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Herodotus Timemap

Herodotus Timemap
Book 1, Ch. 1 This is the display of the inquiry of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, so that things done by man not be forgotten in time, and that great and marvelous deeds, some displayed by the Hellenes, some by the barbarians, not lose their glory, including among others what was the cause of their waging war on each other.The Persian learned men say that the Phoenicians were the cause of the dispute. These (they say) came to our seas from the sea which is called Red, and having settled in the country which they still occupy, at once began to make long voyages. Among other places to which they carried Egyptian and Assyrian merchandise, they came to Argos,which was at that time preeminent in every way among the people of what is now called Hellas. Related:  Cultura e civiltà classica (greca e romana) - ClassicsMappe storicheMaps

Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World Call for Collaborators to The On-line Companion to The Worlds of Roman Women The On-Line Companion to the Focus Reader, The Worlds of Roman Women, expands the book's wide representation of Latin texts by and about women dating from the earliest periods through the fourth century CE. The medium of a website, moreover, offers the opportunity to integrate visuals to texts, thus enabling users to make connections between language and material culture. The Worlds section includes Class, Religion, Childhood, Learning, Marriage, Family, Body, State, Work, and Flirtation. The Instructional section contains: a Guide to Using the Site; an Annotated Bibliography; Activities for Classroom Use; Syllabi and Lesson Plans; and Credits and Contributors. Future development of the Companion will extend the geographic reach of Companion to all the provinces. This point leads to our call for collaborators from all Latin teachers on all levels.

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | The Collection Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire The Stoa Consortium Chronas. Carte interactive de toute l'histoire mondiale Dernière mise à jour le 15 novembre 2021 Article mis à jour en novembre 2021. Chronas est un projet fou qui devrait intéresser tous les passionnés d’Histoire. Il s’agit d’une carte collaborative et interactive de toute l’histoire mondiale. Chronas est une application web qui affiche une carte historique avec pas moins de 50 millions de points de données. Un mélange d’Open Street Map, de Wikipedia et de Google Earth. Le projet Chronas cartographie 4000 ans d’histoire mondiale (personnages historiques, évènements, cultures, religions…) sur une carte avec à chaque fois des liens vers des articles connexes de Wikipedia. Chronas prévoit par ailleurs de compléter chaque marqueur par des encadrés multimédias comme des vidéos, des images ou encore des podcasts pour créer un réseau de connaissances encore plus vaste. Sur la carte, on peut naviguer à travers les années en utilisant un curseur en bas de l’écran qui permet de se déplacer sur la frise chronologique. Lien: Chronas

DMMapp - Digitized Medieval Manuscripts App What is the DMMapp? The DMMapp is an open source app that links to digital repositories containing digitized western medieval manuscripts from all over the world. Finding digitized repositories can be difficult, and we want to create a central hub that can help medievalists, codicologists, and enthusiasts to find the medieval manuscripts they are searching for. Who made the DMMapp? The DMMapp is a project by Giulio Menna, MA, and Marjolein de Vos, MA. I love the DMMapp! Contribute to the DMMapp If you are aware of a library that is not on our DMMapp, you can use the "Add a Missing Library" form to let us know. I would like to base a project on the DMMapp! Absolutely! Where can I contact you? There is a nice and tidy contact form for that.

Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome 408,330 visitors before 21 March, 2002, visitors since then Images are copyrighted, but may be used for non-commercial purposes. Click here to see the images If the search engine is out of service, you can use back-up search engine. If you find this website useful, you can send me a picture postcard of your town or school.My mailing address is Leo C. About this site Awards received by Maecenas UB College of Arts and Sciences Some software I've written for Latin teachers Neatline
