y a toujours la peur cachée qu'il puisse simplement casser horriblement sur un navigateur stupide quelque part! Il n'est donc pas étonnant que les frameworks CSS aient émergé au fil du temps et aient soulagé l'essentiel de la douleur.

Mais comment savez-vous que votre cadre est le meilleur pour le travail à accomplir? Cet article jette un coup d'œil sur le paysage du développement frontal et compare les pionniers parmi les frameworks CSS. Bootstrap. Guides sur les outils. Grafikart. Apprenez les bases du développement web et apprenez pas à pas comment construire un site web complet.


Apprendre l'HTMLVoir la formation L'HTML constitue le langage de bases d'un site internet. Find Open Source By Searching, Browsing and Combining 7,000 Topics. React ready javascript. Deploy Ruby On Rails to Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa (2020 Update) If you've ever wondered how to deloy Ruby on Rails to production on your own server, you've come to the right place.

Deploy Ruby On Rails to Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa (2020 Update)

I wrote this guide to cover the ENTIRE process from choosing a server, installing dependencies, configuring NGINX, setting up your database, and making your first deployment using Capistrano. So if you're looking to step up your Ruby on Rails game this year, you'll love this guide. Choosing a Server Hosting Provider. Chapter 1. Add Comment Feature to Any Model · Ruby On Rails Tutorial. Last modified: Thu Aug 16 2018 22:49:02 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time) In this chapter, a comment feature will be added to a newly created model.

Chapter 1. Add Comment Feature to Any Model · Ruby On Rails Tutorial

The easier way of adding the ability of comment to an existing model is to use a GEM (AKA libraries that created by others). The GEM that we are going to use is commontator. Déployer et héberger une application ruby on rails avec capistrano unicorn et nginx. Mettre en place capistrano en multistage.

Déployer et héberger une application ruby on rails avec capistrano unicorn et nginx

How to Host a Static Site in the Cloud in Four Steps. Static sites can host all kinds of websites from your personal portfolio, to a company landing page, or even a blog.

How to Host a Static Site in the Cloud in Four Steps

The main advantage of static sites is that they are simple to manage. They are also very cost-efficient. What is a Wireframe? This UX Design Tutorial Will Show You. The 9 Best Coding Games Online for Adults to Learn How to Code. Most coding games are aimed at children.

The 9 Best Coding Games Online for Adults to Learn How to Code

But there are also some great coding games aimed at adults who want to learn to code. Don't get me wrong – there's nothing wrong with using the games on or Khan Academy. You can learn Scratch, which is a programming language designed to help kids learn concepts like loops and variables. Participer à l'open source. Pour t'aider à progresser, tu peux développer tes propres projets.

Participer à l'open source

Si tu cherches du travail, c'est aussi un moyen de montrer ce que tu sais faire, avec un projet et du code que tu peux partager. Idées de projets# Coder oui, mais coder quoi ? ^^" Une petite liste de projets pour t'inspirer: Google BERT NLP Machine Learning Tutorial. There are plenty of applications for machine learning, and one of those is natural language processing or NLP.

Google BERT NLP Machine Learning Tutorial

NLP handles things like text responses, figuring out the meaning of words within context, and holding conversations with us. It helps computers understand the human language so that we can communicate in different ways. From chat bots to job applications to sorting your email into different folders, NLP is being used everywhere around us. How to Develop and Deploy Your First Full-Stack Web App Using A Static Site and Node.js. This tutorial will show you how to convert a static website that uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript (JS) to a dynamic one using MongoDB, Express, Static HTML, CSS, JS, and Node.js.

How to Develop and Deploy Your First Full-Stack Web App Using A Static Site and Node.js

Our tech stack will be similar to the popular MEAN/MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular or React, and NodeJS). But instead of using Angular or React, we will use a templating engine called EJS (Embedded JavaScript.) Other popular templating engines include Handlebars, Pug, and Nunjucks. Afterwards, we will deploy our Node.js web app to DigitalOcean and cover domain names, SSL, reverse proxies, and process managers. Créer son application multiplateforme avec Electron. Sans titre. The first time you open your terminal and write rails new the sheer number of files and folders that are created can be overwhelming. You may even work on numerous Rails projects without ever opening many of these folders - so what exactly are they?

Configuring and Understanding Zsh. There are many boring tasks we repeat day after day: creating, copying, moving or searching files, launching again and again the same tools, docker containers, and whatnot. For a developer, the shell is a precious asset which can increase your efficiency over time. It will bring powerful tools at your fingertips, and, more importantly, it will allow you to automate many parts of your workflow. than hosting A polyglot, multicloud PaaS, with continuous deployment built in. At we believe your code should just run. Monoliths? Microservices? Stateful? Vercel. Bitnami Application Catalog. Cloudron - Complete solution for self-hosting web apps. Sandstorm. Dokku : créez votre propre Cloud NodeJS (PaaS) Aujourd’hui, je vais vous présenter un outil open source qui vous permettra de mettre en place un PaaS (Platform as a Service, Plateforme en tant que Service) à la manière Heroku.

Le but de ce système est de faciliter le déploiement d’application tels que NodeJS, Ruby on Rails sur vos serveurs en une seule commande (git push dokku master). Pipeline gitlab. Introduced in GitLab 8.8. Pipelines are the top-level component of continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. Pipelines comprise: Jobs, which define what to do. For example, jobs that compile or test code. Use Docker With React. React With Docker and Travis CI. Amazing Developer Tools That You Might Not Be Using. Intégration continue Gitlab (Gitlab CI/CD) Gitlab est une plateforme Open Source permettant d'héberger et gérer des projets.

A partir de son tableau de bord, Gitlab fournit une vue complète des issues et tâches en cours. C'est un outil collaboratif pour des développeurs dans la réalisation d'applications. Intégration continue pour les nuls - Les Moutons Sauvages. Configurer un VPS OVH et mettre en production un projet Symfony How to deploy Metabase to make sense of your data. At Clever Cloud we manage most of our own data and when we want to gather a particular information, we open our SQL interpreter and query all the things manually. This somehow worked because most of us are technical but it's not necessary the case anymore. So we want a nice dashboarding solution to make data available in a nicer way. This is how we came upon Metabase. What is Metabase? CapRover · Build your own PaaS in a few minutes! Les bonnes pratiques de la qualité Web - Opquast Check-lists.

Sans titre. Flynn – The product that ops provides to developers. Bootstrap CNAM UI portail · Bootstrap CNAM UI portail. Skip to main content Accueil Accueil avec logo partenaire Accueil avec entête complète Menu corbeille Menu vertical. Sans titre. Introduction. Lego4DevOps. A Collection Of Interesting Rails Snippets. # Say we have a Blog model and want to create a Comment model for comments.

From command line:rails generate scaffold Comment title:string author:string content:text blog:references# Where blog:references is the foreign key that associates the Comment model with the Blog modelrake db:migrate #Run the migration Then in your comment.rb file: belongs_to :blog Then in your blog.rb file: has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy #:dependent => :destroy tells rails to delete comments if you delete a blog post.

Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities. Metabase. Git Explorer. Synchroniser son serveur web avec Github. Github est un bon moyen de partager ses sources, et intégré dans un workflow, c’est un outil puissant et très efficace, que ce soit pour travailler seul, ou en groupe. C’est aussi un bon moyen de déployer ses fichiers et sources sur son serveur personnel. Ne serait-il pas merveilleux si, à chaque fois que vous "pushiez" des mises à jour vers Github, que ces nouveaux fichiers et modifications soient automatiquement mises à jour sur votre serveur directement? Tout savoir sur le MVP (Produit Minimum Viable) Api-platform/admin: A beautiful and fully-featured administration interface builder for hypermedia APIs.

Vps-ovh/README.rdoc at master · kocasp/vps-ovh. AEUX. The world’s fastest framework for building websites. Apprendre le Python gratuitement en développant des jeux. 100 Days CSS Challenge. Learn Git Branching. DevDocs API Documentation. Front & UX - paulbroussolle. A quoi sert Firebase la plateforme mobile de Google? GITLAB WORKSHOP. Traefik - The Cloud Native Edge Router. Clever Cloud - IT Automation Platform - The Ultimate Developers' Efficiency Platform. Jekyll. Introduction à Gitlab CI/CD. Dokku : créez votre propre Cloud NodeJS (PaaS) Google API Tutorial.

Deploying a Ruby app on a Linux/Unix production server with Passenger open source in Standalone mode (part 2) - Passenger + Ruby deployment tutorial - Passenger Library. Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs. Asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way. o2switch, un Hébergeur Web aux serveurs de qualité industrielle ! Online Markdown Editor - Dillinger, the Last Markdown Editor ever. , un Hébergeur Web aux serveurs de qualité industrielle !

Création d’un blog avec Symfony2 — Symblog - Un tutoriel Symfony2. Au secours, mon chef m'a demandé de passer au DevOps - Antony Guilloteau - WEB2DAY 2017. Découvrez la méthodologie DevOps. Deploy Ruby On Rails to Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (2019 Update) L’installation de Ruby on Rails (RoR) dans Linux. BinarApps - Deploying Ruby on Rails app to a VPS.