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Related:  Colore

La scienza dei colori di Anders Jonas Ångström Al fisico svedese padre della spettroscopia, a cui ora è anche intitolata un’unità di misura della lunghezza, Google dedica il doodle di oggi. Ecco chi era Pubblicato Il doodle del 13 agosto dedicato ai 200 anni dalla nascita di Anders Jonas Ångström Oggi sono trascorsi due secoli esatti dalla nascita del fisico svedese Anders Jonas Ångström, conosciuto come uno dei fondatori della scienza della spettroscopia. E per tutto il giorno anche Google rende omaggio ad Ångström con un doodle dedicato ai suoi lavori sulla spettroscopia e sull’interazione tra materia e radiazione elettromagnetica. Ångström è ricordato anche per aver notato che da una scintilla è possibile ottenere due spettri, uno caratteristico del metallo dell’elettrodo e l’altro tipico del gas in cui si trova l’elettrodo stesso. Oggi l’angstrom (simbolo Å) è anche un’unità di misura della lunghezza, che corrisponde a 10-10 metri (ossia a un decimo di miliardesimo di metro).

metacool CrazyTalk - Facial and 2D Animation Software Transform any image into a starring animated talking character for any video project. Make fun talking family video photo albums, or create uniquely animated e-cards, e-mails, and online greetings. Let virtual representatives vividly deliver your business, branding, or training (e-learning) services. Turn your drawings and static images into life-like characters for any comic story. Turn photos into real 3D or classic 2D heads by employ the 3D face fitting technology for instant results.

Paper Toys - Paper Cut-Outs - Color Distribution, Printable and Otherwise - Modern Photoshop Color Workflow My friend and fellow author Russ Brown sent me an image of an Amazon milk frog, which he grabbed from the web somewhere. The interior of the mouth is a very unusual cyan. Whether this image portrays it accurately is unknown to either of us, as we have never seen this particular amphibian in person. To judge by the greens, this image has already had its color enhanced, so my supposition is that the cyan is probably less intense in real life. At about the same time, another friend, Bob Baldassano, sent me the red train that’s next to it. Bright colors aren’t evenly distributed in nature. The two are different in that one is of a highly unusual color and the other of a color that is seen frequently. Russ sent his frog because of an old war about color management. The images here (at least if you are viewing them online) are RGB, and more specifically, the variant known as sRGB. The first of these mismatches occurs in pastel colors. In real life, it doesn’t work that way.

Design Shack - Inspirational CSS and Blog Design Moving Image Gateway · Moving Image Gateway This Gateway includes over 2,000 websites relating to moving image and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please contact us by email or telephone. Arts and Humanities Advertising, Archaeology, Architecture, Art, Classics, Crafts, Dance, Design, Drama, Film Studies, History, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Photography, Radio Studies Social Sciences Agriculture, American Studies, Business Studies, Current Affairs, Development Studies, Economics, Education, Ethnology, French Studies, Geography, German Studies, Information Studies, Languages, Law, Politics and Government, Religious Studies, Russian Studies, Social Studies, Social Welfare, Sports Science, Women’s Studies Science and Technology Astronomy, Chemistry, Computing, Engineering, General Science, Genetics, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Technology

creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers Live on FESPA TV | Marco Olivotto Come forse qualcuno ricorderà, lo scorso mese di maggio ho partecipato al FESPA a Monaco di Baviera. Pochi giorni fa sono stati pubblicati sul canale di YouTube FESPA TV, i video relativi a cinque dei sei seminari che ho tenuto in quei giorni. I seminari sono in lingua inglese e la loro durata varia tra 30 e 60 minuti. Questi sono i link per la visualizzazione, nell’ordine in cui i sono stati tenuti: Understanding Color Settings – BEGINNERS (20.05.2014, Digital Hub)Understanding Color Settings – INTERMEDIATE (20.05.2014, Digital Hub)Unleashing the power of Lab – INTERMEDIATE (21.05.2014, Digital Hub)Colour correction for digital textile printing (22.05.2014, Fabric Hub)The gamut riddle and how to solve it (22.05.2014, Fabric Hub) Manca, al momento, l’ultima sessione “PDFs for the digital printing age” svoltasi il 23 maggio presso il Digital Hub, ma non escludo che possa apparire in futuro e in quel caso aggiungerò il link.

Design Observer: writings about design & culture From screen to the classroom. Part 1 ~ Sharing Learning Films have always been a great source of ideas and an excellent resource we can use to suit our English classes, motivate our students and help them develop their listening, speaking and writing skills. Apart from that, films are a highly valuable source of authentic language since they are full of vocabulary, expressions and structures that native speakers use. They are perfect to bring the English-speaking world into the classroom. The question for teachers is what kinds of film clips we can use, what for and how to use them. What kinds of films can we use and how? Did you know that there are some absolutely fabulous teachers’ blogs which can inspire you to create your own activities to suit your students’ needs? One of them is Film English, a wonderful project started by Kieran Donaghy, an English teacher at UAB Idiomes Barcelona, whose aim is to promote the use of film in the language classroom. Claudio Azevedo is another teacher who I have inspired me and I have learnt a lot from.

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