3D printable 'Drone It Yourself' kit turns any object into an UAV Jul.6, 2013 Home-built drones are very popular among hobbyists with backgrounds in electronics and robotics. Jasper van Loenen, an independent designer working in the field of interaction/information, design and art, wanted to make the design simpler so anyone can make their own. Van Loenen has created a custom DIY (Drone It Yourself) v1.0 kit that turns any object into an unmanned aerial vehicle, simply by attaching four motors and a control unit – no technical know-how needed. The plastic parts for this 'Drone it Yourself' project have been 3D printed in ABS. Both the original files and the printable STL files are available here.
Color My Room :: My Colortopia Want to visualize how the colors you're considering will look in your home? Upload a photo of your room and paint it! You'll get a personalized picture you can save and share. 1 Get your colors 2 Choose a photo 3 Prep it 4 Paint it Please update your browser to its latest version to use the Color My Room tool. Which Programming Languages Can You Use With Arduino? Ready to try something different with your Arduino? You needn’t be confined by programming in C. Take these alternative languages for a test drive. The Arduino IDE is core to the ethos behind the project — it’s a UI that attempts to turn the daunting task of learning a programming language into something that anyone can take a stab at. Just as there are an enormous range of different coding languages, there are a multitude of different reasons that you might want to take a different approach to programming. The important thing is to find a language that speaks to you and the goals that you’re looking to achieve. ArduBlock Arduino is built around a straightforward programming language that’s meant to be welcoming to newcomers — but if you’re really short on experience, it might be worth trying a tool like ArduBlock. It’s great for younger users, but don’t think that this is ‘Arduino for Kids’. ArduBlock is a downloadable tool that runs as an overlay to the official Arduino IDE. Python
recette de la peinture à la farine pour la protection des bois extérieurs | Dans une contrée du Perche Vous mettez quoi pour protéger vos bois extérieurs ? > cette drogue de lasure (quand c’est fini le bois en redemande l’année suivante) ? > votre bois est autoclave (vous trouvez çà beau) ? Donc laissez vous tenter par une belle peinture (avec les pigments naturels), écologique, résistante, simple, pour un coût ridicule. La base essentielle de cette peinture sont les pigments, cette poudre donnera la couleur à votre peinture, laissez vous à dénicher celle qui vous plaira. Ingrédients pour 3 litres de peinture à la farine - 300g de farine - 3l d’eau - 600g de pigment - 300ml d’huile de lin Recette de la peinture à la farine Faire chauffer une vieille marmite, verser 300g de farine avec 300ml d’eau, quand çà commence à chauffer, verser au fur et à mesure 3 litres d’eau en remuant (comme pour une sauce blanche), et porter à ébullition pendant 10 minutes (et vous avez une sauce blanche sans le beurre). Laisser froidir, c’est prêt, nous avons fabriqué 3 litres de peinture suédoise. Utilisation
High-Range Wireless Power How we simulated the design We simulated and optimized the design in a 2-D mangetostatic simulator, and with SPICE. We used the free 2-D mangetostatic simulator called Infolytica. You can download for free here: We used the free SPICE simulator called LTSPICE. Design files for both simulators are attached. Discussion This design uses resonant magnetostatic power transmission. We simulated & optimized the coil with Infolytica's 2-D magneto static simulator. Magnetic Simulated Values: Transmitting Coil = 4.35mHReceiving Coil = 0.105mHMutual Inductance = 9.87uH. We then took those numbers and fed them into SPICE to simulate the electrical characteristics. You can download the simulation files attached, and try to make your optimizations and measurements! Also attached are field plots, that show the magnetic field produced by the coils.
*** Peinture pomme de terre et lait, Esprit Cabane, idees creatives et ecologiques Ecologique, économique, mate, la peinture à la pomme de terre donne un fini mat, velouté, couvrant et solide. Idéale pour les chambres de bébés ! La version initiale sans lait est là : recette peinture à la pomme de terre. L’amidon de la pomme de terre donne une texture gel à la préparation qui permet une application très aisée, confortable et sans coulures. La peinture à la pomme de terre est garantie sans aucun COV*, solvants, toxiques, etc. La recette de peinture murale à l’amidon de pommes de terre et au lait – Pommes de terre (ou farine de pommes de terre), – Lait (1/2 écrémé), – Blanc de Meudon, – Eau, – Pigments naturels, Pour 2 litres de peinture Mixer 400 g de pommes de terre cuites avec 1 litre de lait. Mixer à nouveau le mélange et filtrer. Attendre un minimum de 2 heures pour appliquer la seconde couche. 2 litres couvriront 24 m2 environ. Les supports Pour aller plus loin Où trouver des pigments naturels et des oxydes ?
MDI Project Wiki - MDI Project Wiki These pages document the development of an ongoing research on generating and manipulating sound and imagery through rudimentary and easily accessible, open-source hardware, as an alternative (not opposed) to the use of prepackaged hardware/software solutions more common in design practice. The research is being conducted in the framework of the Mestrado em Design da Imagem at Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Belas-Artes. Project summary Skip to the full project description page >. output tests from Arduino to a 3.5' 128x96 LCD screen The general goal of this project is to build autonomous devices capable of generating imagery from collected data or transcoding acquired images into other media. Devices The devices are built around the Arduino development platform. device one, current build Device One Project page > Generates visuals from audio input. device two, current build Device Two Project page > Generates sound from video input. General hardware Getting started Suppliers Suggested readings
Faire un magnifique lit suspendu avec un vieux trampoline? Oui…oui! Débrouille – Confort : Pour toutes les personnes qui ont acheté un trampoline pour amuser les enfants durant quelques… heures et qui se retrouvent avec un truc qui prend toute la place dans le jardin, voici une idée recyclage :) Comme vous le voyez très bien sur cette image, utilisez les trous et le cadre en métal pour fixer les cordes de suspension. Attention, le cordage doit être costaud… Si vous hésitez, utilisez de la corde pour alpiniste pour fixer les quatre points cardinaux et quatre mousquetons… et de la corde épaisse + noeuds pour le reste. Bon bricolage! via
Introduction to hobbyist Lock picking Aka: LockSport - All Lock picking gets a bad wrap. When most people hear the phrase, it congers images of illicit activities and unscrupulous personas. But really, when it comes to petty larceny the most effective strategy isn't going to be lock picking. Destructive entry: bricks, angle-gringers, bolt cutters and sledgehammers are the order of the day. The information to follow will strictly pertain to the budding hobbyist/enthusiast: how to get into "Lock-sport," as logically and cost-effectivly as possible. It's important to note, prior to any purchases, the rules and regulations of whatever state/province in which you happen to reside, and to know that lock-picking carries with it a stigma, which could put you in an uncomfortable situation should something go missing in your school or place of work, as such, discretion is recommended, and even more so, DON'T GO BREAKING THE LAW!!! Hope you enjoy, Cheers. PS: I've included a short glossary of terms in the final step in this instructable just in case.
Une balançoire pour vos petiots qui ne vous coûtera rien ou presque! Enfants – Débrouille : Il existe des balançoires formidables dans les magasins… mais lorsque les enfants grandissent, toutes (je dis bien toutes), deviennent plutôt encombrantes. Alors voici quelques astuces pour fabriquer une balançoire avec rien pas grand-chose. Attention : N’importe quel arbre peut porter votre balançoire… Pas nécessairement celui de votre jardin. Vous pouvez transporter votre balançoire et la suspendre durant une promenade dans les bois… Cependant, faites attention de ne pas blesser l’arbre à cause du frottement de la corde. Via Les informations contenues dans ce blog sont mises à disposition à titre d’information générale seulement. En aucun cas nous ne pouvons être tenu responsable de toute perte ou dommage, y compris mais sans s’y limiter, indirects ou consécutifs de perte ou de dommage ou toute perte ou dommage que ce soit résultant de la perte de données ou de bénéfices découlant de ou en relation avec l’utilisation de ce blog ou des informations y fournis. Ema
Understanding TRRS and Audio Jacks - Cable Chick Blog Learn about the varieties of audio jack and how to identify them, plus discover why one TRRS cable won't work for all your AV needs. We know them. We love them. They've been around since before the first Walkman and they'll stay for a long time to come. Over the years, the general public have come to refer to both the male and female of the species as an 'Audio Jack', even though this is not technically correct. To keep things easy, we'll use the term plug for male and socket for female whenever we need to be specific, and we'll pretend jack is genderless. Once upon a time, what we now see as stereo jacks or headphone sockets were used in the telephone switchboards of the 19th century. T = Tip, R = Ring, S = Sleeve These days it's generally easier and more accurate to refer to each type by their Tip/Ring/Sleeve configuration to avoid any misunderstanding, especially when balanced audio is taken into account. Why move the ground contact?
Learn Electronics and Arduino Just By Watching These Videos Advertisement Learning to program your own electronics is empowering and rewarding, but it can be difficult to get started without guidance. We’ve rounded up the best videos, YouTube channels and online courses to get going. What is Arduino? Arduino is a popular open-source microcontroller, meaning a small computer with programmable inputs and outputs. Still not sure if you want one? I was lucky to have a professor in university teach a course on programming in Arduino. YouTube Channels about Arduino Tutorials for Arduino by Jeremy Blum Typical video length: 15 to 30 minutes. Jeremy Blum has been educating people on how to use Arduino for years now. The first video is a fantastic introduction to the scope of Arduino, or a refresher if you’re coming back to Arduino from some time away. EEAwesome Typical video length: 10 min or less. Over at EEAwesome, Professor Rudy Schlaf has a series of videos on basic Arduino concepts. Arduino Video Tutorial by Arduino Typical video length: 5 to 15 minutes.
Electronics made easy Resistors are simple: they limit the amount of current allowed through a circuit. Resistors are color coded to make it easier, and can have four, five, or six colored bands. Resistors are measured in Ohms. To find the resistance of the four-band resistor: look at the resistor, make sure the side that has a silver or gold is to the right (there might not be a band with one of these colors, make sure the side that has no band is to the right). now you simply read it. write down the first value write down the second value the third number tells you how many 0's to add to the number the fourth number tells you the tolerance. black=0 brown=1 red=2 orange=3 yellow=4 green=5 blue=6 Purple=7 gray=8 white=9 Silver=10% tolerance Gold=5% tolerance In the picture the resistor is red green red gold, so that would be 2500-5%.