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Phrasal Verbs List

200 common phrasal verbs, with - meaning - example sentence ask somebody out invite on a date Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie. ask around ask many people the same question I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet. add up to something equal Your purchases add up to $205.32. back something up reverse You'll have to back up your car so that I can get out. back somebody up support My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job. blow up explode The racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence. blow something up add air We have to blow 50 balloons up for the party. break down stop functioning (vehicle, machine) Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm. break down get upset The woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died. break something down divide into smaller parts Our teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts. break in force entry to a building Somebody broke in last night and stole our stereo.

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like doing smth и like to do smth В разъяснениях английской грамматической темы «Gerund vs. Infinitive» можно встретить заверение в том, что при употреблении глагола to like с герундием или инфинитивом не наблюдается существенной разницы в значении. Так ли это на самом деле, или, точнее, всегда ли это так? Lay or lie ? — English Grammar Today — Cambridge Dictionary The verb lay means ‘to put something down carefully in a flat position’. It must have an object. It is a regular verb, but note the spelling of the past simple and -ed form: laid not layed: Shall I lay the tray on the bed? A wonderful wooden floor has been laid in the dining room. Not: … floor has been layed …

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Как легко запомнить неправильные глаголы английского языка Преподаватели английского языка утверждают, что 70% использования глаголов в этом языке приходится на долю неправильных (irregular verbs или глаголы-исключения). Следовательно, запоминание и корректное использование разных форм глаголов имеет большое значение в процессе изучения английского. Школьная программа не пестрила разнообразием в этом вопросе – практиковалось механическое запоминание, в результате которого уже через пару дней большая часть выученного забывалась. Halloween Word Search Puzzles - What better way to practice on your kids reading skills than to have them solve the Halloween Word Search Puzzles! Word search puzzles offer great exercise for the brains (young and older) so be sure to solve one or two yourself too (I promise they are fun). These pack a ton of spooky words – you will be searching for zombies, sneaky witches, skeletons and more (I admit I totally forgot to include ghosts though – boo!) Let’s have some fun!
