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10 Apps Teens are Using that Parents Need to Know Not all social apps are bad. Most of the apps our kids use are truly an extension of your child’s “real world” social life. For the most part, our kids talk to people they only talk to in “real life.” Students Email Their Parents About Missing Work In my last blog post titled, “Stop Taking Grading Home,” I explained how I use the Station Rotation Model to provide students with real-time feedback as they work instead of taking grading home. I had one teacher ask me what I do when a student arrives at my teacher-led station and has not done the work required. That’s a great question, so I wanted to share my very simple strategy with my readers. If students have fallen behind on a formal essay, large scale assignment, or project, I require that they begin their session with me at the teacher-led real-time feedback station by writing their parents an email to explain why they have not completed the work they were assigned. They must CC me on the email, use the formal business letter format, and propose a specific action plan to catch up on their work. This strategy is so simple but so effective!

Grid Games for Preschool Math Here are some new Grid Games I have added to go with the Themes, so all of the themes now have a grid game to go with them. Need directions for these games? Find directions and more grid games at this link! Elephant Grid Game 10 Spaces Elephant Grid Game 20 Spaces Lion Grid Game 10 Spaces Is Google Making Us Stupid? - Nicholas Carr Illustration by Guy Billout "Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave?” So the supercomputer HAL pleads with the implacable astronaut Dave Bowman in a famous and weirdly poignant scene toward the end of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Educational Technology / Digital Learining Digital Citizenship & Digital Literacy Big Question : “How can learners become critical assessors of digital resources and be responsible digital citizens?” Featured Digital Citizenship & Digital Literacy Resources Be Internet Awesome Google's Digital Safety Resources for the classroom and home. Print Custom Sticky Notes with Google Slides Post-it and other brands of sticky notes are put to good use everyday by teachers and students. The Post-it website has a page filled with resources for teachers, and they have a really cool iOS app for digitizing, sorting, and sharing square sticky notes. Those small pieces of paper that can be attached, easily removed, and repositioned can be even more useful when you print on them. While there is a printer designed to print sticky notes, you can send sticky notes through the printer you already have.

Sorting Colours with Cardboard Tubes learning 4 kids Loads of fun ideas for learning through play at home You are here: Home / Learning Play / Sorting Colours with Cardboard Rolls Sorting Colours with Cardboard Rolls Posted by Janice on October 2, 2012 20 Comments How to Keep iPad children safe online Has your child got an iPad from Santa? I may be an iPad teacher calling myself @iPadWells and running this blog on iPad use but I’m also a father of 2 daughters with all the normal excitement and fear that comes with that. One of my daughters soon reaches the magical double-figure age of 10 and there is talk of her maybe (insert usual “if she’s a good girl” rhetoric that usually gets ignored) having an iPad for her birthday.

First Day of School Activities for Big Kids Every time I mentioned Back to School on my Facebook page at least one person mentions that it can't possibly be time yet! I know, I know! It's much too soon...but the fact is that it's coming. In fact, a district a few miles away from me starts school THIS FRIDAY! Throughout the summer, I have been compiling some brilliant first day of school activities from around the blogosphere. Printing with bubble mitts I just love bubble wrap painting or printing. The texture and the designs that can be explored and created by using this material is wonderful. As part of our study on bubbles, we did a little printing with our homemade bubble mitts… We made our bubble mitts by folding over a rectangular length of bubble wrap and stapling the edges together – leaving an opening on one end of the mitt for a hand to fit through… At the table, the children found the bubble mitts, paint, paintbrushes, and paper… The children placed a bubble mitt over their hand, then used the other hand to paint over the mitt with any color or combination of colors they wished…

Pierre Trudeau Called It 'Absurd' That Canadians Must Be Alike As Donald Trump prepares to move into the White House, a quote from a former Canadian prime minister advocating for diversity has found renewed relevance. Pierre Elliott Trudeau championed his immigration policy in a 1971 speech to the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress, pointing out that there's "no such thing as a model or ideal Canadian." He warned his Winnipeg audience that the "absurd" concept of an "all-Canadian' boy or girl" is nothing more than a “disastrous” ideological pursuit. Some academics called Trudeau’s progressive immigration policy one designed to both pacify the growth of Quebec nationalism and inject the country’s economy with fresh ambition and business opportunities.

Activités pour le Préscolaire: Et tombe la pluie: bricolage météo tout en relief. I must admit that I did several tests and trials to arrive at this result. My first goal was to recreate a rain with a 3-dimensional effect. I tried different kinds of paper. I had sevral failures, but in the end, it worked and I'm really happy with results. The rain dropsand rain streak have a 3D texture. Je dois vous avouer que j'ai fait plusieurs tests pour en arriver à ce résultat. edutopia Our time is important. The kids that we teach are precious to us, and they need to know that our time together was worth it. So don’t just let the year end: Celebrate learning, celebrate the moments you’ve had, and savor the time you have left together. At the end of the race, we like to hear cheers, and when kids graduate, it’s a climactic event. Really, the end of every school year should be climactic.

Kindergarten Worksheets - Free Printables for Kindergarten Kindergarten worksheets are a great way to help your child practice core concepts and skills. Ours feature simple instructions and designs that appeal to both parents and teachers. Your kindergartener will practice and learn new letters, begin to write and read sight words, count, perform simple addition, and more. Kindergarten worksheets get your child to develop foundational skills for math, reading, writing, and more. Make the most of your kindergartener's worksheet time by following the suggestions below:

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