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Writing a Math Phase Two Paper Word-smithing is a much greater percentage of what I am supposed to be doing in life that I would ever have thought. with the collaboration of GLENN P. TESLER © January 18, 1999 Select The Best Logo Design For Your Brand Our brand identity builder has been used by 7 million small businesses. Thousands of icons and fonts We have an enormous database of icons, fonts, and graphic elements, all for you to browse for your logo design. Save your time and money on a designer With Logaster, you can create your own logo, download files for your website, create social media branding, print, and more. Logaster will provide it faster, cheaper, and more easily than anyone else!

Internet History Sourcebooks Update Information 2006: In 2006 the Internet Medieval Sourcebooks and associated sourcebooks are undergoing a major overhaul to remove bad links and add more documents. 1. This project is both very large and fairly old in Internet terms. ROMEO - Research Western ROMEO is an online management system Western uses to manage human research ethics submissions. Western, St. Joseph’s Health Care London and Lawson Health Science Centre researchers/investigators use ROMEO to submit proposed research studies to the office of Human Research Ethics. Better Nuclear Power Through Ping Pong The lab is deep-space quiet. A long, narrow hallway hung with fluorescent lights extends to my left. Four or five doors interrupt the flow of drywall. 8 Best LaTeX Editors For 2015 (TeX Editors) Handling digital documents have become a part of the daily lives of users and almost everyone is familiar with Microsoft Word. We have seen a lot of Document editing tools and most of them follow the WYSIWYG (‘What you see is what you get’) approach to Word formatting. In such type of Word formatting, a GUI based approach is established and users can visualise the end result while typing out content. That is one way of approaching Word Formatting. Another way is through the use of a Word formatting tool that makes use of the WYSIWYM (‘What you see is what you mean’) approach. Here, the word formatting is done as a markup entry beforehand and then content is added to it later.

9 Websites For Non Copyrighted Music In this article, you’re going to discover the best sources for non copyrighted music. You’ll be able to use the music in your social media videos, livestreams and so much more. Want to know the best part? The majority of these non copyrighted music sites allow users to utilise their music for free. Darwin's Reading Reading was a fundamental tool in Darwin’s scientific practice. He read widely in the scientific literature of natural history, he also copiously annotated many books and articles and he systematically abstracted many of his annotations. Since a big part of his strategy for supporting the theory of evolution relied on his ability to translate the biological problems of his day into evolutionary terms, the documentary record of his Darwin’s reading cuts across the topical structure of the Darwin archive. Charles Darwin’s Library

Playing with data: our ODI open data board game Playing with data: our ODI open data board game For the last six months, on and off, a few of us here at the Open Data Institute have been working on an open data board game. Ellen Broad and Jeni Tennision discuss its development Board games have been experiencing a resurgence in the past few years and, perhaps unsurprisingly, there are several keen board game enthusiasts here at the ODI. 'We Don't Planet' Episode 3: What's Up with Gravitational Lensing? The fundamental description of gravity under general relativity — that the presence of matter and energy deforms the fabric of space-time, and this deformation influences the motion of other objects — leads to a rather unexpected result: a massive object can act like a lens, magnifying and warping the images of background objects. This prediction was the first major test of general relativity, with Sir Arthur Eddington leading an expedition to measure the small (but detectable) deflection of starlight around our sun, and today this facet of our universe is used as a powerful cosmological probe. The challenge that gravitational lensing answers is the determination of mass at very large scales. Since most of the mass of the universe is composed of dark matter, we can only rely on indirect probes to measure the true mass of galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

Mathematical Style (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Spring 2010 Edition) First published Thu Jul 2, 2009 The essay begins with a taxonomy of the major contexts in which the notion of ‘style’ in mathematics has been appealed to since the early twentieth century. These include the use of the notion of style in comparative cultural histories of mathematics, in characterizing national styles, and in describing mathematical practice. These developments are then related to the more familiar treatment of style in history and philosophy of the natural sciences where one distinguishes ‘local’ and ‘methodological’ styles. Animated GIF Maker Online GIF maker GIF maker allows you to instantly create your animated GIFs by combining separated image files as frames. Produced GIFs are of high quality and free of watermarks or attribution, making this tool ideal for developers and content creators.

There are also databases which specialize in the archiving of ‘pre-published articles’, often known as ‘pre-prints’ or sometimes simply as ‘e-prints’. One of the best known is an open access site maintained by Cornell University Library and known as arXiv (Cornell University 2011). This site tends to specialize in scientific disciplines and in quantitative finance and statistics. Found in: 2012 - (Oliver) Succeeding With Your Literature Review by raviii Apr 10

There are also databases which specialize in the archiving of ‘pre-published articles’, often known as ‘pre-prints’ or sometimes simply as ‘e-prints’. One of the best known is an open access site maintained by Cornell University Library and known as arXiv (Cornell University 2011). This site tends to specialize in scientific disciplines and in quantitative finance and statistics. Found in: 2012 - (Oilver) Succeeding With Your Literature Review by raviii Apr 10

"Open access to 937,920 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics" by macopa May 13

You should add in your pearltrees. He is French, that's redicilious ;), but i don't care about that. so... by habilis Mar 15

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