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Alex Prager

Mert and Marcus Mert & Marcus Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, working name "Mert and Marcus", are fashion photographers who work together on a collaborative basis. Their work and style is influenced by the photographer Guy Bourdin and have pioneered the use of digital manipulation within their field. Mert and Marcus, born in 1971 in Turkey and Wales respectively, met for the first time in England in 1994 after having worked for a brief period in different areas, the first in classical music and the second in graphic design.

Annie Leibovitz Annie Leibovitz Beroemde foto's[bewerken] Fotoboeken[bewerken] PhotographsPhotographs 1970-1990American OlympiansWomenAmerican MusicA Photographer’s Life 1990-2005Annie Leibovitz at Work Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook и ВКонтакте Лос-Текес, Каракас, Венесуэла, 2009 год. Автор фото: Валерио Биспури (Valerio Bispuri). Любое место лишения свободы несет в себе страх, ужас и отчаяние. Сотни бледных, изможденных, ослабленных, бессловесных и поникших тел выставленных в ряд у высоких стен, огражденных колючей проволокой, зачастую обречены на жалкое существование в ужасных условиях. Home : Paolo Patrizi Photographer 荒木経惟オフィシャルサイト 荒木 経惟「写狂老人Aのフィルム・ノスタルジー」 Nobuyoshi Araki “Film Nostalgia” 会期:2011年5月7日(土)~5月28日(土) 会場:タカ・イシイギャラリー(東京・清澄) Nobuyoshi Araki “Film Nostalgia” Dates: May 7 – 28, 2011 Location: Taka Ishii Gallery (Kiyosumi, Tokyo) Opening reception: Wednesday, May 25, 17:30-19:00 写真っていうのは、まあ写真つーか人生は、ノスタルジーだと確信をもったわけだよ。 こういう光景に出会って。今のデジタルの時代にだよ、都会の真ん中でこういう棒だよ、棒をもってザリガニだか鯉を追ってるんだよ。

The undiscovered street photography of Vivian Maier In 2007, Chicago Realtor John Maloof paid $400 at an auction for a storage locker filled with rolls of undeveloped film. He was searching for photos for a book project about his Chicago neighborhood of Portage Park. In a moment straight out of an episode of "Auction Hunters," Maloof discovered a treasure-trove of thousands of negatives that turned out to be from a nanny who took up street photography in her spare time yet kept most of her work hidden.

Апрель 27, 2012 «Для меня фотожурналистика – это инструмент общения, способ провоцировать и воодушевлять зрителя, а также документировать историю. Я пользуюсь фотоаппаратом, как голосом, чтобы кричать о несправедливости и, наоборот, рассказывать о прекрасном и добром». Питер Тёрнли – известный фотожурналист; за сорок лет работы он создал множество незабываемых образов, раскрывающих глубину повседневности, ее радости и горести. Он нашел самые точные, выразительные слова для того, чтобы рассказать о своем жизненном пути – пути самовыражения и самораскрытия, который продолжается. Его рассказ вызывает восхищение и вдохновляет. Frederic Noyon Photography Ellen von Unwerth Ellen von Unwerth, Paris 2003 Ellen von Unwerth (born 1954 in Frankfurt, Germany) is a photographer and director, specializing in erotic femininity. She worked as a fashion model for ten years herself before moving behind the camera, and now makes fashion, editorial, and advertising photographs. Von Unwerth has also directed short films for fashion designers, and music videos for several pop musicians.

GARRY WINOGRAND: “Standing on the Corner – Reflections Upon Garry Winogrand’s Photographic Gaze – Mirror of Self or World? Part II” (1991) Part II (This is the second of a two-part essay on the work of Garry Winogrand.) By Carl Chiarenza Originally Published in IMAGE Magazine: Journal of Photography and Motion Pictures of the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Volume 35, Number 1–2, Spring-Summer, 1992 About looking and watching. That is what so many of Winogrand’s pictures are about—about his looking and watching.

June 22, 2015 Brietbart News is up in arms about a run of AP photographs showing the barrel of a Glock handgun pointed directly at Ted Cruz’s head. Even if you don’t align yourself with the pro-gun position of Ted Cruz, in this case it’s morally obligatory to say that these photographs are not okay. Two Rivers 2007-11 - Carolyn Drake Photography The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers stretch from the western edge of China across Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, spanning a distance of 2,500km. They are the lifeblood of the vast, landlocked region between China, Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. The Greeks knew the two rivers as the Oxus and the Jaxartes. An islamic hadith holds that they are two of the four rivers that flow into Paradise. The Silk Route linking China to Europe followed the paths of the rivers.
