Christmas Traditions, Christmas History, Christmas Around the World, The Chri... Film - inte utan tanke och process - Mia Smith December. Eleverna är trötta. Lärarna är trötta. Skolan är trött. Men ändå ska vi se till att undervisningen håller viss kvalitet, eller hur? Det finns så här års viss risk att eleverna tittar på film mer tid än de gör annat. Att bearbeta det man sett genom att skriva texter är ett sätt. Ett annat sätt är att samtala kring bilder, vilket mina elever ska få göra den här veckan. Den ena gruppen har arbetat med ett tema om att vara tonåring, om vänskap och relationer till föräldrar med mera. När eleverna sedan tittat klart på filmen kommer de gruppvis få diskutera karaktärerna. Här kan man som lärare välja att släppa samtalet fritt inom gruppen, att använda sig av en samtalsledare och en sekreterare eller kanske att testa ett tyst samtal, där man bara får skriva ner sina åsikter, antingen direkt på pappret eller med hjälp av post it-lappar. Den andra gruppen har läst en bok som också finns filmatiserad, Billy Elliot. PS.
Halloween Horror Story The Life and Death of a Pumpkin won the Best Short Film and Best Concept at the 2006 Chicago Horror Film Festival. It was directed by Aaron Yonda, who is probably best known for his part in the Chad Vader series. Note that some of the language in the story is quite grotesque. Language level: Intermediate; Upper intermediate (B1; B2)Learner type: Teens; AdultsTime: 45 minutes (+ Follow up)Activity: Reading (+ Writing follow up)Topic: Halloween; HorrorLanguage: Past perfectMaterials: Video clip; Worksheet Lesson plan summary Write the following on the board and ask students to suggest words that could fill the gap: (Possibilities include: sad, news, love, ghost, horror, tragic, true, etc) Tell students that they are going to hear a story. Note: It is very important that you play the video / audio from 0:12 after the words “I am a pumpkin. Let students share their ideas.Give out copies of the word cloud. Ask students to reconsider the questions in Steps 2. Halloween Horror Story Follow ups
Mias klassrum 26 Fresh ESL Conversation Starters to Get Students Talking! | Jennifer Teacher 10 Oct I love teaching conversation in the ESL classroom. Part of it must be that because the students able to “converse” in English are better able to demonstrate their personalities, preferences, thoughts… and therefore, I get to know them better. If you’re a conversation teacher in an English as a Second Language classroom, there may be times when you feel as though you want fresh ideas, a change in routine or some way to remain slightly unpredictable so your students remain curious as to what tricks you have up your sleeves. Always remember to keep in mind your students’ unique personalities and language learning journey, and never underestimate how engaged they can become with the right activity! Here is a list of 26 fresh ESL Conversation Starters to move your class! And if that’s not enough, The Internet TESOL Journal has about a thousand additional questions to get your conversation class started! Enjoy! Like this: Like Loading... Tags: conversation, Lesson Planning, speaking
The EFL SMARTblog: Merry Christmas Mr Bean Teacher's note; The activities in the worksheet at the bottom of this post are based on the full episode available on DVD or on y cannot be embedded here). This post contains some exercises based on the embeddable youtube clips. The answers are in the worksheet. DVD availablehere Mr Bean celebrates the traditional British Christmas: the baubles, the crackers, the nativity scene, the carols, the presents, the turkey and the mistletoe... they are all here. You are going to discuss Christmaswatch the Christmas Mr Bean episode and do some activitiesfind Christmas words in a word search exercise write the story in the past tensefind out more about the typical British Christmas and some of the Christmas things in the video. Discuss Do you celebrate Christmas? Watch clip 1 Answer the questions in the interactive exercise after you watch Did Mr Bean have any Christmas decorations? Now do exercise 1 (the answers to questions 9 and 10 are in the next clip) Watch clip 2
Bob Dylan – Background The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 Bob Dylan’s Official Homepage ALL MUSIC lists everything there is to know about Bob Dylan Warm-up Top 10 Bob Dylan Songs (13:17) The songs presented with commentary Songs Lyrics and audio Scroll down the page to find many, if not all, Bob Dylan songs Blowing in The Wind A page with links to the lyrics, the official music video and some discussion questions Gotta Serve Somebody The following links are to, showing the lyrics and playing the song Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right The Times They Are A-Changin’ It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue Talkin’ World War III Blues A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall Boots Of Spanish Leather One Too Many Mornings Positively 4th Street Blowin’ In The Wind Bob Dylan’s Dream It Ain’t Me, Babe Corrina, Corrina He was a friend of mine A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall Romance in Durango Worksheets 4 FREE ESL Bob Dylan worksheets Like A Rolling Stone Gap-fill exercise for the song Lesson Plans Reading Listening Watching Writing
St. Patrick’s Day | Mias klassrum Det finns oändligt mycket man kan klämma in i realian i engelskan eftersom språket talas i så många länder. Ett av mina personliga favoritländer är Irland och att passa på att lyfta fram landet i samband med St. Patrick’s Day är en självklarhet för mig. I år satte jag ihop en kort presentation som avslutades med en liten video och ett quiz i Kahoot. I texterna finns flera småsaker att lyfta fram: centuries/århundraden, BC/AD, latinska ordstammar som pater i Patrick och patron saint, religionsbitar som the holy trinity och definitionen av begrepp som helgon och republik. Presentationen finns att hämta hem här, samma CC som vanligt. Prezi – St. Project-based learning, the USA and Authentic Video in the EFL classroom | Elisabeth Horn The Globe Trekker/Pilot Guides video collection is a treasure trove for any English teacher. It encompasses extensive material from every corner of the world, and especially English-speaking countries are lavished with attention. Australia, Canada, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, England – you name it. Even individual cities are endowed with an approx. 50-minute complete video of its own, like London, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans to name but a few. Covering the United States satisfactorily in the language classroom is a daunting project, especially if you want to give your students more than a superficial understanding of its history, geography, language and people. Most textbooks for EFL students fall short in this respect, and it’s understandable – time available is limited and there is so much more that needs to be covered. In addition to making this initial decision, there are quite a lot of follow-up issues to consider: The next step is more work-intensive.
33 ways to speak better English If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to speak better English and communicate in a more confident and competent way. When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. As human beings, we want to participate in group discussions and have an impact on the society around us. In the modern world, we communicate across borders. By speaking better English, people all over the world can hear our voice. Well, English teachers and English classes definitely help. What you need is to become a self-directed learner, somebody who takes responsibility for their own learning and creates their own learning programme to develop their English. Now, it’s certainly true that speaking is a social activity and is best done with other people. You can do the same with your English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I want to go for a drink tonight. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Differences Between American and British English By Kenneth Beare While there are certainly many more varieties of English, American English and British English are the two varieties that are taught in most ESL/EFL programs. Generally, it is agreed that no one version is "correct" however, there are certainly preferences in use. The three major differences between between American and British English are: Pronunciation - differences in both vowel and consonants, as well as stress and intonation Vocabulary - differences in nouns and verbs, especially phrasal verb usage Spelling - differences are generally found in certain prefix and suffix forms The most important rule of thumb is to try to be consistent in your usage. Use of the Present Perfect continue reading below our video Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% In British English the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment. I've lost my key. In British English the above would be considered incorrect. British English:
USA-valet 2016: Stora valhyllningen – till kvinnorättskämpen Många amerikanska väljare valde i samband med valdagen att hedra en gammal kvinnorättskämpe. Under tisdagen ringlade köerna långa till suffragetten Susan B. Anthonys grav i New York. Hennes gravsten täcktes av klisterlappar med texten: "I Voted" Under tisdagen kan USA välja sin första kvinnliga president någonsin. På grund av detta vallfärdade många under valdagen till kyrkogården Mount Hope i New York, där Susan B. Trots att hon dog för mer än 110 år sedan ville hundratals personer hedra hennes minne. Bidrog till att ge kvinnor rösträtt Susan B. Flera gånger greps hon på grund av olika former av civil olydnad, men under slutfasen av hennes liv kom hon att bli allt mer respekterad, och som 80-åring fick hon även besöka Vita huset. Anthony dog 1906, och fick således aldrig uppleva när det nittonde tillägget till den amerikanska konstitutionen röstades igenom 1920. "Har aldrig varit kö tidigare" Under valdagen ringlade köerna till Susan B. – Det här är så mäktigt.
webenglish Related topics: Thanksgiving, Year 3-7 Background Colonization in the New World An informative text for the teacher about the British colonisation of the East Coast.A Clash of Cultures in the New World (14:00) This VOA radio programme clarifies the underlying reasons for the clashes between the settlers and the natives. Very slow speech; would benefit from a different method, e.g. by reading and discussing, if used in class.Native American Houses There is a common misunderstanding that all “Indians” lived in Teepees. This article shows various types of housing that different tribes used.The Basic Indian Stereotypes For the teacher who wants to go deeper, much deeper Warm-up Native American Nations A map of the natives’ tribes before the White Man came. Music Native American – Music- (Rain dance) (8:11) Rain Dance is one of the most well-known cultural features of the Native Nations. Vocabulary Lesson Plan Reading Pocahontas Listening Watching Speaking More Ideas Final Words
On the Telephone (Telefonda) ► Hello! Hello (Alo) Michael residence (Michael?in evi) This is John Black.