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L'entrée et fin d'année

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Tel-jeunes. Paramètres de confidentialitéVérifie-les régulièrement pour protéger tes comptes Protège tes différents comptes en choisissant les paramètres de sécurité les plus élevés 🔏.


Vérifie aussi les paramètres de confidentialité une fois de temps en temps. Lors des mises à jour, ils reviennent automatiquement à une configuration par défaut, qui donne souvent un accès très large à ce que tu publies. Print Custom Sticky Notes with Google Slides. Post-it and other brands of sticky notes are put to good use everyday by teachers and students. The Post-it website has a page filled with resources for teachers, and they have a really cool iOS app for digitizing, sorting, and sharing square sticky notes. Those small pieces of paper that can be attached, easily removed, and repositioned can be even more useful when you print on them. While there is a printer designed to print sticky notes, you can send sticky notes through the printer you already have. You’ll need a template for printing, and I just so happen to have one for you.

Skip ahead to see loads of ideas for printed sticky notes. The template is in Google Slides. Think Before You Share. ICN. Creative Elementary School Counselor: I Can't Imagine Life Without ... Encouragez vos élèves à parler français : S'auto-surveiller (Partie B) - Parfaitement bilingue. The 7 Most Counterproductive Learning Habits and How to Fix Them. Collaboration and group initiation. The 6 Online Research Skills Your Students Need. 1.

The 6 Online Research Skills Your Students Need

Check Your Sources The Skill: Evaluating information found in your sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context The Challenge: While most kids know not to believe everything they read online, the majority also don’t take the time to fully evaluate their sources, according to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The same study showed that, on average, kids as young as 11 rate themselves as quite proficient Internet users, which may inflate their confidence.

The Solution: As a class, discuss the benchmarks for evaluating a website: currency (Is the information up to date?) 2. The Skills: Developing and refining search queries to get better research results. Edutopia. Our time is important. The kids that we teach are precious to us, and they need to know that our time together was worth it. So don’t just let the year end: Celebrate learning, celebrate the moments you’ve had, and savor the time you have left together. At the end of the race, we like to hear cheers, and when kids graduate, it’s a climactic event. Really, the end of every school year should be climactic. It should be exciting. 1. HabiloMédias. Pierre Trudeau Called It 'Absurd' That Canadians Must Be Alike. As Donald Trump prepares to move into the White House, a quote from a former Canadian prime minister advocating for diversity has found renewed relevance.

Pierre Trudeau Called It 'Absurd' That Canadians Must Be Alike

Pierre Elliott Trudeau championed his immigration policy in a 1971 speech to the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress, pointing out that there's "no such thing as a model or ideal Canadian. " He warned his Winnipeg audience that the "absurd" concept of an "all-Canadian' boy or girl" is nothing more than a “disastrous” ideological pursuit. Some academics called Trudeau’s progressive immigration policy one designed to both pacify the growth of Quebec nationalism and inject the country’s economy with fresh ambition and business opportunities. The senior Trudeau carried a similar theme from a 1969 speech he delivered in Washington, D.C. when he famously likened living next to the U.S. to “sleeping with an elephant.” “No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt,” he said.

4 stratégies pour finir l’année sur une note positive! Avec le long week-end de mai qui tire à sa fin, nous amorçons tous le dernier droit de l’année scolaire 15-16 dans nos écoles.

4 stratégies pour finir l’année sur une note positive!

Testing provincial, bulletins, voyages de fin d’année, spectacles de fin d’année, examens, soirée des finissants… Une panoplie de tâches et d’activités nous permettront de boucler la boucle sur une autre année scolaire mouvementée. Ce n’est pas le travail pour les adultes qui va manquer dans nos écoles dans les semaines à venir. Ça me rappelle ce que Dylan Wiliam avait dit lors d’une conférence portant sur l’évaluation formative. «L’école, c’est souvent un endroit où les élèves viennent pour voir les adultes travailler.» Students Email Their Parents About Missing Work. In my last blog post titled, “Stop Taking Grading Home,” I explained how I use the Station Rotation Model to provide students with real-time feedback as they work instead of taking grading home.

Students Email Their Parents About Missing Work

I had one teacher ask me what I do when a student arrives at my teacher-led station and has not done the work required. That’s a great question, so I wanted to share my very simple strategy with my readers. If students have fallen behind on a formal essay, large scale assignment, or project, I require that they begin their session with me at the teacher-led real-time feedback station by writing their parents an email to explain why they have not completed the work they were assigned.

They must CC me on the email, use the formal business letter format, and propose a specific action plan to catch up on their work. This strategy is so simple but so effective! The most rewarding part of this strategy are the conversations that take place between parents and their children. Faites de l'apprentissage une aventure. First Day of School Activities for Big Kids.

Le fabuleux destin d'une enseignante: Communication entre l'école et la maison (avec ressource gratuite) La communication ouverte entre l'école et la maison figure parmi les éléments les plus importants en enseignement afin d'assurer le bien-être et la réussite de l'élève.

Le fabuleux destin d'une enseignante: Communication entre l'école et la maison (avec ressource gratuite)

Comme enseignante, cette tâche occupe une grande portion de mon temps. La citoyenneté numérique copy1 copy1 by lynne.riutta on emaze. Pensées positives. Bring growth mindset to your students this year! What Having a “Growth Mindset” Actually Means. Andrew Nguyen/HBR STAFF Scholars are deeply gratified when their ideas catch on.

What Having a “Growth Mindset” Actually Means

And they are even more gratified when their ideas make a difference — improving motivation, innovation, or productivity, for example. But popularity has a price: people sometimes distort ideas, and therefore fail to reap their benefits. This has started to happen with my research on “growth” versus “fixed” mindsets among individuals and within organizations. To briefly sum up the findings: Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset. In the wake of these findings, “growth mindset” has become a buzzword in many major companies, even working its way into their mission statements.

I already have it, and I always have. Relief Teaching IdeasFolded Paper Bookmarks - Relief Teaching Ideas. Confessions of a Teaching Junkie: The BEST First Day Ever!