Gestión del conocimiento para la docencia e investigación
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Servicios de Información. Traditional and altmetrics - Research Impact & Visibility - LibGuides at Utrecht University. Author metrics Open Web of Science and search your name using the 'Author search'-option.
Enter your author name, and optionally proceed to select your research domain(s) and organization(s). In the results list, you can opt to view all results, or look at the tab 'Record sets' to distinguish between different authors with the same name and/or multiple entries for your own name (tick the boxes of the appropiate record sets and select 'View records'). You will now see a list with all your publications listed in Web of Science. Click 'Create citation report' (top right) to view author metrics (citations and h-index).
Tip: Web of Science uses ResearcherID to manage author names/citations. Article metrics Open Web of Science and search an article or a subject using the 'Search' or 'Cited reference search'-options. Institutional metrics Searching for the organization results in a list of papers that have the organization listed as affiliation in Web of Science.
Consultoría para la producción en docencia e investigación
Open Sources for Academic and Scientific Research. Mapas de la ciencia y el conocimiento. CONRICyT/ Recursos para la docencia e investigación. Semantic Scholar. Citeomatic: Machine Assisted Literature Review. SOY BIBLIOTECARIO: Normas APA 2016: Aprende a citar posts de blogs, videos de YouTube, Tuits, posts...
Comisión Coordinadora de Institutos Nacionales de Salud y Hospitales de Alta Especialidad.
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I wanted a VPN. However, I soon found that there was very little unbiased and reliable information about VPNs. Almost everything I came across was disguised advertising. I started researching VPN services for my own knowledge, then posted my findings online to try and help people. I mainly publish two types of information: VPN reviews, and a Comparison Chart of detailed data about the service provided by different VPN companies. I make every effort to keep the data on the VPN Comparison Chart up to date. If you work for a VPN company and you’d like to request an update to your information, feel free to contact me citing a proper source on the official website. e-Print archive. Figshare - credit for all your research.
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Centre d'Educació i Noves Tecnologies. PlumX Metrics - Plum Analytics. PlumX Metrics allows you to get more value from an institutional repository (IR) by embedding the altmetrics about your research directly into the IR.
These altmetrics are about the different versions of the same article – not just the one in the IR, so your authors can see the impact and reach of their research in just one place. This makes your IR a more valuable place for research and encourages your authors to deposit their articles and other research. Embed metrics where you need them. The PlumX metrics come to you.
The Plum Print shows all of the metrics about your research that you can easily embed anywhere. Same article – different places. Research output is hosted on multiple platforms including publisher sites, discipline-based pre-print repositories, institutional repositories, and aggregated databases. Understand metrics information through categorization. PlumX recognizes that not all altmetrics are created equal. Most comprehensive altmetrics product.
American Library Association. Simple, blog-aware, static sites - Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs. Project Jupyter. How people build software. ROMEO - Research Western. ROMEO is an online management system Western uses to manage human research ethics submissions.
Western, St. Joseph’s Health Care London and Lawson Health Science Centre researchers/investigators use ROMEO to submit proposed research studies to the office of Human Research Ethics. *Please note: ROMEO is not compatible with Safari; please choose an alternate browser.* Create a ROMEO Account Complete and Submit the ROMEO New Investigator FormYou will receive an email from the office of Human Research EthicsFollow the instructions in the email to receive your confirmation code and set your password ROMEO Login Click Here to Login ROMEO Help If you encounter any problems or need help with ROMEO, please email
Playing with data: our ODI open data board game. Playing with data: our ODI open data board game For the last six months, on and off, a few of us here at the Open Data Institute have been working on an open data board game.
Ellen Broad and Jeni Tennision discuss its development Board games have been experiencing a resurgence in the past few years and, perhaps unsurprisingly, there are several keen board game enthusiasts here at the ODI. The idea of an open data board game was born out of discussions between us about why Monopoly was so awful, our favourite games, and the mechanics that made them work. Open Data Institute, Pre Summit Training Discovery Day, (CC-BY-SA)
Open Data Kit. Open source scientific software. The Open Scholarship Initiative – The future of global scholarly publishing. Data Mining from A to Z: Better Insights, New Opportunities. Acerca el Documento Hay tantos datos y una gran cantidad de decisiones que tomar.
Las organizaciones de todo el mundo se están enfrentando a este dilema.
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TI para la Gestión del Conocimiento
Fundamentos. CRID -Centro de Recursos para la Investigación y Docencia-
Repositorios digitales. Educación virtual. Consorcios. Colecciones que hay que ver. AMA- Integración, identificadores y licencias. Investigación académica institucional y visibilidad mundial. Fuentes internacionales con datos duros, información y conocimie.