FontSpace: We love FREE fonts Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool & Crawler Software About The Tool The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a fast and advanced SEO site audit tool. It can be used to crawl both small and large websites, where manually checking every page would be extremely labour intensive, and where you can easily miss a redirect, missing page title, or duplicate page issue. You can view, analyse and filter the crawl data as it’s gathered and updated in real-time in the apps UI. The SEO Spider allows you to export key onsite SEO elements (URL, page title, meta description, headings etc) to a spread sheet, so it can easily be used as a base for SEO recommendations. Crawl 500 URLs For Free The ‘lite’ version of the tool is free to download and use. For just £199 per year you can purchase a licence, which removes the 500 URL crawl limit, allows you to save crawls, and opens up the spider’s configuration options and advanced features. Alternatively hit the ‘buy a licence’ button in the SEO Spider to buy a licence after downloading and trialing the software. Updates
SEO Reports, Website Ranking Reports and Organic Keyword Research by UrlTrends Traceroute, Ping, Domain Name Server (DNS) Lookup, WHOIS Paj's Home: Cryptography: JavaScript MD5 MD5 is a secure hash algorithm. It takes a string as input, and produces a 128-bit number, the hash. The same string always produces the same hash, but given a hash, it is not generally possible to determine the original string. Secure hash algorithms are useful for protecting passwords and ensuring data integrity. This site has a JavaScript implementation of MD5, and some other secure hash algorithms. Protecting Passwords Without protection, passwords are vulnerable to network sniffing. Generating Passwords Most people have accounts on many different web sites. Self-Decrypting Pages Internet email messages are vulnerable to interception and generally considered unsuitable for confidential communication. Demonstration hex_md5("message digest") = "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0"hex_sha1("160-bit hash") = "90d925d853c3d35cd54070bb75280fefad9de9e7" More Information Scripts Download the scripts, see information about their history and future plans, and links to other resources. more... Other Uses
GoogleChromeLabs/ProjectVisBug: FireBug for designers › Makes any webpage feel like an artboard via a little extension Télécharger LinkExaminer (gratuit) Pour les administrateurs ou les propriétaires de site web, l'entretien est souvent un vrai cauchemar, surtout pour la traque des liens cassés après un déplacement de fichiers et qu'on a oublié de mettre à jour la page. Le LinkExaminer d'AnalogX est un logiciel qui peut-être d'un grand secours dans ce genre de situation. Il est capable de vérifier tous les liens sur une page HMTL et de rapporter toutes les anomalies. Il dispose aussi d'autres fonctions très utiles pour la gestion d'un site. Le plus simple serait de le télécharger et de l'essayer pour profiter de ses capacités. A voir également Communautés d'assistance et de conseils.
SEO Keyword Graph Visualization | SEO Browser Use this free Java application to explore the connections between related websites. Try it now! Enter keywords or a URL, and click 'Graph it!' See Getting Started below for more details. Getting Started Make sure you have the latest version of java, at least Java 1.5 Type in your search keywords or a URL, and press "Graph It!" Sample Searches:
Bon site qui te permet de survoler ton site et d'améliorer ces performances. by labinoclee Sep 15
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Liens internes et externes by regine_a Jun 21
사이트의 퍼포먼스를 평가할 수 있는 도구 by minkichoi Nov 16