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Fr:home:index [JDownloader]

Fr:home:index [JDownloader]
JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be. Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more. It's an easy-to-extend framework that can save hours of your valuable time every day! Choose your operating system: Try out our new Install/Start-Script for Linux/Mac! wget must be installed on system!

Java SE for Embedded – System Requirements Answers to frequently asked questions regarding embedded use of Java SE are described below. These are summarized on this page earlier. Q2. Symbian Toys - Software NaviFirm+ to dowload the firmware of your Symbian smartphone Description Screenshots Download Donations 3.2 Change-Log: - New: credentials for public shared account are automatically acquired from server (if available)

Modding Studio - PS3 - Lista giochi - CFW Rogero 4.30 (v1.00/v1.02/v1.03/v1.04/v2.00/v2.03) Legenda: FunzionanteNon FunzionanteIn Attesa Di Test 007 Legends (BLES01614) - v01.01 - Full-ENG - HDD Interno/Esterno - No BD - No BD MirrorAbsolute Supercars (BLES1500) - v01.03 - Full-ITA - HDD Interno/Esterno - No BD - No BD MirrorAliens:Colonials Marines (BLUS30862) - v01.00 - Full-ITA - HDD Esterno - BD Inserito - No BD MirrorAngry Birds Trilogy (BLES01732) - v01.00 - Full-ITA - HDD Interno/Esterno - No BD - BD Mirror AttivaArmy of Two: the devil's cartel (BLES01763) - v1.00 - Full-ITA - HDD Interno/Esterno - No BD - No BD MirrorAssassin's Creed (BLES00158) - v01.10 - Full-ITA - HDD Esterno - BD Inserito - BD Mirror AttivaAssassin's Creed II (BLES00669) - v01.02 - Full-ITA - HDD Interno/Esterno - No BD - No BD MirrorAssassin's Creed III (BLES01667) - v01.01 - Full-ITA - HDD Interno/Esterno - No BD - No BD Mirror (ATTENZIONE ALL' INTERNO DELLA CARTELLA "USRDIR" DEL BACKUP DEVE ESSERCI UNA SOTTOCARTELLA VUOTA CHIAMATA "ASSASSIN_ISO" ALTRIMENTI IL GIOCO NON SI AVVIA!)

Du Zwave sur votre NAS Synology ? On ne présente plus les NAS de la marque Synology, très connus pour leur qualité et leurs nombreuses fonctions. Depuis quelques temps, Synology a eu la bonne idée d’ouvrir son système aux développeurs, qui peuvent ainsi développer des plugins pour lui ajouter des fonctions, sans avoir besoin de recourir à des hacks comme d’autres marques… Devinez quelle fonction vient d’y être ajoutée ? La domotique, à l’aide de modules Zwave ! Et nous sommes aux premières loges, puisque le développeur de ce projet n’est autre que Bilil, qui a commencé ce projet sur le forum de Maison et Domotique :D Si vous fréquentez un peu le forum, vous n’avez pas pu le rater, c’est un sujet très actif :p

Микроскоп и фотографии чипов метро : Сваричевский Михаил Сегодня наконец приехал микроскоп из Китая: Темное/светлое поле, работа в отраженном/проходящем свете, дифференциально-интерференционный контраст, 5Мп камера. Достал несколько чипов из билетов московского метро - к сожалению, оказалось что они сделаны NXP, а не Микроном. Печально. Фотографии с объективом 10x, реальный размер чипа - 0.6x0.6 мм. А вот это - КР580ИК80А, самые тонкие линии - 6 микрон (100x объектив):

Game Evaluation Form Game Evaluation Form Legend The game evaluation form is meant to provide a concise description of a game and its behavior authoring and scenario generation capabilities. The information in the form was prepared by the BBN game evaluators and represents their personal experiences playing the game, and reading through official and fan-created material. World Map of Social Networks January 2017: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic). There are a lot of news since last January: Facebook is still the leading social network in 119 out of 149 countries analyzed, but it was stopped in 9 territories by Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and Linkedin. It’s interesting to see that in some countries, like Botwana, Mozambique, Namibia, Iran e Indonesia, Instagram wins and that some African territories prefer LinkedIn. Overall LinkedIn conquers 9 countries, Instagram 7, meanwhile VKontakte and Odnoklassniki (part of the same group grow up in Russian territories.

A Memory Allocator by Doug Lea [A German adaptation and translation of this article appears in unix/mail December, 1996. This article is now out of date, and doesn't reflect details of current version of malloc.] Introduction Team Some people have suggested we make a post about Cydia software that was created by members of Chronic Dev, so here is a list. Will be adding more soon, and might make this into a page (such as the “who we are” and “software” tabs up top) if people like this idea. Mark Read Download : Tap here on your jailbroken device Developer(s) : westbaer and CocoaNuts Price : $1.99 Description : Allows you to mark your emails read straight from the inbox instead of needing to go through them one by one.

Essential Wireless Hacking Tools By Daniel V. Hoffman, CISSP, CWNA, CEH Anyone interested in gaining a deeper knowledge of wireless security and exploiting vulnerabilities will need a good set of base tools with which to work. Fortunately, there are an abundance of free tools available on the Internet. This list is not meant to be comprehensive in nature but rather to provide some general guidance on recommended tools to build your toolkit.

Healthy Habits for TV, Video Games, and the Internet Listen TV, interactive video games, and the Internet can be excellent sources of education and entertainment for kids. But too much screen time can have unhealthy side effects. A Reason Why Video Games Are Hard to Give Up December 26, 2006 'Richard Ryan, professor of psychology, left, and graduate student Andrew Przybylski. (PHOTO CREDIT: University of Rochester)' Kids and adults will stay glued to video games this holiday season because the fun of playing actually is rooted in fulfilling their basic psychological needs. Psychologists at the University of Rochester, in collaboration with Immersyve, Inc., a virtual environment think tank, asked 1,000 gamers what motivates them to keep playing.
