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Hammer.js — A javascript library for multi touch gestures

Hammer.js — A javascript library for multi touch gestures
Related:  jquery

smoke.js A framework-agnostic styled alert system for javascript. Lightweight, flexible, css3 animation, blah blah blah easy to use something clever needs to go here. Best of all, it's really easy to use. Look at these examples: You can implement these the same way you'd use the js alert()...just put "smoke." in front of it. The confirm() replacement, however, needs to be used just a little differently: smoke.confirm('You are about to destroy everything. prompt(), similarly: smoke.prompt('what\'s my name?' And if you want the smoke.alert() to behave exactly like a native alert(), you can have subsequent actions happen in a callback like so: smoke.alert('look at that alert, man Want to do custom button labels? Need a default value for a prompt? Maybe you want to specify different styles for a specific alert. Additionally, it's super easy to change the look of your dialogs. If you happen to make a theme you'd want to share with everyone, go ahead and add a pull request on github .

jQueryfacile | Par l'exemple Une série d'exemples regroupés par catégories. Sankey diagram Example of a Sankey diagram. Sankey's original 1898 diagram showing energy efficiency of a steam engine. Sankey diagrams are a specific type of flow diagram, in which the width of the arrows is shown proportionally to the flow quantity. They are typically used to visualize energy or material or cost transfers between processes. Application[edit] They are also commonly used to visualize the energy accounts or material flow accounts on a regional or national level. Historical Examples[edit] Sankey diagrams are named after Irish Captain Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey, who used this type of diagram in 1898 in a classic figure (see panel on right) showing the energy efficiency of a steam engine. One of the most famous Sankey diagrams is Charles Minard's Map of Napoleon's Russian Campaign of 1812. Active Examples[edit] The International Energy Agency (IEA) created an interactive Sankey web application that details the flow of energy for the entire earth. See also[edit] References[edit]

PDFKit — A PDF Generation Library for Node 20 Best jQuery Flipbook Plugins jQuery Flipbook plugins allow users to create flipbook or page-flips effects to present their product catalogs, sales brochures, contents etc. in a eye catching and visually effective way. For this roundup we have compiled a list of 20 Best jQuery Flipbook Plugins for your next online venture, such as a magazine site, or an online shopping site. You will probably find these most useful for your portfolio. Enjoy! 1. jBooklet jBooklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout. 2. Turn.js is a JavaScript library that will make your content look like a real book or magazine using all the advantages of HTML5. 3. WowBook is jQuery plugin that allows you to create a online publication(like a book or magazine) with 2 different page flipping effects. wowbook now can render PDF files using the PDFjs library! 4. This plugin also keeps the page flip effect inside/over the images displayed (that ends up in a 2D-like experience). 5. 6. 8. jCoverFlip 9. 10. 11. jFlip 12.

Sky Behavioral Database jQuery Booklet - Un plugin JQuery pour créer vos EBooks web Booklet est un plugin JQuery qui vous permet de faire des EBooks designs et très configurables. Pratique, il vous permettra de mettre en place des catalogues ou encore des livres bien sympas sur vos sites ! Les pages se tournent avec fluidité, et le plugin est compatible IE6. Code: Côte code, il faut bien entendu inclure dans votre page la librairie JQuery, mais aussi le plugin easing pour les animations du livre, et bien entendu, le plugin Booklet lui-même ainsi que son fichier CSS. Le code HTML est simple, votre livre est représenté par un conteneur auquel vous attribuez un ID ou une class, dans cet exemple il est représenté par l'ID "mybook". 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Pour initialiser l'EBook, appelez la fonction booklet pour votre conteneur: 1. Vous pouvez également ajouter des options qui se trouvent sur cette page, lors de l'initiation de votre EBook. Par exemple, pour une vitesse de changement des pages rapide: Site Officiel Démos

Locality of reference In computer science, locality of reference, also known as the principle of locality, is a phenomenon describing the same value, or related storage locations, being frequently accessed. There are two basic types of reference locality – temporal and spatial locality. Temporal locality refers to the reuse of specific data, and/or resources, within a relatively small time duration. Spatial locality refers to the use of data elements within relatively close storage locations. Sequential locality, a special case of spatial locality, occurs when data elements are arranged and accessed linearly, such as, traversing the elements in a one-dimensional array. Types of locality[edit] There are several different types of locality of reference: Temporal locality If at one point in time a particular memory location is referenced, then it is likely that the same location will be referenced again in the near future. Spatial locality Equidistant locality Reasons for locality[edit] Predictability See also[edit]

50 JavaScript Libraries for Charts and Graphs How are you visualizing data in JavaScript? What is your favorite library for creating charts and graphs with JavaScript? I have been a long time fan of jqPlot for its open source approach, simplicity, examples, and great features. It performs well, it is used by many corporations, and it is built on top of jQuery. Recently, however, D3 has really caught my eye. FusionCharts – they call themselves an enterprise-grade JavaScript charting component and with good reason I suppose. D3 – is really amazing and I love it’s simplicity. HighCharts – very powerful, I love the JSFiddle examples and powerful features. jqPlot – if you are already using jQuery, you don’t want to pay for HighCharts, and D3 is too much for your simple use cases, then jqPlot is an excellent choice. dygraphs – open source JavaScript library that produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. Protovis – free and open-source created by the same team that is now working on D3. Update: CSSplot – Simple, css-only charts

Flippage by marcbuils FlipPage est un plugin jQuery créant l'illusion de tourner les pages d'un livre. Développé à l'origine pour une présentation sur tablette tactile, il peut aussi trouver sa place dans une application de livre électronique par exemple. Ce plugin a été développé en HTML5/CSS3 afin d'utiliser la puissance graphique hardware et de créer ainsi une animation plus fluide. Demo Rendu 1 Sources 1 Rendu 2 Sources 2 Installation npm install jquery-plugin-flippage Navigateurs normalement compatibles iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch - Android - Firefox 3.6+ - Chrome - IE 9 (sans animation) - IE 10 Navigateurs testés iPhone 3G / iPhone 3GS / iPad 1 / iPad 2 - Android - Firefox 6 - Firefox 7 Beta - Safari - IE9 Licence LGPL v3 Version actuelle v0.6.4 Changelog

Sails.js | The future of API development

Probably one of the lightest JavaScript libraries around, hammer.js weighs at only 2KB. The library offers touch support for touch devices. The library allows a developer to add tap, double tap, drag, hold and transform actions. In addition, hammer.js can be bound to an HTML element allowing a touch event to return a callback with any kind of array whether it is an event, rotation, position, scale or touch. by coderdan Feb 11
