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"25 CUBE TREE" 3D PROJECTION MAPPING by MASARU OZAKI. "Cuadernos de la Trashumancia" del nº 1 al nº 12 - Vias Pecuarias - Ecosistemas y conectividad - Biodiversidad. - Flow map visualization tool. 2011 HAPPY NEW WALL. 3D Mapping Show -LG optimus One - Berlin. 3D projection mapping in the city centre of Amsterdam for H&M. 3DGIS.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf) 40 Years of Nautical Piracy – Adventures In Mapping. 5 Outstanding TED Talks about Creativity. According to Sir Ken Robinson, creativity is the " process of having original ideas that have values". Everyone of us is born creative but the milieu where we are brought up and the kind of education we receive have a lot to do with how creative we become as we grow up.

In his popular TED talk " Do Schools Kill Creativity " , Robinson argued that students are educated out of creativity. Schools and curriculum do not seem to put a high premium on those elements that are mainly linked to the development of our creative powers including art, music, dance, and drama. Whenever there is a budget cut, the first thing they start with is art as if art is only a recreational subject. I am actually working on a poster about creativity which I will probably publish tomorrow. In this poster you will get to know the creative process, its major steps, the relationship between creativity and intelligence, and the anatomy of a creative mind. 1- 4 Lessons in Creativity 2- You Elusive Creative Genius. 6 Elements Of Play: The Spectrum Of A Relaxed Mind. 6 Elements Of Play: The Spectrum Of A Relaxed Mind The role of play in learning is a complex thing, in part because it is easily misunderstood as “playing is learning.”

While that’s certainly true, there is also a role for play in formal learning experiences as well. As self-directed learning becomes more possible and more potent in the 21st century, the idea of one learner riffing casually off another is increasingly accessible. So the chart below from is not only well-timed, but apt in this context. It identifies the elements of play, including anticipation, understanding, and poise, and then helpfully offers characteristics of play as well, all excellent indicators of a relaxed and innovative mind comfortable with its surroundings, and in-tune with a local context.

In identifying these elements, it actually function as a kind of spectrum, where anticipation can lead to full-on wonderment, surprise can lead to astonishment, and so on. 6 secrets I learned at makeup artist school. Total-beauty TODAY Style TODAY Jan. 12, 2012 at 9:50 AM ET / By Sharon Yi, You could say that I have a love/hate relationship with makeup. But then there are those days when my liner refuses to go on straight, my bronzer makes me look like an Asian Snookie, or my lashes refuse to curl. I had one of those days last week, and after walking into work wearing two very different winged tips on my eyes, my editor assigned me a new story: Go to makeup school and write about it. Want to see the best techniques I picked up without spending the thousands of dollars (and crazy amount of time) it takes to go to makeup school yourself?

Lesson No. 1: Spend some bucks on your tools At Napoleon Perdis' Makeup Academy in Hollywood, Rebecca Prior, NP's National Educator, begins the first lesson by introducing us to our tools. Here are the eight basic brushes you need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Once you have your tools, you need to know how to hold them. [La belle Hélène, opéra-bouffe de Meilhac, Halévy, Offenbach : photographies] A Great Creativity Poster for Teachers. The creativity poster I promised yesterday in 5 Outstanding TED Videos about Creativity is now ready. Again this poster is completely free of charge provided you are not using it for any commercial purposes.

This work is created for educators and teachers like me and the purpose is to provide educational posters and materials that can be used in the classroom. As you can see in the poster I provided three definitions to creativity because I don't want to be confined to just one point of view although I prefer Ken Robinson's creativity model. I do consider myself a Postmodernist in regard to the information I create and provide. The recent poster I published about The 21st Century Skills for Students proved to be such a big hit. Click Here to download and print the poster and if you want to use it in your classroom blog or website then grab the html code below. A Viper green laser pointer beam & Crystal Ball. Adidas France - 3D Mapping Projection. AIRE. Album photo Beauté. Amon Tobin ISAM Brooklyn NY Finale Live 10/27/2011. Arabesque. Archaeology and Landscape in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia. ArchAtlas: The Atlas. Arpenteur BnF. AsTekNOS Castrol İstanbul Indoor 3D Projection Video Mapping. Audi A1 Car projection mapping. Audio Responsive Projection Mapping. Babbage. Basic Portal Example (using ExtJS) Belles images · De tout en vrac. BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU.

Binaire | L'informatique : la science au coeur du numérique. Blog - Liste des blogs classée par critères. Blog de sailyna - ode izis - : Mode Homme, Conseils Pratiques & Relooking Homme. Brain Rot: Hip Hop Family Tree, The First Rap Group on SNL - Boing Boing - Nightly. C&I /// Classieuse et Intelligente /// Webzine féminin avec de l'humour dedans. Canmore Mapping. Carte interactive | Cartelec. Cartes anciennes couvrant le territoire. CartoCrime.Net. CartographieNumerique/DataPNUD2018. Catalogue GeoBretagne - GeoBretagne. Catastrophes (info, photo, vidéo, ...)

Catastrophes naturelles : des risques majeurs à ne pas sous-estimer | FM Global - Touchpoints. Les catastrophes naturelles n’ont jamais été aussi néfastes pour la santé économique des entreprises et des institutions. Pourtant les directeurs financiers sous-estiment largement ce type de risque. Une réticence avant tout psychologique, qui amène à repenser la manière de sensibiliser les décideurs afin d’accélérer la mise en place de mesures de prévention.

Des catastrophes naturelles toujours plus fréquentes En 2011, 302 désastres naturels ont touché la planète. 29 782 personnes ont péri dans une catastrophe naturelle en 2011, 260 millions d’êtres humains ont été affectés.286 milliards d’euros (366 milliards de dollars) de dégâts ont été causés par des catastrophes naturelles et techniques en 2011, un niveau record en 30 ans, qui dépasse d’ailleurs largement le précédent (243 milliards de dollars en 2005, année de l’ouragan Katrina). Des barrières avant tout psychologiques Un sentiment de fatalité qui conduit à l’inaction « Les entreprises ne doivent pas être victimes, rappelle Ruud H.

Channel 4 News Culture Feed. Chaîne de TheBritishLegions. China Historical GIS CD-ROM - Release 4 [Jan 2007] Chopina04 (Cyrille Chopin) / Repositories. Collaboration Central. Collections - Google Art Project. Constructeur maison contemporaine et moderne en rhône alpes (savoie - 73 ) - HMBC. Cosmetic Blur. Cuelight. Culture of Innovation. Data Agglo Le Havre. Data Viz Project | Collection of data visualizations to get inspired and finding the right type. Designing Creative Confidence. Not only is it time to reclaim our creative confidence, it is time to reclaim failure too. So whenever I am asked a question, my response is to ask several questions back. Why do we need innovation in education NOW? What is innovation in education? What is the purpose of innovation in education?

CC photo by: turiskopio At this point, with the knowledge I have, I would describe innovation as the use of insights to create ideas to implement systemic change. As a designer and social entrepreneur, it is my job to be a multi-disciplinary thinker; I thrive on finding intersections from alternative spaces to start to explore opportunities, generate connections, and facilitate the process of taking ideas to action. The number one thing stopping innovation from happening is; ideas are nothing without execution. Innovation is going to feel uncomfortable. That “Wow!” We are all part of the future of education,.

Innovation in education is going to come from every level of the system. Deux outils pour une photo de couverture Facebook originale. Fin 2011, Facebook a sorti sa “Timeline”, le nouveau profil au look de magazine, et ce fut l’occasion pour pas mal d’utilisateurs de se démarquer en créant une photo de couverture originale. Vous voulez vous aussi être original et personnaliser votre profil? Voilà deux outils qui vous aideront à créer votre photo de couverture, ou du moins vous donneront quelques idées pour commencer: 1.

PicScatter PicScatter vous permet de créer une mosaïque: au choix, mosaïque d’amis, de likes ou de photos tirées de vos albums, le site crée la couverture automatiquement en allant chercher les photos sur votre compte Facebook. 2. CoverCanvas Encore plus sympa, il y a CoverCanvas: le site va chercher des photos dans vos albums Facebook et vous propose de nombreux templates plutôt stylés pour les agencer: Au moins une 50aine de modèles disponibles! A vous de jouer! Dev Harlan - "Parmenides I", 2011. Digital Augustan Rome: Domus: Carinae. Disarm-platform/MapPalettes: A set of palettes for maps. Données cadastrales ouvertes | Décider d’être heureux ? | Sous l'oeil des psys. ECAI - Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative. Elastic Stop Motion Video Shows The Fun Side of Office Products.

Explore — SNCF Open Data. EXPO + Etc. Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys. Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds, according to a sweeping new study that traced the lives of millions of children. White boys who grow up rich are likely to remain that way. Black boys raised at the top, however, are more likely to become poor than to stay wealthy in their own adult households. Most white boys raised in wealthy families will stay rich or upper middle class as adults, but black boys raised in similarly rich households will not. …and see where they end up as adults: Follow the lives of 140 boys who grew up in rich families … Rich adult Upper-middle-class adult Middle-class adult Lower-middle-class adult Poor adult Adult outcomes reflect household incomes in 2014 and 2015.

Even when children grow up next to each other with parents who earn similar incomes, black boys fare worse than white boys in 99 percent of America. Mr. White. Food'Amour. Franponais 24h. Free GIS Datasets - Categorised List. Futiles (mais pas que) Fées maison. GamonGirls : Le blog de la High-Tech au féminin mais pas que... Food, Beauté et évasion. GeoGit by Boundless. GeoServer. GeoServer. Goals[edit] GeoServer aims to operate as a node within a free and open Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Just as the Apache HTTP Server has offered a free and open web server to publish HTML, GeoServer aims to do the same for geospatial data. Features[edit] GeoServer reads a variety of data formats, including: Through standard protocols it produces KML, GML, Shapefile, GeoRSS, PDF, GeoJSON, JPEG, GIF, SVG, PNG and more. In addition, one can edit data via the WFS transactional profile (WFS-T). GeoServer includes an integrated OpenLayers client for previewing data layers. GeoServer additionally supports efficient publishing of geospatial data to Google Earth through the use of network links, using KML. GeoServer relies on GeoTools, a GIS library. Usage[edit] Architecture[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ "GeoWebCache".

External links[edit] Get creative with globe visualizations. Gis. The goal of the DebianGis project is about improving Debian to make it the best distribution for Geographical Information Systems applications and users. A good deal of GIS related softwares and libraries (e.g. GRASS GIS , GDAL , and PROJ.4 ) are already present in Debian.

Thanks to efforts of the DebianGis team, we currently have many exciting GIS packages in Debian's main archives. Other programs are well along their way to being included in the archive. The coordination of this project happens on the mailing list. You can subscribe to it by using the form available here . Public archives of the list are at the same place. We host a Subversion (SVN) and a Git repository for team maintenance of packaging chores on Debian's Alioth server. UbuntuGis is a page that collects GIS-related information for the UbuntuLinux distribution. Google Earth. Groupe fmr – (flux, matrices, réseaux) Gurublog.

Géodes - Santé publique France. Halte aux catastrophes ! Les catastrophes naturelles concernent des évènements climatiques, sismiques ou astronomiques majeurs. Elles détruisent de nombreuses vies et ressources. Néanmoins ces catastrophes naturelles découlent, dans beaucoup de cas, au facteur humain selon l’endroit et les méthodes employées à la construction de bâtiments. Halte aux catastrophes ! A pour but de sensibiliser l’utilisateur où il devra organiser et construire un environnement plus sûr pour la population et évaluer les risques en tentant de limiter les dégâts. Il devra sauver des vies en préparant des défenses et en renforçant les habitations pour éviter le pire.

Like this: J'aime chargement… Helix LED Hoop by Proton Labs - Now Available! Herodotus Timemap. Histoire des sciences | SVT au collège. History - CyArk. CyArk's origin is traced back to the founding of Cyra Technologies in 1993 by Ben and Barbara Kacyra. Cyra was the first to develop and bring to market the first commercially available integrated system of high resolution 3D laser scanning and cloud of point software for the architecture/engineering/construction, plant management, and media/ entertainment industries. In 2001, Cyra Technologies was acquired by Leica Geosystems. The Kacyra Family Foundation was founded in 2000 by Ben and Barbara Kacyra as a 501(c)3 charitable trust with part of its mission being the preservation of cultural heritage sites.

CyArk was created in 2003 as a nonprofit project of KFF to address this part of the KFF mission by creating the means for the Digital Preservation, public education and cultural tourism dissemination of cultural heritage sites. Upon successful proof of this concept through the CyArk Pilot Project, CyArk was spun off in 2008 as an independent nonprofit organization. Timeline. Home. Français Follow us E-mail Alerts Blogs What's new JAPAN: Half a century of OECD membership 4 April 2014 Japan joined the OECD in 1964, the same year it hosted the summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. OECD membership signalled Japan’s successful transition into a fully industrialised economy, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida writes on the 50th anniversary of his country’s accession. Read more ECONOMY: Europe’s reforms beginning to pay off but continued effort needed 3 April 2014 Action taken by many European countries to return their public finances to health are beginning to pay off, says the OECD.

EDUCATION: Singapore and Korea top OECD’s first PISA problem-solving test 1 April 2014 Students from Singapore and Korea have performed best in the OECD PISA first assessment of creative problem-solving. FINANCE: Sovereign borrowing set to fall in 2014 28 March 2014 Borrowing operations by OECD governments are set to decrease, as their borrowing needs continue to decline, according to a new OECD report. Home - MapX. Hooptease1_hoop_lumineux_LibellulHoop. How to Close the Achievement Gap: Arts Education. As we celebrate Arts in Education Week, it is fitting to point out the many benefits of arts education. Research has shown that the arts prepare students for success in school, work and life by boosting math and literacy achievement, developing creativity and critical thinking skills, strengthening perseverance, facilitating cross-cultural understanding and much, much more (the Arts Education Partnership has compiled a research bulletin with citations for these and other outcomes of arts education, if you would like more information).

Of course, there are other, more direct reasons to study the arts. As Teacher in a Strange Land Nancy Flanagan pointed out last year: I wonder why we feel compelled to defend music, art, dance and drama for their subsidiary benefits: enhanced brain development, spatial/visual/temporal processing, improving memory and attention, physical coordination, personal discipline and teamwork? … I would expand “music” to include the other arts.

The Achievement Gap. HP - invent. Hyundai Accent 3D projection mapping_making of. IFA 2011 Projection Mapping Panasonic Booth.