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Teacher? – – one click video conversations Learning how to communicate is one of the core things we learn in school. Whether it's reading words written by others, writing our own opinions, presenting our work or collaborating in a group, students develop their communication skills every day. With new technology, the way we communicate also changes. lets you communicate in the most natural way; seeing the person you're talking to, hearing their voice and taking in all their body language. Why use in the classroom? When we launched in 2013, one of the first communities we saw started using it was teachers. Talking to students in another country in language class Playing Kahoot! On this page, we have gathered some resources that will get you started with using in the classrom. Resources: Want a visit from to your class? We are happy to visit your school and give a guest lecture on product development, design, programming and entrepreneurship! Topics for class visits Benefits for students
Courses 100+ Chrome Apps and Extensions for Teachers and Students | Shake Up Learning Save Pinterest There are now 150+ Chrome Apps and Extensions in this database. I have put together a Google Chrome App and Extension Database for Teachers (also at the bottom of this post) that is loaded with apps and extensions for productivity and classroom integration. If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you probably know that I love the Google Chrome web browser! The magic of that customization comes from the Chrome Apps and Chrome Extensions available in the Chrome Web Store. What are Chrome Apps? Apps are often enhanced shortcuts that optimize the website or app within the browser. What are Chrome Extensions? Extensions are installed in the browser and give you added features and abilities to customize your browser. Warning! The Chrome Apps & Extensions Database For a while, I have kept a list of my favorite apps and favorite extensions on this site, but my list just keeps growing! The database includes 150+ Apps and Extensions and is searchable and filterable. YES!
Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | tricider DEV202.1x Course Info | edX Skip to main content Please enter your e-mail address below, and we will e-mail instructions for setting a new password. Help For questions on course lectures, homework, tools, or materials for this course, post in the course discussion forum. Have general questions about edX? Have a question about something specific? Report a problem Make a suggestion Ask a question Please note: The edX support team is English speaking. Thank you for your inquiry or feedback. Course Updates & News Course Handouts L’Aula del XXI Secolo come Ambiente di Apprendimento La “Scuola” intesa come Spazio Fisico Nel dibattito sulla riforma della scuola viene spesso sottovalutata l’importanza della scuola intesa come “Habitat“, spazio fisico e architettonico in cui ha luogo il processo di insegnamento e apprendimento. L’idea che gli ambienti in cui si svolge l’attività educativa siano come lo Spazio newtoniano “vuoti contenitori” caratterizzati da uniformità e universale omologazione, ha radici antiche nella scuola italiana. Negli altri paesi monitorati dall’OECD, esistono architetti specializzati nello School Design, che lavorano insieme ai rappresentanti di docenti e studenti per creare gli spazi educativi. Ma è davvero irrilevante lo spazio nel quale si svolge la didattica? Quali Spazi per una didattica basata sulle Nuove tecnologie? Componenti della Classe del XXI secolo secondo Open Colleges Come deve essere l’aula per una didattica basata sulle TIC e sul WEB? Qui sotto alcune immagini di spazi scolastici progettati secondo i principi dello School Desing
Welcome! HTML5.1x Course Info | edX Skip to main content Please enter your e-mail address below, and we will e-mail instructions for setting a new password. Help For questions on course lectures, homework, tools, or materials for this course, post in the course discussion forum. Have general questions about edX? You can find lots of helpful information in the edX FAQ. Have a question about something specific? Report a problem Make a suggestion Ask a question Please note: The edX support team is English speaking. Thank you for your inquiry or feedback. Course Updates & News Course Handouts Mic Note - Create Time-stamped Multimedia Notes Mic Note is a free Chrome app that allows you to create voice recordings, text notes, and image-based notes on one concise notebook page. The notes that you record with your voice can be time-stamped by clicking on your Mic Note note page while you're recording. You can also take notes without recording any audio. All notes support inclusion of images and links. Applications for EducationMic Note could be a good tool for students who want or need to record a teacher giving a short presentation. Mic Note also has potential to be a good tool for students who are conducting interviews as they can write time-stamped notes while recording.
Xpert CSP-AIMS - - Announcements CSP-AIMS Week 2 Announcement Welcome to Week 2 of the CSP-AIMS Workshop! This week we will be covering Unit 2: More Foundations. This unit consists of seven lessons that expand on your knowledge of NetLogo, Agent-Based Modeling and Computational Science. You will create your first model – a simple ecosystem with fish and plankton. Weekly Big-Group Hangouts Every week we will be offering a Hangout-on-Air for all those participating in the CSP-AIMS workshop. For those who cannot make the actual live broadcast, the Hangout-on-Air will be recorded and made available on the CSP-AIMS online course and the Google+ page. Weekly Facilitator Interactions Hopefully you have heard from your facilitator last week. Need Help There are several ways you can get help! General Questions - please post them to the forum called “Need NetLogo Help.” --the CSP-AIMS CS4HS Instructors and Facilitators CSP-AIMS Week 1 Announcement Welcome to Week 1 of the CSP-AIMS Workshop. Need Help CSP-AIMS about to start!