Ensemble, nous pouvons refroidir la planète ! Depuis plusieurs années déjà, La Vía Campesina et GRAIN dénoncent le système d’alimentation agroindustriel qui cause la moitié des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la planète.
Climat : le retour du Jedi. Après l’Empire contre-attaque et les fausses solutions technologiques pour sauver le climat, voici Le retour du Jedi.
Il faut parfois emprunter à la science-fiction pour surmonter de tristes réalités. Après le succès de la marche pour le climat de New York, trois défis pour le mouvement pour la justice climatique. This graphic novelist tells the true story of climate change. If Philippe Squarzoni knows one thing, it’s that a book can’t change the world.
When the French graphic novelist — whose work tackles such hard-hitting topics as the Zapatista movement in Mexico and homicide rates in Baltimore — decided to put together a 500-page tome on climate change, he did so, he says, not out of any kind of activist agenda, but because “je ne pouvais pas ne pas le faire” — “I couldn’t not do it.” He never thought it would alter the trajectory of things, change anyone’s mind, or make people care. Nope: He claims it was simply because the problem was so vast and so all-encompassing. The more he learned about it, the bigger and scarier it got, and he just couldn’t to put it down. Al Gore thinks there’s hope for humanity after all.
In the current rolling debate over whether we’re already the walking dead, given our presumptive too little, too late actions on climate change, Al Gore is boldly predicting victory in the latest issue of Rolling Stone.
“The forward journey for human civilization will be difficult and dangerous, but it is now clear that we will ultimately prevail,” writes Gore in his article, “The Turning Point: New Hope for the Climate.” “The truly catastrophic damages that have the potential for ending civilization as we know it can still — almost certainly — be avoided.” That’s a lot of clarity and certainty, especially for a magazine that just two years ago terrified us with an article by climate activist (and Grist board member) Bill McKibben called “Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math.”
That math pointed at fossil fuel companies as the primary culprits for coming destabilization. As for building a campaign against those companies, McKibben wrote, “we may have waited too long to start it.” 1. 2. SEIZE YOUR POWER L'énergie est en nous, exerçons notre pouvoir ! N’avez-vous jamais imaginé un avenir propre et prospère pour l’humanité et la planète ?
Pour nous, l’avenir peut, mais aussi doit, s’appuyer sur la nature. Les systèmes énergétiques mis en place dans les différentes régions du monde au cours des quatre prochaines années vont façonner l’itinéraire climatique que suivront les prochaines générations d’individus sur notre planète. Si le développement est un droit inaliénable pour chaque pays, c’est aujourd’hui et non demain qu’il nous faut investir dans des énergies propres et renouvelables afin de : lutter contre les changements climatiques dangereux, atténuer les risques occasionnés par les combustibles fossiles pour la santé humaine, améliorer de l’accès à l’énergie, sauvegarder notre avenir commun.
UN climate panel says beating climate change is possible and affordable. UN climate panel says beating climate change is possible and affordable April 13, 2014 at 11:02 - Berlin, 13 April 2014 – Fifteen Greenpeace Germany activists demonstrated at Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate today urging governments and businesses to deliver “Power to the People – Clean Energy Now” as the world´s leading climate and energy experts presented a new UN report showcasing the solutions to climate change. (1) At the end of its week-long meeting in Berlin, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that preventing catastrophic climate change requires an urgent and fundamental transformation of energy systems around the world.
The Panel says that although global emissions of greenhouse gases grew faster between 2000 and 2010 than in previous decades, renewable energy has expanded substantially and its costs have now fallen so dramatically that it is increasingly ready to displace old, polluting forms of energy.(2) Contact: Notes to Editors: Three reasons you shouldn’t lose hope on climate change.
Last week, Ezra Klein declared us all toast in his Vox blog post “7 reasons America will fail on climate change.”
He said that America had neither the will nor the way to do what’s required to stave off the worst of climate change’s threats. The key line in that piece for me was “This is climate change’s ugliest tradeoff: It pits our most fundamental economic goal against our core environmental imperative.” We’re too big to succeed, in other words, and we’re only really concerned right now with getting bigger. America is, as the kids say, thirsty when it comes to moving, buying, and selling products because C.R.E.A.M., but in ways that are too often incompatible with environmental protection and climate security (and civil/human rights too, but I digress). As a consequence, the planet is dying of that thirst, while we humans are dying to find out just how far we can stretch this carbon-intense living before climate change flushes us all out of the system. 1.
Wrote Klein: 2. 3. Make Me Care: Why not just call ‘Game Over’ on climate change?