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How Can Elementary Teachers Improve Their Ability to Run Productive Science Discussions By: Hilda Borko, Ph.D., Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education, Stanford University Jonathan Osborne, Ph.D., Kamalachari Endowed Chair in Science Education, Stanford University Leave a Comment Third graders discuss possible ways to solve a new math problem. Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action

Scientific Paper Format: How Must an A+ Paper Look Like? Have you been assigned to write a scientific project? Then, it is high time to learn scientific paper format rules. This type of work has certain distinctive features and peculiarities, which you need to know to submit a well-structured assignment. Compared to an essay, which consists of one page, this assignment is a big project that includes several sections. Gear Generator Animation: * Shift + Enter: Set RPM of the selected gear #0 - N8 - ratio: 1:1 - RPM: 6#1 - N16 - ratio: 2:1 - RPM: 3#2 - N12 - ratio: 2:1 - RPM: 3#3 - N60 - ratio: 10:1 - RPM: 0.6 Connection properties Gear properties * Shift + Enter: modifies the Diametral pitch

Changes in How We See Scientific Inquiry Ask 20 teachers what scientific inquiry is and it’s possible you’ll receive 20 different answers. From a series of proscribed steps to a lab-based free-for-all, conceptions have shifted over time. In the National Research Council’s (NRC) 1996 National Science Education Standards (NSES), inquiry held a prominent position as its own content area, but the term rarely comes up in its 2012 Framework for K–12 Science Education (Framework). Writing a Research Paper for Your Science Fair Project Overview Year after year, students find that the report called the research paper is the part of the science fair project where they learn the most. So, take it from those who preceded you, the research paper you are preparing to write is super valuable. What Is a Research Paper? The short answer is that the research paper is a report summarizing the answers to the research questions you generated in your background research plan.

Instructables Classes AdWords We use AdWords to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AdWords. Ads are based on both AdWords data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. Students Learn More With Active Learning, Despite Preferring Lectures Students are often “poor judges” of their own learning, according to researchers in a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Strategies that require low cognitive effort—such as passively listening to a lecture—are often perceived by students to be more effective than active strategies such as hands-on experimentation and group problem-solving. The group dynamic can make students feel frustrated and “painfully aware of their lack of understanding,” but the study concluded that the more effort and struggle involved—hallmarks of a student-centered, active approach—the more students learned. In the study, researchers divided large introductory physics courses at Harvard University into two groups.

Steps of Virus Infections (text version) The flu virus is probably the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word virus. We’ve all probably had the flu at one point or another in our lives. So just how does the flu invade our bodies? Watch this video from NPR for a quick introduction to the flu virus: Tabor MakerLab Workshop Handouts - Google Drive One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Google Drive Find my account Forgot password? Clarifying Literacy in Science Notions of literacy in science run in several directions that do not always have clear definitions or delineations. Several resources describe how teachers can apply literacy strategies to support student understanding. Current literature emphasizes “disciplinary literacy” in science, while longstanding commentary also emphasizes the importance of a scientifically literate populace. Below, I propose definitions for these three ideas--applying literacy strategies in science, disciplinary literacy, and scientific literacy--that connect the terms science and literacy, providing examples to illustrate how they differ.

Four Stages of Cellular Respiration Cellular respiration is the sum of the various biochemical means that eukaryotic organisms employ to extract energy from food, specifically glucose molecules. The cellular respiration process includes four basic stages or steps: Glycolysis, which occurs in all organisms, prokaryotic and eukaryotic; the bridge reaction, which stets the stage for aerobic respiration; and the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain, oxygen-dependent pathways that occur in sequence in the mitochondria. The steps of cellular respiration do not happen at the same speed, and the same set of reactions may proceed at different rates in the same organism at different times. For example, the rate of glycolysis in muscle cells would be expected to greatly increase during intense anaerobic exercise, which incurs an "oxygen debt," but the steps of aerobic respiration do not speed up appreciably unless exercise is performed at an aerobic, "pay-as-you-go" intensity level. Cellular Respiration Equation Glycolysis

Save Time Grading with Doctopus & Goobric (Overview of These Two Tools) I’m always on the look out to spend LESS time grading or, at the very least, to feel like the time I do spend grading is productive and efficient. Several months ago I wrote a blog titled “Google Docs: Grading Tips & Tricks” in which I shared some simple strategies for grading more quickly when working with Google documents. In addition to those tips, I recently wrote a blog about the new editing feature in Google Documents, which is making it easier to provide formative feedback.
