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Teamwork Builds Big Brains

Teamwork Builds Big Brains
Related:  Evaluer les informations scientifiques

VHIL: Virtual Human Interaction Lab - Stanford University Have we found the universe that existed before the Big Bang? First of all, let me say that this is not a comment on the overall article, but a small portion of it included below. I stopped reading at the line "it's not clear whether one can even use the term "before" in reference to a pre-Big-Bang cosmos, as time itself may not have existed yet" There is no such thing as "time" as we see it. Time is not something that exists because time is an entirely human created notion. Events simply exist in the current moment, and we have memories of that moment in which they existed. I'm going to go back and finish the article now, however, I just had a small disagreement with that excerpt.

Infographic: Beyond Fake News – 10 Types of Misleading News – Sixteen Languages | EAVI The work needed to effectively filter information in our media-saturated environment takes time and skill. A study showed that the more content we consume, the more our ability to make decisions about its veracity becomes impaired. With 80% of Europeans now regularly going online, it is vital for the sustainable and effective functioning of democracy for citizens to be able to curate their media diets with a healthy critical eye. Our Beyond Fake News infographic identifies the 10 types of potentially misleading news. We hesitated to put the term ‘fake news’ in the title of the infographic as, ironically, the term itself is a misleading simplification. Below this article, you will find a pdf version of the infographic as well as a dropdown list containing some resources for teaching the 10 Types of Misleading News. The 10 types Of course, neither of the 10 types can be seen in isolation to the others. The motivations The motivations behind certain kinds of content can be many and varied.

Open Education and Bio380 lecture on Neanderthals This academic year I have set myself the goal of making all my lecture available for all, in the public domain, via YouTube and maybe also Slideshare. The technical side of doing this is fairly straightforward (capture a screen movie via QuickTime), but the major hassle is ensuring and documenting permissions for all images. In my first attempt, I quickly realised that putting this information on the same slides as the images led to cluttered chaos, so I have piled them all up at the end of the talk. It is unclear to me what the rules are about using material from published papers, but cannot see how authors would not want students to know about their work. So, in general, I am proceeding along the course of it is easier to apologise afterwards rather than ask permission in advance. If anyone objects to anything I have done, let me know and I will remove the offending material from the public domain. Slidecast via YouTubeSlides via Slideshare

Neuron - Mechanisms and Function of Dendritic Exocytosis To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription. Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. Dendritic exocytosis is required for a broad array of neuronal functions including retrograde signaling, neurotransmitter release, synaptic plasticity, and establishment of neuronal morphology. Register an Account If you do not have an account, create one by clicking the button below, and take full advantage of this site's features.

Social Neuroscience Laboratory: Research Research Interests Developmental neurobiology and genetics of social behaviors, including social affiliative and aggressive behaviors, in mouse models relevant to autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Research Summary Our laboratory is interested in the neurobiological and genetic mechanisms of social behavior development, particularly the development of social affiliative and aggressive behaviors. Certain highly heritable neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders, are characterized by disabling disruptions of socio-emotional behaviors (e.g. affiliative behaviors, aggressive behaviors) and social cognition. Our laboratory is focused on the following major questions of interest: What are the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie the tendency to seek or avoid affiliative social interactions?

Is Jupiter Undergoing Massive Climate Change? A Weekend Feature The Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Observatory images may support the idea that Jupiter is in the midst of violent global climate change. This theory was first proposed in 2004 by Phil Marcus, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. The planet's temperatures may be changing by 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit, with the giant planet getting warmer near the equator and cooler near the South Pole. Marcus predicted that large changes would start in the southern hemisphere around 2006, causing the jet streams to become unstable and spawn new vortices as has been proven out by the emergence of new swirling red storms. Jupiter's atmosphere has a zig-zag pattern of twelve jet streams which make up its signature pastel-toned bands. Earth, by comparison, has only two jet streams. A new, third red spot, which is a fraction of the size of the two other red spots, has been observed on Jupiter to the west of the Great Red Spot in the same latitude band of clouds.

COVID-19 : dépister la désinformation Ce n’est pas tout le monde qui rapporte les conclusions d’une étude avec rigueur. Voici les questions à vous poser avant de tirer des conclusions. Les auteurs sont-ils cités ? Les expressions «Selon une étude» ou «Selon des experts» sont trop vagues. ll est crucial de savoir qui a publié l'étude, dans quelle revue scientifique et quand. Si on ne vous fournit pas ces éléments, méfiez-vous et ne sautez pas aux conclusions! Avant de partager, vérifiez si ces résultats ont été mieux rapportés ailleurs par d’autres.

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