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Tässä.fi+ GeoGit by Boundless GeoServer Goals[edit] GeoServer aims to operate as a node within a free and open Spatial Data Infrastructure. Just as the Apache HTTP Server has offered a free and open web server to publish HTML, GeoServer aims to do the same for geospatial data. Features[edit] GeoServer reads a variety of data formats, including: Through standard protocols it produces KML, GML, Shapefile, GeoRSS, PDF, GeoJSON, JPEG, GIF, SVG, PNG and more. GeoServer additionally supports efficient publishing of geospatial data to Google Earth through the use of network links, using KML. GeoServer relies on GeoTools, a GIS library. Usage[edit] Architecture[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ "GeoWebCache". External links[edit]
GME | SpatialEcology.Com Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Spatial Ecology LLC Before proceeding with the installation and/or use of this software please read the following terms and conditions of this license agreement. The license agreement applies to both the GME interface and the installation program. By installing or using this software you indicate your acceptance of this agreement. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") subject to the terms of this EULA. You, the user, are responsible for ensuring that the Software is used appropriately, and that the output of this Software is accurate, relevant, consistent, and otherwise error-free. You are free to copy and redistribute this software within your own organization.
About Mapnik · mapnik/mapnik Wiki Mapnik is a Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications. It is written in modern C++ and has Python bindings that support fast-paced agile development. It can comfortably be used for both desktop map design and web development. Mapnik is about making beautiful maps. See the the Mapnik FAQ for more information. Blog posts about Mapnik Mapnik Example Gallery
kantaa valitsemassa Nykyään ensisijainen tapa tallentaa paikkatietoja on relaatiotietokanta. Tiedostopohjaiset ratkaisut ovat hyviä tietojen siirtämiseen, mutta varsinainen paikkatietojen käsittely tehdään pääsääntöisesti tietokantaan tallennetuista paikkatiedoista. Tietokantaratkaisujakin on nähty monenlaisia matkan varrella: relaatiopohjaiset tietokannat ovat kuitenkin yleisyytensä kautta muodostuneet defacto-ratkaisuksi. Oikean relaatiotietokannan valinta on sitten hieman monimutkaisempi ongelma. Yleensä organisaatiossa on valittuna yksi suositeltava tietokanta. Jos on mahdollisuus vapaasti valita paikkatietojen tallentamiseen relaatiotietokanta, niin on hyvä tutustua tähän blog-kirjoitukseen: Compare SQL Server 2008 R2, Oracle 11G R2, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.5 Spatial Features. Paikkatietokannan valintaa ei voi eriyttää sovelluspalvelimista ja työasemasovelluksista. Tykkää tästä: Tykkää Lataa...
Fées maison Gis The goal of the DebianGis project is about improving Debian to make it the best distribution for Geographical Information Systems applications and users. A good deal of GIS related softwares and libraries (e.g. GRASS GIS , GDAL , and PROJ.4 ) are already present in Debian. The coordination of this project happens on the mailing list. We host a Subversion (SVN) and a Git repository for team maintenance of packaging chores on Debian's Alioth server. UbuntuGis is a page that collects GIS-related information for the UbuntuLinux distribution. Mailing Lists -- the mailing lists used for coordinating the project IRC: #debian-gis on (OFTC) Packages List -- list of packages in, or proposed for, Debian see also: The DebianGis packages thermometer The repository and backports -- get the latest DebianGis packages hot off the press or modern packages built for older versions of Debian Reporting bugs -- how to report bugs about DebianGis packages.
Geospatial Analysis - spatial and GIS analysis techniques and GIS software Welcome This free "self-service" testing facility can be used by any developer as often as they like to test their implementations of OGC standards. You don't need to be an OGC member, and you will always have unlimited access to this testing facility. There are more than 40 adopted OGC standards, but we currently can only certify implementations for the tests listed bellow. Once your product passes the test getting it certified is easy. We have a need for new tests and for reference implementations.
Compare SQL Server 2008 R2, Oracle 11G R2, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.5 Spatial Features In our prior compare -- we compared PostgresQL 8.3/PostGIS 1.3-1.4, SQL Server 2008 and MySQL 5+ (now owned by Oracle). Many people would have preferred seeing Oracle or IBM DB2 in the mix since few use MySQL seriously for spatial work. So by popular demand we are replacing our compare of MySQL with that of Oracle. A couple of exciting things have happened since that last comparison. PostGIS released PostGIS 1.5 which introduced native geodetic support in the form of a new type called geography. PostGIS geography type is very similar in concept to SQL Server 2008 geography type. In this new comparison, we'll be comparing the geodetic support offered by these three commendable spatially enabled DBMS as well as standard OGC planar geometry support. In PostgreSQL/PostGIS and SQL Server you get both geometry and geography full support as well as all the functions that work with them at no extra cost but as two separate data types. Why would you ever want to pick more than one.
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